
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I doubt that any of you read this old thing anymore, but I just wanted to wish Jess, Winona, Sanja, and Bridget (and any possible followers/readers) a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's been too long. I hope you are all doing well and are enjoying life. If that isn't quite the case, well, here's to new beginnings!

Best Wishes,

How excited are you all about The Fault in our Stars? I can't wait. It'll be brilliant!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello? Is anybody there?

Dear fellow NEA bloggers,

This is an apology letter to you from Sanja written in the very early hours of a Thursday in August.

I have neglected you all over the past while and I don't feel proud of this. In fact, I'm a little ashamed. I would say that it's all because I'm too busy though I know that I usually have my own ways to find time. I hope that you will be able to forgive me and that we can get this here blog show up and running once again.

So, now, what have I been up to all this time?? Well, dear friends, let me tell you.

First and foremost, I graduated from high school (WHAT?!) I kind of still can't believe it myself. We had our whole commencement aka diploma-receiving ceremony thing. I got some scholarship money. We went to a prom banquet thing. It was all good fun. And then school ended. Forever.

But I didn't have any time to be sad or nostalgic or whatever about it because next thing I knew, I had a summer job and was earning a good sum of money for college! (Here's to hoping I don't have to get a job while studying :P )

Then along with the bajillion other Harry Potter nerds, I watched it all end. Indeed, I donned my Gryffindor apparel for the amazing midnight showing of an incredible movie. It was an amazing experience, which I relived one week later. Unlike many others though, I don't feel like it's the end. To me, Harry Potter is immortal. It lasts forever. And though I bawled my eyes out during the movie, none of those tears were fore the so-called "end of childhood" or "end of an era" or whatever. They were tears for Severus, Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Mad Eye, Hedwig, Dobby, and all the others who were killed protecting the wizarding world from evil.

Oh, and then I woke up early and got a Pottermore account. My username's AurorRiver16, which is really cool to me because it sounds like I'm River Song, the Auror. Doctor Potter FTW (yes, I just made that merger up. it's a thing now. Also severe is a thing now. that was severe.)

And then I went down on an impromptu trip through Washington and into Oregon. On our way back, I bought the unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook - guess who's making pumpkin pasties this weekend? 8D

And now, in one week, I'm leaving on a jet plane to move into the city where I'll be spending the next 4 or so years of my life in university - indeed, this is the same city that Jess visited earlier this year, so here's to hoping she comes and visits again! :D

And that's what you missed on "Sanja's Summer Life"

Sorry for the hiatus. Double sorry for the long post. Excited to read you all on a daily basis again (let's get posting, girls)!

Until next Thursday, this is AurorRiver16 signing out!

Current Mood Song: Ruckus by the Young International
Currently Reading: Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie
Today is awesome because: last day of work and leaving in one week xD

- Sanja

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Annica is posting on a Wednesday! D:

Hello, girls. It's currently 12:22 AM on a Wednesday as I write this. That's close enough to Tuesday, right?

I suppose that I'll fill you in with what's been going on in my life lately!~

1. Something I wrote was published in the book Dear Mr. Potter (if you haven't heard of it, then you should Google it). I know that it wasn't because it was actually good writing. I'm sure it was just published because I wrote about Fred and George. It's exciting anyway! I'm on page 200, if any of you have the book.

2. My best friend has been staying with me for almost a month now. She lives 1800 miles away, and I hadn't seen her in a year. It's been fun!

3. I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two (twice now). I saw the midnight premiere, unfortunately not at LeakyCon. My best friend and I dressed up as Fred and George. My step-dad was Charlie Weasley. His mom dressed as Mrs. Weasley. My other friend dressed up as Neville. It was really fun. The second time, I saw it with my other best friend and my mom. A boy in middle school sat right next to us and starting flirting with my friend. It was interesting. Post-potter depression hasn't kicked in yet, but I know that it's coming.

Welp, that's all for now. I hope you are all having a lovely summer. I know I am!~

Winona, it is possible that I will read you later today.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bridget is leeeeaving, on a jet plaaaaane

Yes that's right folks, I am packing up for a week to go and see my friends back in Holland! (: I am so excited I am ready to scream. Not having seen them in a year (other than over Skype occasionally, and Jordan IRL when he came here) has been super tough, but all of us are very excited to reunite. (Even if it is just for a week).

And when I'm there - I'm going to go and see....

Jess, I'll HOPEFULLY read you on Monday! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Annica almost forgets that today is Tuesday.

Well, it still is for me, anyway.

Hello, girls!~ How are you?

Did you know that two people have been found dead in my relatively small town this week? Of course you didn't. Anyway, one was a nineteen year old girl and one was a twenty-two year old boy. They were both found in the lake by my school. They are both thought to be suicide attempts.

That news, along with some other things in my life, made today not so great. I hope that everything in your lives are going better!~

But today is the day that John Green announced the title of his new book: The Fault in Our Stars. Yay!~

Talk to you later!!

Jess forgot that yesterday was Monday

Sorry! Summer is so confusing. And I normally remember when it is Monday because I watch Will's video on FiveTeenVloggers, but I CAN'T WATCH THE VIDEOS THIS WEEK. Sigh.


Hello! I was in Canada last week, and it was tons of fun. I think these pictures will pretty much sum up the experience.

...Maybe not. I have a lot of pictures.

So, how is everyone? I'm pretty good. Except, last night, I had a pretty huge revelation that is really making me question everything. Which might be another reason why I forgot to post. Probably.

I'm not sure what else to say. I'll let this speak for me:

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow! Err, today. Yeah.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Wow, NEA has been rather sparse of posts lately hasn't it? I know, it's my fault too. I haven't posted in weeks! I'd like to apologize for myself first, I've been extremely busy with exams and provincials (hence not only the no posts but no videos/tweet/generally internet updates). However, this Tuesday my exams are over (and Monday, Jordan is coming for 2 weeks!) and so MIS will make her grand return to the internet.

I'm going to guess that there are similar reasons why there haven't been many posts from anyone (SCHOOL, grrr...). I hope NEA can come back to it's usual, active self soon!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Annica is free!~

Hello, girls! Today is Tuesday.

Today was the last day of school for me. Hurray! I took my last two finals, and now I am free for two and a half months. It doesn't feel like school should be out, but it's not like I'm complaining. Good riddance. I've been ready for this day for months.

After school, I celebrated my freedom by watching A Goofy Movie. It's a good summer movie. :3

I actually have a busy summer for once in my life. On Saturday, my best friend who moved to Minneapolis last June is flying to Portland and staying with me for a month. The next Saturday, we have a party to go to. From July 5 to 9th, we'll be at a summer camp. Then, I'm going to my older sister's baby shower. On July 14th, I'll be seeing Harry Potter at midnight!~ In August, my other older sister is getting married, so I'll be going to South Carolina and some other places in the south-eastern US for a week or two. Then, we'll be celebrating my dad's fiftieth birthday. Summer ends with a new baby nephew (Vincent!) due on September 4th, and then it's back to school.

And that's not including all of the other odd things in between. For example, I'll be dying my hair for the first time within a few weeks. Ack! Busy, busy.

What is everyone else doing this summer? o:

Welp, my family is going out to dinner to celebrate the end of the year, so I better sashay off. Have a nice week!~

Currently Listening: California Dorks by Skyway Flyer
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Today was awesome because school is finally out.

Winona, I'll (maybe) read you tomorrow.

~ Annica

Monday, June 13, 2011


Hey girls, it's Monday!

I nearly forgot it was Monday, actually. School has been pretty crazy, but it's beginning to wind down now. Finally. It's not like Friday is our last day or anything. Anyway.

I'm really excited, because next week I'm going to Canada with my French class. It makes me sad knowing that I'll be in the same country as Bridget and Sanja, but still not actually any closer than I am currently. Because I'm going to Quebec and yeah.

I'm not sure what else to say, so here's the first of a series of videos that I've been obsessed with as of late. (I have a problem. I actually enjoy watching Hank play video games more than I enjoy playing them myself.)

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!


Thursday, June 2, 2011


I was about to start up yet another game of tetris when I realized, "Hey! It's Thursday!"

So hello there! Alas, I too have end-of-year-itis. My specific branch of this disease involves procrastinating on every assignment (more than usual that is), leaving bits of homework for the morning before school, and constantly daydreaming during class. This happens to some extent every year, but this year, it's gotten to a maximum as not only am I graduating in 2 weeks but because of my Advanced Placement (AP) courses, I now have a bajillion spare blocks! So I'm constantly in a lazy phase these days.

However! I am very proud to have started going to the gym amid this laziness! I am mega out of shape and have gained a little chub over the past few months during which I had major exams and basketball season ended, so I decided to start working out. It's a weird feeling because I hurt so much but I love it even more :D
Just knowing that this pain means I'm getting more toned paired with the extra bits of energy I have makes me super super happy!

Hmmm. Is there anything else worth mentioning? Well, I have a 6 to 10 page paper on Mao's China due on Monday which I have not started yet. That should be fun. And commencement (when we all trot along in grad gowns to accept our diplomas) is next weekend. And Grad Banquet is the weekend after. And that all makes me extremely happy.

So, what have we determined? Sanja is lazy, is finally exercising, and is very happy. Sounds good enough for me, so without further blabber, I wish you a great week and good luck on any final exams you girls might have in the next couple of weeks. And ummm...yeah. Bridget, I'll hopefully read you tomorrow :)

Current Mood Song: Best Spot in the Lot (Nice Peter)
Currently Reading (well, re-reading): Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Today is awesome because: I did well on both my tests and had a great workout :D

- Sanja

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Annica talks briefly about school.

Hello, it's Tuesday!~

It's been a very busy two weeks here on Nerdily Ever After. And by busy, I mean that Jess is the only one who posted in ten days. Thank you, Jess. You're lovely.

How are y'all?

The school year should be wrapping up for all of us, so how about we make that our theme this week.

I think that I'm getting what I like to call end-of-the-year-itis. Basically, I don't want to do anything in my classes anymore. Homework? Pff. No.

Today, I had a presentation in my health class. We're doing our presentations in order of class rank, so I was first. I did okay, I think. My teacher wasn't clear at all on what to do, so I made a few mistakes, but that's alright.

This school year has been okay. It hasn't been my favourite, but I've grown a lot. It's been...interesting. Next year will be better.

Anyway, tell me about your school!~

Currently Playing: Future Reflections by MGMT
Currently Reading: nothing D:
Today was awesome because of LATE START.

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!

Have a nice week, ladies!

- Annica

Monday, May 23, 2011

Oh, hi.

(Interpret and bend this theme to whatever you want to talk about.)

Friday, May 13, 2011


^ Anyone remember these CD's? Anywhoozle, sorry about my absence recently, but let's jump right in! Like Sanja, I have no idea what is going to come up on here because I usually just listen to my iPod!

1. Disorganized Fun - Ronald Jenkees
Not surprised this is #1. Ronald Jenkees is pure legend. As is this song!

2. In One Ear - Cage the Elephant
This has such a great bass line and beat, it's a really rocker.

3. Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root
I love this song because: 1. The natural feel to it 2. It's "our" (Jordan and I) song.

4. Sleepyhead - Passion Pit

5. Phamous - Midi Mafia
Maybe it's Shay Carl that made me love this song, or the fact that it's so fun to dance to, but it's great!

6. Come on! Come on! - Morgan Laurence

7. Dear June - Nickasaur!
What a cute song, very electronic but the lyrics are just adorable.

8. Vie En Rose - Pomplamoose
Quand je ecoute les chansons Francais- mmmm. Il y n'a pas les mots.

9. Sleepyhead (Stripped Down Version) - Passion Pit
This song reminds me of Holland. Don't ask me why - I don't know.

10. I'd Rather Dance With You - Kings of Convenience
Somebody on Omegle actually recommended this band to me, and I love them. It's such a groove.

11. Ever So Slightly - The Title
Another completely electro song, but really catchy chorus.

12. Here It Goes Again - OK GO

13. 00 Gringo - Urban Delights
This was my jam for the longest time, still kind of is. I love the grudge feel.

14. Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
Imogen Heap is both a lyrical and melodic genius.

15. Hey, Soul Sister - Train
WHAT? NON INDIE MUSIC?  Yes, this is mainstream. Still good though!

17. Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
I hope to see them, they are supposedly coming to my town. That would be such a jam!

18. Club Villain - Your Favorite Martian
This is such a great song. Listen to the lyrics! SO funny.

19. Kids - MGMT
Current jam. The beat is delicious.

20. Electric Feel - MGMT
Another MGMT song - another yummy beat.

21. Older Brother - Pepper Rabbit
This song always makes me cry. Every time.

22. Neptune - Ronald Jenkees

23. Alors on Danse - Strome
Le francais!

24. Expiration Date - Pomplamoose
Another Pomplamoose song - one of the coolest bands ever.

25. Ain't No Rest for the Wicked - Cage the Elephant
And finishing this list off with a really groovy song.

Current Mood Song: Kids - MGMT
Currently Reading: School textbooks ;(
Today is awesome because I spent it at home watching Pokemon.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A trip down memory lane - music style

Hey there everyone! I'm coming at you at mid-day today; isn't that odd? Well, I've got a spare so I figured I may as well get my post up sooner than later :)

So, while my iTunes takes its sweet time to open, I think it's worth mentioning that I have no idea what is going to come up on here because I usually just listen to iTunes on shuffle and honestly, I rarely do listen to it at all. It's always on the iPod!

Alright, well it looks like it's about ready so let's get this started :D

1.Grace Kelly (Mika)
Hmm. Didn't expect this to be first. I honestly didn't think I listened to it that much...this should be interesting..

2. Papa Don't Preach (Glee Version)
LOL. OH GLEE!! I did enjoy this song from Season 1 and quite frankly I enjoy many of the Glee covers. I mean, they even managed to make Rebecca Black's song sound alright

3. Watch This Space (Britannia High TV Cast)
Oh yeah, so last year I got really into this British TV show called Britannia High. It was pretty much like Glee except a lot happier and cheesier and starred Mitch Hewer as one of the main guys which is what initially got me interested because I just loved him in skins ( <3 Maxxie)

4. Wake Up (Britannia High TV Cast)
Another Britannia High song and probably my favourite. Or at least it's got my fav quote: "Take a breath like the world is out of oxygen and use it just to laugh"

5. Proud (Britannia High TV Cast)
Oh my, now I'm thinking that this top 25 is more accurate of myself a year ago when I was obsessing over this show. I love the songs, but I don't think I've listened to them that much in the last while

LOL. This song just amuses me so much :)

7. Hard (Rihanna ft. Young Jeezy)
Wouldn't have thought that this made the list, although it is a cool song

8. Chain (Back-On)
Also known as the theme song for the anime Air Gear. I got really into this anime and manga a while ago and they have an awesome song

9. Tik Tok (Ke$ha)
HAHA! Kesha. Truth be told, I do enjoy her music. It gets me pumped :D

10. Ravers Fantasy (Tune Up)
This is an all techno/electronic song and I really like it

11. Your Man (Down With Webster)
My fav line from this song: She's as hard as AC/DC, she gets my thunder struck :P

12. Give Him Up (Faber Drive)
It's an alright song. I don't think it's amazing. I honestly don't know how it made the list

13. Defying Gravity (Glee Cast Version)
This song is good on its own but I really enjoyed how they did it on Glee

14. Waking Up in Vegas (Katy Perry)
's cool. Don't know what else to say. Didn't think it was a top 25 but whatevs

15. Body to Body (Britannia High TV Cast)
LOVE THIS SONG! It's another Britannia High one but yeah, it's just AWESOME

16. Jam (Michael Jackson)
I am a huge Michael Jackson fan. I think his music is just so amazing no matter what anyone says about his personal life

17. They Don't Really Care About Us (Michael Jackson)
Another Mike Jackson favourite <3

18. Anonimna (Slobodan Vasic)
Oh yeah. So, I'm Serbian if ya didn't know. And this is one of my favourite Serbian songs :P

19. The Con (Tegan and Sara)
I used to listen to Tegan and Sara A LOT! But now, it's sorta faded out of my life. Except for their newish song "I Feel it in my Bones"

20. Jump (Van Halen)
This song makes me happy :D

21. Grease is the Word (The Bee Gees)
I LOVE Grease. It is one of my favourite movies and John Travolta is so awesome in it!

22. Shipwrecked (Chameleon Circuit)
YAY CHAMELEON CIRCUIT! I'm surprised that more of these songs aren't on here because I honestly don't listen to this one that much. I really like Count the Shadows, Blink, and An Awful Lot of Running the most

23. True Colours (Glee Cast Version)
I really really like this song. Again, I love Glee and I thought they performed it well

24. Like a Virgin (Glee Cast Version)
HA! This song makes me laugh and I really like it

25. D.A.N.C.E. (Justice)
Ohhhh, that's a classic. I don't think you can have a partay without this song :D

LOL, so this was a funny experience because as I predicted, these songs don't really reflect what I listen to now. These would be the playlist of my former grade 11 January of 2010 self, who was obsessed with Britannia High and Glee. Don't get me wrong, I still love all these songs but since last year, I've downloaded more music by Alex Day, ALL CAPS, MoM, Charlie McDonnell, Nice Peter, and Starkid which definitely would have made the list if I had actually played 'em on iTunes :P

But chyeah, that was that! Read ya tomorrow, Bridget :)

- Sanja

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Winona turns it up really loud!

Hey girls,
I love this theme, Jess!
I'm going to annotaded version, too :)
  1. Robots in Disguise – Turn It Up
  2. Probably my favourite song to listen to in the past months, it's so happy :)
  3. Robots in Disguise – I Live In Berlin
  4. Same with this one + it mentions my hometown :)
  5. Leathermouth – Leviathan
  6. Favourite song to listen to when I'm sad/mad/angry!
  7. My Chemical Romance – Planetary (GO!)
  8. When MCR released "Danger Days" this was instantly my favourite song off the record, it's such an intense feeling when they play it live!
  9. Robots in Disguise – Girl
  10. Again RiD, I love this song because it's so feministic!
  11. Robots in Disguise – Wake Up!
  12. My alarm-clock-tune!
  13. Mindless Self Indulgence – Shut Me Up
  14. This has been my all-time favourite of MSI for ages!
  15. My Chemical Romance – Vampire Money
  16. Also one of the new MCR songs, speaking up against the whole Twilight stuff and the whole commerce of it.
  17. My Chemical Romance – Party Poison
  18. Another great song off "Danger Days"
  19. 分島花音 – Kajitsu No Keikoku (Japan)
  20. The singer is called Kanon Wakeshima and she has such a beautiful angelic voice!
  21. Porcelain Black – This Is What Rock N Roll Looks
  22. I'm a big fan of Alaina Beaton since Porcelain and the Tramps and her new solo project is just as great!
  23. The Libertines – Tomblands
  24. The Libertines are on of my favourite bands, I saw Pete Doherty live last month, it was incredible. This is one of my fave Libertines songs.
  25. Robots in Disguise – The Sex Has Made Me Stupid
  26. Ooh, RiD again...
  27. Hundreds – Happy Virus
  28. My friend introduced me to that band and this song is great, it's chilling.
  29. Kate Bush – Wuthering Heights
  30. Haha, I LOVE this song, believe it or not. I got to know it some months ago while watching this video. (ILOVEHIM!)
  31. Ke$ha – Chain Reaction
  32. How did that even get into this ranking, crap!
  33. My Chemical Romance – Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
  34. Another song off the record "Danger Days", the first song that got released so of course I had it on repeat for ages!
  35. Paloma Faith – Smoke & Mirrors
  36. I just recently discovered her great music!
  37. The Libertines – Can't Stand Me Now
  38. My FAVOURITE song of the Libertines EVER!
  39. Ke$ha – Your Love Is My Drug
  40. ... Ew
  41. Mindless Self Indulgence – Due
  42. I became addicted to this song and annoyed my mum by playing it EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  43. Avenged Sevenfold – Demons
  44. The only song by AX7 I really like!
  45. Lena - Taken by a stranger
  46. Lena won the Eurovision Song Contest last year! I don't like her but this song is quite catchy!
  47. My Chemical Romance – Bulletproof Heart
  48. Such a nice song off "Danger Days", one of my faves!
  49. The Libertines – Up The Bracket
  50. Classic Libertines song that's been on repeat for weeks when I rediscovered my Libertines playlists.

    Read you tomorrow, Sanja <3

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    Annica's music!~

    Oh hai. It's Tuesday.

    I apologize for not posting last week. I haven't even seen A Very Potter Sequel yet. Blasphemy!~

    On to the theme ---

    This is actually an inconvenient week for this theme. I am currently in the process of updating all of my music (meaning, I went on a deleting spree this weekend), so a lot of artists repeat on my list.


    Nobody, Not Even the Rain by La Dispute
    Such Small Hands by La Dispute
    Howl by Florence and the Machine
    Dust Bowl Dance by Mumford and Sons
    The Cave by Mumford and Sons
    Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club
    My Baby by Ministry of Magic
    Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine
    Lupin's Tale by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
    Wild World (Skins Version) by Cat Stevens
    Young Folks by Peter, Bjorn, and John
    Kiss With a Fist by Florence and the Machine
    Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons
    Fall Down and Never Get Back Up Again by La Dispute
    An Awful Lot of Running by Chameleon Circuit
    Hermione's Song (You and Me) by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
    Timshel by Mumford and Sons
    Exterminate, Regenerate by Chameleon Circuit
    Ginny from A Very Potter Musical
    Blinding by Florence and the Machine
    Dumbledore (Dynamite Parody) by Alex Carpenter
    For Emma by Bon Iver
    Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up) by Florence and the Machine
    Why by Let's Lumos
    Lovegood by Ministry of Magic

    I'm actually surprised by some of them. For example, I do not listen to A Very Potter Musical very often at all. I don't know how that made the list. Maybe I just don't notice that I'm listening to it. I don't know.

    I would have annotated this like Jess, but I've got to go do To Kill a Mockingbird homework. Ack!~

    Winona, I will read you tomorrow!

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    Jess... was going to quote Starship but thought that might be too excessive

    This week's theme is something that I find really interesting. Also, it doesn't require much effort, really. What're your top 25 most played songs?

    Jess's Top 25 Most Played Songs (Annotated Edition)

    1. PUSH - Rich Aucoin
    Rich Aucoin is amazing. This isn't my favorite song by him, but I do love it a lot.

    2. Shortwave Part 1 [Alan Lastufka/Luke Conard Cover] - Mike Lombardo
    This is my favorite cover of...

    3. Shortwave, Part 1 - Alan Lastufka & Luke Conard favorite song. Ever. Not just on Erase This.

    4. Touchin On My - 3OH!3
    Oh, the shame. I have no explanation.

    5. The Time of Your Life - Alex Day
    This was the first Alex Day song I ever really liked. Later, I got into all of his music. But I still remember the day that this music video came out.

    6. Dear Diary - The Parselmouths
    I'm never sure what to say when people ask what my favorite wrock song is. Sometimes I say this song, because it is my most played wrock song. (Other times I say Seven Shadows by Ministry of Magic, which is probably more true.)

    7. Boxcar Blood - Alan Lastufka & Luke Conard
    Fun fact - I sang this in my music class this year. This is the only song on Erase This that really fits my voice. So.

    8. Kids - Sleigh Bells
    Yay! The first Sleigh Bells song!

    9. Behind Your Eyes - Skyway Flyer
    This is by far my favorite song that Jason has ever made under the name Skyway Flyer, and it makes me sad that it doesn't get a lot of attention.

    10. Straight A's - Sleigh Bells
    Second Sleigh Bells song. Not much to say. Just a ton of epic awesomeness.

    11. However Far Away - Ministry of Magic
    For a long time, I never even really liked this song at all. But then it randomly came on shuffle - and as many songs do - and promptly became one of my favorite songs.

    12. Spotlight (Twilight Mix) - Mutemath
    Yeah... This is from the Twilight Soundtrack. I know, I know. But seriously, I like the song.

    13. Abby Never [YouTube Version] - Mike Lombardo
    I'm 98% sure that this is the first Mike Lombardo song that I ever bought. Which is exciting.

    14. Hurricane - Panic! at the Disco
    Dude. I love this song. (Why is this becoming less and less eloquent?)

    15. Superman - Rich Aucoin
    This is my favorite song by Rich Aucoin, and the first song that I will recommend if you ask me to name a good song you've never heard of. (That's only if you already know about DFTBA/wrock/trock/etc. But yeah anyway.)

    16. Thanks, Earthquake - Driftless Pony Club
    I'm not even sure that this is my favorite DPC song, but it's SO SO good.

    17. Making A Scene - Alan Lastufka & Luke Conard
    I don't even listen to this song that often, but I'm pretty sure it's on the list because I attempt to follow Alan's wishes. He wants people to listen to Erase This in order. As this is the first song on the album, I've played it many times because I attempt to listen to Erase This all the way through.

    18. Summer of '09 - ALL CAPS
    I've been thinking about it, and I think that this is my favorite song by my favorite band. Yeah. I've never been sure what my favorite ALL CAPS song was, but I think this is it.

    19. World of Warcraft Ruined My Life - ALL CAPS
    Ahahaha, this song is brilliant.

    20. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
    Woah, what? Mainstream stuff that I'm not ashamed of? Cool.

    21. Infinity Guitars - Sleigh Bells
    This was my first Sleigh Bells song. I hear this song being used in commercials all the time. Whenever I do, I yell out, "SLEIGH BELLS!" and my parents look at my like I'm insane. Which lately isn't that unusual.

    22. Goodbye Privet Drive - Ministry of Magic

    23. Let's Kill Tonight - Panic! at the Disco
    I gave this song a 9.4/10 when I reviewed it on my blog, and I still agree with what I said there. Yep.

    24. Addiction - Dr. Noise
    This is the only song by Dr. Noise that I have. Which is surprising, and needs to be changed.

    25. "From Now On We Are Enemies" - Fall Out Boy
    I find it really funny that this is the only Fall Out Boy song on the list. If I had done thing a year and a half ago, it would be the exact opposite. Oh, how I have changed.

    And there you go! I'm hoping to create a list of my top 10 favorite bands soon, and put that up on my personal. I was going to do that today, but then I fell asleep. I've kind of become like a baby, because if I sit somewhere for too long without doing anything mentally stimulating, I will fall asleep. Do babies do that? I feel like they do.

    Oh! If any of you (other girls and/or followers) have Tumblr, you should follow me. My blog there is pretty much my brain in internet form.

    Lastly, can everyone please sign this? There's a bill that might be passed soon in Uganda that would make being LGBT a crime worthy of execution. And that's really scary. If there isn't a huge international public outcry, this horrible thing is going to be passed.

    Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

    Thursday, May 5, 2011


    Hey there,

    So before I begin spazzing about how incredible Starship is, I just wanted to remind everyone that it's Hanko de Mayo! Did you guys send Hank stuff? I unfortunately did not get a chance too, but I did watch him open a bunch of the stuff and it looked awesome :)

    But anyways, I'm so glad that this week's theme is Starship because that's what I wanted to write about anyways :P

    So, yeah, I LOVED IT! I thought it was SOOO FUNNY! And the songs were really good (Darren Criss, though you were not in it, you definitely left your mark)! And WHO MADE THOSE PUPPETS?? They're so cool!! And OMG JOEY RICHTER IS AMAZING! AND OMG LAUREN LOPEZ WAS HILARIOUS! AND OMG THEY WERE ALL JUST SO GOOD!!! * hyperventilates*

    Hokay. I'm going to cool it down now. I was just very impressed, and of course I've already watched it about 4 times :/

    Anyways, let's get to the questions:

    Favourite Character = Taz - I would say Bug because he's the main character and I adore Joey Richter, but Taz was just SO funny. If they did a spin-off with just her, I'd be watching :P

    Favourite Song = Kick it up a Notch - This was really really hard to choose because they were all really good and got stuck in my head (especially I Wanna Be, Get Back Up, Hideous Creatures, The way I do, and Beauty - wow, Sanja, way to just list pretty much all the songs..) But yeah, when Brian Holden came out with sunglasses and gun and all, this got bumped up to my favourite

    Favourite Quote = when Taz is listing to Up all the things he did that were tough and she says, "And that time you taught me calculus..CALCULUS WAS TOUGH!!"

    There were just so many hilarious moments though(Taz - "Oh, oh! DON'T throw a knife at you. Okay."; February - "Ew, fuzzy legs! What is this? France?, LOL or MEGAGIRL: "Cool it you do not know me skank.")

    Favourite Scene = can't decide, but I'm going to join up Act 1 Parts 4 and 5 and call that my favourite. The introduction of all those characters was really funny and entertaining and I love that song :)

    But yes, that's it for now. And yes, Starship is playing in the background as I type :)

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts tomorrow, Bridget!

    Current Mood Song: Get Back Up (from Starship)
    Currently Reading: The Book of Revenge: a Blues for Yugoslavia
    Today is awesome because: I finished my second last AP exam and am finally stress-free :D

    - Sanja

    P.S. Did anyone notice Joey's face as February is making out with the Bug puppet? Made me laugh. A LOT. xD

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    Jess wants to be a Starship Ranger

    Hey girls, it's Monday!

    ...Yes, this week's theme is Starship. If you have yet to see it, try to find a spare 3-4 hours, and start watching it:

    So I have a few questions pertaining to Starship:

    *Favorite character?
    *Favorite song?
    *Favorite quote?
    *Favorite scene?

    My favorite character is either Bug or Tootsie Noodles, but I think that I'm going to go with Tootsie Noodles, because his name is just amazing. I've been rambling on about Tootsie Noodles. You know how he changes his name towards the end to Tootsie Mega-girl? I saw this amazing comment on the last scene, saying that his name is now Mega-girl Mega-girl. Because the second name is what you love, and the first name is what you DO.

    ...I died. I died laughing. Even my friend Jen, who has never even heard of Starkid before, died laughing.

    My favorite song is probably Status Quo, though I also really like Get Back Up. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of Lauren Lopez? Because, seriously. She's just so freaking amazing.

    My favorite quote was said by Up. "Damn that G.L.E.E.! They're always making twisted abominations of everything!" I didn't even notice it the first time I saw this scene, and then when I went back and watched it again, I died laughing. This musical makes me die frequently.

    My favorite quote was in my favorite scene, Act 2 Scene 7.

    If anyone reading this has yet to see Starship, you need to go do that. Nao pl0x. Kthnxbi.

    Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    EGYPTIAN WAR...and a bunch of wishes

    Before I begin, I should clarify that Egyptian War is a new card game I learned a couple weeks ago, not some sort of political statement or anything like that. It's just a very fun, loud, slap-tastic card game :)

    Alright then. I'm writing this late at night, so let's get right to the chase. My wishes, as per the awesome Bridget theme, are:

    Physical Self:
    1. To always have clear skin
    2. To always have smooth legs, arms, etc. so that I never have to wax or shave again!
    3. To always be fit! I'd love a metabolism that would just take care of the food I put in there without any work myself (because I'm lazy - it's not my best trait)

    Personal Life:
    1. To be more active in my everyday life - just to get everything done as soon as possible, to go out more, to take more risks, etc. etc
    2. To never have to worry about money stopping me from being happy
    3. To find a soul mate (not necessarily right away, just by the time I'm 25 would be nice :P )

    1. That my brother keeps excelling and reaches his goals in competitive swimming, technology, and all his passions
    2. That my parents finally get that mining company they've been talking about so they can retire early and happy
    3. For all my family over seas and here get a huge mansion equipped with everything we need to keep us happy together for the rest of our lives - maybe an island would do :P

    The Globe:
    1. For all the hate to stop. There's no reason for hate - really guys, why hate and battle and war?
    2. For every curable disease to be cured everywhere around the world, and for every person to be properly nourished
    3. For access to education for every person

    Well, that's that. I hope you don't mind that parts of that were all too cheesy. I always have a problem with these types of things because on the one hand I want to come up with all the fun ridiculous things like "I wish for every person in the globe to get free apple accessories because everyone should look cool". But on the other hand, I can't help being the boring practical type who says "let's get real guys! If a genie came up to me, I gotta ask him for money because once he's gone, I'm gonna need to support myself!" So I hope that this was at least mildly interesting to read considering that I leaned more towards the serious side.

    Anyways, great theme Miss Bridget, and I can't wait to hear your own thoughts about the matter!

    Current Mood Song: Best Spot in the Lot (Nice Peter)
    Currently Reading: The Book of Revenge: A Blues for Yugoslavia (by Dragan Todorovic)
    Today is awesome because I almost beat my friend at a game of Egyptian War

    - Sanja

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    Annica is rather late on this post.

    Hello, girls. It's Tuesday. Wait. Wednesday.

    I hope that you don't mind (especially you, Winona) that I'm posting this a day late and on somebody else's day. Yesterday I came home from school and passed out and when I woke up at around nine in the evening, I had to do homework.

    So, Bridget had a theme this week. It's about wishes!~ I always overthink questions like this so much, but I'll do my best. :3

    Physical Self:
    1. I wish to be stronger.
    2. I wish to never have acne again.
    3. I wish that my hair would always look nice.

    Personal Life:
    1. I wish that I won't procrastinate anymore.
    2. I wish that I believed in myself more.
    3. I wish that I could be artistic.

    1. I wish that my family was emotionally sound.
    2. I wish that I was closer with my brothers and sisters.
    3. I wish that I could make friends easier.

    The World:
    1. I wish that people were literate.
    2. I wish that people were more empathetic and less ignorant.
    3. I wish that people thought more about the well being of others.

    Welp, that's it. I have to go take another nap and do nothing today (I'm sick D:).

    Winona, I will not read you tomorrow because tomorrow is Thursday and because you already posted.

    ~ Annica



    Hey girls,

    yes, long time no talk huh? I’m very very sorry I didn’t update in the past weeks. I had quite a huge down because of all my exams and school and private stuff, but it’s all better now and I’m going to post regularly again!

    This week’s theme, which came from Bridget this time, involves wishes and I actually discussed wishes with a group of friends last week and we talked about what things we would wish for so I have collected some inspirations (:

    physical self:

    1. I wanna get rid of my bad skin!!
    2. Blonde hair again!
    3. I don’t want to have to shave my legs everyday anymore! xD

    personal life:

    1. I wanna live in a house, not a flat anymore!
    2. Do better in school!
    3. Stop doing things I shouldn’t do!


    1. I want my parents to stop fighting everyday
    2. Stop my best friend from doing things she shouldn’t do
    3. Get my family closer together again


    1. more tolerance, acceptance and less ignorance
    2. better politicians that actually stick to what they promise

    And that would be my only wishes (:

    Can’t wait to read yours tomorrow, Sanja!


    Friday, April 22, 2011


    I procrastinated writing this post!
    Welcome to ProcrastinationVille, the land where nothing gets done. Queen? Bridget. She procrastinates so bad that this post is likely to take her about twenty times as long as it's supposed to.

    Okay, first of all websites that I procrastinate on:
    1) Facebook/Twitter/Youtube - DERP.
    2) Neopets - Don't judge me, I still play.
    3) Digg - I will go on here and read random articles.
    4) Robot Unicorn Attack - YES.

    Honestly, if I think of something random I'm curious about, I'll look it up and that'll lead to something else which will lead to another thing and next time I look up four hours will have gone by. ;(

    Jess - 13000 seconds on NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN. Do the math: 3.61111111 hours of NYAN. I think I hold the current championship trophy, who dares defeat me?

    And yes, I just procrastinated on writing this post by making that trophy. Epic win? I believe so.
    Okay, now here is the topic for next week, if I may pick it (I figure Jess needs a break from doing so, however amazing her topics are each week): You find a genie and it will grant you 12 wishes, however there is a catch:
    3 of them have to be something to do with your physical self.
    3 of them have to be something to do with your personal life.
    3 of them have to be something to do with people you know (family/friends).
    3 of them have to be something to do with the world around you.

    Hope that makes sense. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. Jess, I'll read you on Monday! (:

    Current Mood Song: Stray Cats - Stray Cat Strut
    Currently Reading: Nothing at the moment... Any suggestions?
    Today is awesome because: It's a LONG WEEKEND YAYA.

    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Annica is procrastinating as she writes this.

    Oh hai. It's Tuesday.

    I'm just sitting here watching Raising Hope and not doing my English homework because I hate the book we had to read.

    Oh, what a coincidence!~ This week's theme is PROCRASTINATION. If you didn't know, I happen to be a PRO at procrastination. Seriously. See, it's nine-thirty and I have about an hour of homework still to do (ha! homework. as if). You would think that I would have bad grades going on like this, but I have straight A's!

    I tried nyan cat today. I only got to around 2000 seconds or something. It's easily ignorable, actually. I didn't pay attention to it. Is that cheating? Not paying attention.

    Unfortunately, I do not have any entertaining websites or other forms of procrastination to share with you. My usual forms of procrastination include various websites and watching TV. I especially am enjoying Twitter right now.

    Yeah, okay. I really need to go do my homework now. And take get ready for bed. Lololol. Procrastination.

    Before I scuttle off, I would like to have a moment of remembrance for Elisabeth Sladen, who passed away today. For those of you who don't know, she played Sarah Jane Smith on Doctor Who and Sarah Jane Adventures. She will be sorely missed, but she will be remembered as the lovely woman that she was.

    “The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it’s a world, or a relationship… Everything has its time. And everything ends.” -- Sarah Jane Smith

    Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.

    Monday, April 18, 2011

    Jess is insane and would very much like to distract you

    This week's theme is procrastination! Warning: If you have any sort of assignment or something to do, do not keep reading this post. You will be distracted forever. Seriously.

    (I love how I'm warning you, as if you'll actually listen.)

    Nearly everyone procrastinates, and I guarantee you that the five of us do. (Particularly Annica and I. *cough*)

    What's really interesting to me is how people procrastinate. Lately for me, it's been watching Hank Plays Portal videos...

    Also, this amazing thing called NON-STOP NYAN CAT!

    It's just... Gah.

    A few new internet friends and I are participating in this "sport" to see who will last the longest. We've all become insane after doing this for 30+ minutes. Now everyone's just tweeting at certain points, like whenever they reach a milestone number. (1111.1 was a big one, and now 2011.0... I can't wait until we get to 4242 xD)

    DEER GOD. Now Adam (one of the aforementioned new internet friends) just remembered that he doesn't have school tomorrow and therefore can just leave the page running all day tomorrow. I CAN NEVER LIVE UP TO THIS.

    Click this link IF YOU DARE.

    This is all keeping me from working on my essay on Buckminster Fuller that's due Wednesday. If you're a fan of Driftless Pony Club, as I am, this is particularly awesome, as DPC wrote their most recent album entirely about this guy. So yeah.

    Also, everyone is harassing Mike Lombardo on twitter. That's what he gets for asking us to guess his weight and class rank.

    Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Decisions Decisions Decisions!

    Jess, I can honestly say I know exactly what it feels like to have to deal with life-changing decisions - I'm going through a few myself right now. Obviously, I can't give specific advice to your situation, but I'll try to help out with my personal approach.

    So, as I'm trying to decide between different choices, I first take note of my gut feeling. Without really thinking about any consequences, I try to see what my emotions are telling me - where would I be happy? What would I be happy doing?

    Then, I create a list of pros for each separate choice. With these lists, I like to try to categorise different aspects of the decision so that I can compare the choices. So, for instance, in this whole uni thing, I have various categories like: Academics, Community/City, Friends, Financials, Internship Opportunities, etc. etc. By writing the merits of each potential decision, you can compare and see which one's better in what ways.

    Of course, after a pro's list come the cons. And again, compare.

    After doing whatever necessary research and compiling the objective comparison notes, I can see what decision may make more sense on paper. What might be more logical. But then, I think about it from a more subjective view. Depending on the decision, you may have to ask yourself, how is this going to affect those around me? My family? My friends?

    And ultimately, you have to weigh everything. Some aspects of the decision will be more important than others and weighing them is probably the hardest part, but once you've done that there's just one last step.

    Go back to your gut. Now that you've thought about the consequences of the decision - good and bad - you should understand your own situation a bit better which means you can make an informed decision. Go with what you feel would be best for you. In the end, no matter what it may do to others or how risky a situation it may be, if it's what's best for you, then you've gotta take up the opportunity. 'Follow your heart" is a cliche for a reason: because it's true.

    I know this is all very roundabout and you don't have to take my advice at all, but it's the best way that I know how to go about these things.

    So, I wish you luck with your decision-making and I'm sure if you listen to your true emotions, you'll make the right choice.

    Bridget, can't wait to hear from you tomorrow :)

    Current Mood Song: Listen to Your Heart (DHT)
    Currently Reading: Hamlet by Shakespeare
    Today is awesome because: another uni acceptance, two new bags, and David Tennant version of Hamlet (here is a link to a playlist of the whole thing, watch it, seriously. It is such an amazing play. And David Tennant is the most awesome person ever:

    - Sanja

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Annica and decisions.

    Hello!~ Today is Tuesday.

    Jess, I don't ever think I've had to make a really life changing decision. You'd think that if I did, I'd remember it. Most everything in my life is decided by other people, my parents, teachers, etc. So, I don't know if I'll answer this probably.

    I'm sure that when I am faced with a life changing decision, I will either act impulsively or over think every minute detail. That seems to be how I make decisions everyday. The way I would suggest others to handle it, however, would be much more mature. I think that the proper think to do is to spend some time thinking it over. Think about how your decision will affect you and the people around you. Which will be better overall? I'd suggest to think about the pros and the cons of both sides, and to really consider each position. There is a difference between over thinking and considering your options, so I wouldn't want everyone to spend every waking minute and think of every single possibility and hypothetical consequence of your decision.

    I hope that everything is going well with you and that you will end up making the right choice. I'm sure that you will.

    Currently Playing: The Scientist by Coldplay
    Books Read: 15/52
    Today was awesome because Doctor Who references on local book store posters and an upcoming baby nephew in September.

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Life-Changing Decisions

    I really wanted to write a good post this week, especially after I missed writing a post last week for the first time ever, but I... can't.

    I'm kind of in the middle of making a life-changing decision right now. It's very stressful. I'm so, so nervous, and I can't even talk to anyone about it.

    So, this week, a question for you:

    Have you ever recognized when a decision was going to permanently change your life, and how did you handle it?

    Annica, I'll read you tomorrow.


    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Bridget's puppy is whining next to her right now.

    Hello girls. This comes to you from the bed of Bridget, where she is lying at 10:41 pm writing this and trying to ignore her puppy in his crate who is trying to get her attention (as puppies do - whine whine whine).
    So the lovely theme is "our week". Well, my week has pretty good, although too long. I was traveling all weekend (hence no post last week for me, sorry!) and got back Sunday. I was so sick feeling that I slept for 6 hours mid-day. And then back to school. School seemed to drag on and on!

    The best thing about this week though was getting little Cooper Pooper (who does indeed have many bowel movements - hence the name). He's such a sweetheart and little ball of fluff who has grown so much in the past two weeks! Wow! Pictures and videos coming soon. (:

    Well it's now 11:59 so I'm posting this NOW! Jess, I'll read you on Monday. Everybody, have an AWESOME weeked!

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Oh school, how strange thou art!

    Hey there cool people :)

    So, I'm a bit confused about the fact that it's almost the end of the week yet only one of us managed to post...awkward...

    Anyways, this is a ramble post about anything that I feel like talking about because the theme of the week is so vague I can run with anything I like. So....let's talk graduation.

    We all spend 13 years in these institutions called school and it all becomes routine. We know that there is an expiration date to our time at this place, yet it never seems to near. Well, today, I had a big smack in the face by my graduation paperwork and it's starting to actually dawn on me that the day is coming! I have only two more months of high school!

    Until then, of course, I have the most stressful time of my life as AP exams are coming up in the first week of May, plus a Calculus final exam, plus three History projects due between now and June, plus scholarships to apply for, plus job hunting, and holy crap after that I'm done! I'M DONE! It's still difficult for me to picture myself wearing that graduation gown at commencement - the one I had to order the day before yesterday. Or attending the graduation banquet for which I now have to order tickets. Or moving across the country to study at the university whose offer I'm accepting in a few days.

    It really makes me think about how weird time is. I mean, sometimes it goes by so fast and you can't believe when it's all over. Sometime, you can feel each tick of each second of each day. And even though that's what school has felt like for me - a long, endless process of tests and projects and friends and grades - I'm suddenly feeling like it all passed by really quickly. I'm stuck in this weird place where I both feel how long I've been in this stage of my life, but also how fast my generation has grown. A few weeks ago, I found out one of my friends got into a school in the UK for surgeons. This kid whom I've known for years is going to be cutting people up and saving lives in some 4 years!

    Anyways, sorry for the poor attempt at expressing my feelings and the lame pseudo-deep stuff up there, but that's just what's been going on most recently in my life.

    Look forward to reading you tomorrow, Bridget :)

    Current Mood Song: A Day in the Life (the Beatles)
    Currently Reading: ...I haven't decided yet...
    Today was awesome because I didn't have to write my Law test :D

    - Sanja

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Annica has written three blog posts today.

    Oh hai. It's Tuesday.

    I feel like I should come up with a theme seeing as I'm the first one to post this week. I mean, Jess does every week. So, um, this week will be "Talk About Your Week/Day/Life" week. Or something. That's totally a legitimate theme.

    So, I am on Spring Break right now. It's nice, not going to school. But I also tend to waste my day quite a bit. So I'm going to actually do stuff tomorrow. Like, exercise, and not eat crappy, unhealthy food, and clean. I mean, the only thing I have done all spring break is hang out in the city with my grandma.

    Wait, wait. I'm also doing BEDA. That is something. Technically, I've already failed. I didn't post anything yesterday, but I made up for it today by writing two blog posts. Three, including this one. If for some odd reason, you want to read my blog, it's right here.

    That's about it. I don't have much else to say. Awesome blog post, right? Right.

    Currently Playing: Dart for my Sweetheart by Archie Bronson Outfit
    Books Read: 15/52
    Today was awesome because of being able to relax and read some Maureen Johnson.

    Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.

    Thursday, March 31, 2011

    Most likely to...

    ...forget to write blog posts randomly and then come back the next week like nothing happened...

    So, this week we're talking about awards we would win, which is very convenient considering that this week at school we've been deciding all of the graduating class's "most likely to's" so I'll twist the theme and start with that, adding on if I feel so inclined.

    There are three main ones that I was dubbed:

    1. Most likely to always have to pronounce her last name for people and have them still get it wrong - Yeah, if there was an award for most inconvenient name, I'd get it. Seriously. Sanja Vicentijevic. That is a mouthful even for Serbians like me :P

    2. Most likely to meet the Doctor and teach HIM about the space-time continuum - I just LOL'd at that one. As all nerds, I'm a bit of a smarty pants and I like to correct people when they're wrong (seriously, I'm kinda like Ted from HIMYM in that glass shattering habits episode)

    3. Most likely to join any conversation and know exactly what they're talking about - Yeah. I'm really social. I'd probably win an award for best conversationalist just because I love to talk so much!

    So that's that for now. I have to go finish up some homework, so unfortunately this is where I must bid you all adieu. I wish you fun times in the upcoming week, and seriously, THERE'S JUST TWO AND A HALF MONTHS LEFT TILL SUMMER!!!!
    This fact is both exciting and frightening....but mostly exciting.

    Can't wait to here from ya tomorrow, Bridget :)

    Current Mood Song: Misery (Glee version - which ironically makes me feel extremely jubilant and not at all melancholic :S )
    Currently Reading: Hamlet (by the Bard himself)
    Today is awesome because: I'm taking my driving test tomorrow and am feeling comfortable

    - Sanja

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Annica is a procrastinator.

    Hello, girls! It's Tuesday. The theme this week is what awards we would win, as the lovely Jess mentioned yesterday. This was kind of difficult for me. I don't know what type of award I would win. I've decided that out of the typical high school awards, I could be a candidate for "Most Shy", "Most Likely To Succeed", "Most Likely to Become President". Not that I necessarily agree with all of that, but I definitely couldn't win anything like "Best Smile" or "Most Comedic". However, I could also be a shoe-in if the award was something like, "Most Nerdy" or "Master of Harry Potter Trivia" or "Best Procrastinator". Speaking of procrastination, I have an English essay to write. D; Most Recent Song: Larger than Life by the Backstreet Boys Books Read: 13/52 Today is awesome, because of tea parties in gym class and mice scurrying around at school. :3 Winona, I'll read you tomorrow. ~ Annica

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Jess would win MANY awards. Yes.

    This week's theme is what awards we would win.

    I really wasn't sure what the theme was going to be. But I was inspired by the Shorty Awards, which were broadcasted online tonight. In case you were living under a rock (or don't have a twitter. Same thing.) the Shorty Awards are these award things given out to the best... Actually, let me just use what the website says:
    The Shorty Awards are a worldwide effort to engage hundreds of thousands of Twitter users to identify the best people and organizations on Twitter, culminating in a blockbuster ceremony in New York City.
    Anyway, Maureen Johnson was nominated in the Weird category AND SHE DIDN'T WIN. SO, SO UPSET. This was her, in nervousness:

    And she just lost! When they announced the winner, this was me. (You NEED to click on that link. Your life will be changed forever.)

    Also, in happier news, my school - well, school newspaper, really - is going to start the voting process for this superficial "Best" contest. Like, best couple, best hair, best eyes... etc. I really, really hope that I'll win the "Most Successful Writer" category.

    I'm not kidding, that's an actual category. It's weird, because there are very few people in my school that actually enjoy writing. So, even the people that kind of despise me will still vote for me, because there is literally NO ONE ELSE TO VOTE FOR. :)

    But, if I were to win an award, I would want it to be... Most Thought-Provoking. I'd like to be known as someone who gets others thinking. Yeah.

    Lastly, thanks so much to everyone for all the birthday wishes! You all rock :D

    Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!


    Before Jess posts anything today, I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish her an amazing birthday today! From all of us at Nerdily Ever After, we hope you have a fantabulous extra awesome year :D


    Friday, March 25, 2011

    Bridget thinks that it is Friday.

    Wait, what day is it?
    OH, it's FRIDAY!

    Hola senoritas! Greetings from the lovely Mexico. Today we're talking about things we can't do? Woo hoo hoo!

    First of all, I'm annoyed how I *can't* be there to celebrate JESS'S BIRTHDAY WITH HER WHAT WHAAAAT! Happy BIRTHDAY my dear! (I KNOW it was the 24th, SHHH!) (THIS IS OBNOXIOUS CAPSLOCK!)

    ^ I hope that this is you.
    Okay, also, things I can't do:
    1. Bend my legs completely straight out. (Short hamstrings)
    2. I can't stand those really high pitched noises (like dog whistles). I actually start spazzing, and nobody else can hear them, making it all the more embarassing.
    3. I can't do proper bridges in gymnastics due to the fact I'm double jointed in many places.

    Alrighty well, I hope you guys have a great weekend, I hope you had a great birfday Jess, and I'll read you guys next week. Oh, and I'm try and send some sun your way. ;)

    x Bridget

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Winona can't speak in front and is pretty embarassed about that!

    Hey girls,
    it's Wednesday and sooooo it's Winonaday!
    Today and tomorrow I'm visiting classes to improve my presentation skills. Classes are from 9am - 1pm and I have to admit today's class was the most boring class I have ever visited in my life!
    We have to read out poems, how does that help me in any way to get to a great presentation next month?
    Well, at least I have my friends in this class so it won't become too boring.

    So, coming to this week's theme:
    I guess you can already figure out what I am going to tell you now by the title of this post. I just CAN'T speak in front of people. That's also why I'm visiting this presentation skills class.
    I can prepare the greatest speech ever, then I'm all optimistic about it, get in front of the class, turn to the people and I begin to shake. I shake so much that I have to laugh at myself. Which is weird when you're to talk about war. So this is something that I absolutely cannot do! I also can't snap!

    @ Jess: Ahhh, did you already get the new Panic! album? It's brilliant, isn't it? I'm seeing them live on May, 8th. :)

    Sanja, I'll read you tomorrow :)

    Today is awesome because I was able to sleep until 8 o'clock!

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Annica is all moody and negative again. Also, pinky fingers.

    Hi. It's Tuesday.

    I have a YouTube channel with my friend. She needs a punishment. If you have any suggestions of what her punishment should be, it would be amazing if you could leave those suggestions in the comments. Okay.

    The theme this week is things we can't do. Well, that fits the mood of the day. Why are Tuesdays always the bloody worst? Why?! I'd say that 80% of my Tuesdays are terrible days. A good Tuesday is something rare and something that should be savored. Tuesdays suck. I probably shouldn't say that, because I post on Tuesdays and they're my days and stuff. It's not because of this blog that Tuesdays suck. It's school. Bloody school. You aren't refreshed and awake from the weekend like you are on Mondays. You aren't close to Friday. You aren't half-way through to your way to the weekend. And for some reason or another, teachers all plan to make Tuesdays be homework days. Thursdays also tend to have a terrible amount of homework, but they are close to Friday, so that makes them better than Tuesdays.

    Okay. Wow. Today will probably be a long post from me. I have this terrible, impending homework assignment of doom and I really don't want to do so instead I am going to complain to you all and cry silently to myself. Maybe not so much the latter. But I am typing angrily. For your sake, I will try and be as positive as possible. I know that it's not fun to read angry/sad blogs unless they're insightful. Insightfulness and eloquency are two things I have yet to master.

    On to the theme? I think so.

    One thing that I can't seem to do is have normal social interaction. I am fluent in squeaking and mumbling and a master of the timid. If someone who I do not know well attempts to make friendly conversation, I squeak a small reply or laugh awkwardly and then proceed to stare at them with huge owl eyes. Much like this emoticon: o____o That emoticon describes my life. That is my life. My teachers always look at me warily, as if they are unsure of what to think of me, and it is probably because that expression resides on my face so much of the time. I look surprised and confused and just out in my own world. But yeah, if somebody is nice to me or something, I usually then try to avoid them after that. Like, if they smile at me in the hallway, I then always try to avoid eye contact with that person. No, I don't have any idea what is wrong with me. I think that I'm just a shy nerd. That's probably it. But I can't just go to school tomorrow and smile at everyone and talk to people. That would be suspicious. Shy girls don't suddenly turn outgoing. Those things only happen in movies.

    Another thing has come to mind, and it is rather obscure. But I cannot do anything that involves too much use of my pinkies. You may be wondering what odd things I get up to that involve pinkies, but it's nothing too weird. When we were learning typing, the program would always tell us to use our pinkies to press certain keys. Now, I am a pretty advanced typer. Well, I don't have to look at the keyboard...and I type at least 80 words per minute. Not exactly advanced, but better than the n00bs at my school. The thing that holds me back is the fact that I do not type correctly. I have developed a method that involves limited pinkie use. In fact, I don't think I have used my right pinkie for the last five minutes and the left pinkie is pretty much only used for shifting purposes. Anyway, the teacher would come around and check our hands and she would always get on me for not using the correct fingers. "Use your pinkie to hit the backspace key!" she'd say. I would so long as she was looking, then go back to my own methods when she walked off. No! Too far away. It hurts to use pinkies. It pains me. Also, this proved to be bad for my piano playing. I always falter when I have to stretch my pinkie too far. My pinkies just fail at their job.

    Woah. Well that is your much-too-long blog post of the day. Hahaha. If you read all of that, you are truly awesome and I give you props. I mean, this blog post was about pinkie fingers. Really? Wow, Annica. You are an interesting blogger. INTERESTING.

    In other news, I had a great time subbing on Five Teen Vloggers yesterday. It was fun. Thank you, Jess and her fellow vloggers, for giving me that opportunity. :3

    Most Recent Song: Grenade by Bruno Mars
    Books Read: 10/52
    Today was Awesome Because: I read a large chuck of Anna and the French Kiss. ^____^

    Monday, March 21, 2011


    This week's theme is what we just CAN'T do. Mine is kind of ridiculous, but yeah, I can't draw straight lines.

    "That's fine, Jess," you say, "Not many people can draw straight lines on their own. Most people need rulers or something like that."

    Oh, dear reader, you are misunderstanding me. I CAN'T DRAW STRAIGHT LINES. Even with a ruler. I can't. I don't know why. But I can't.

    I've known this for a while, as I can't do many things straight. Such as, but not limited to, cutting things out (even with one of those paper cutters; it'll always be diagonal or something), hanging up posters, sticking stickers, writing on paper (even if it has lines), walking. Yeah.

    The only reason that I'm really noticing it now is because I have to draw straight lines in TWO classes! Math and Art. Art is obvious, but we're learning about lines and crap in Math, so yeah. I have to graph eight lines each night for homework, and the hardest part for me is not going through the multi-step formulas, but drawing a straight line with a ruler.

    It's very infuriating.

    In happier news, I'm turning 14 on Thursday! For some reason, I'm not really looking forward to my birthday this year. I've always been really excited about my birthday before, but it doesn't really seem like much to me now.

    Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day for me! First thing in the morning, I'm downloading Vices & Virtues, the new P!atD album. If it is not up on iTunes by 6 am EST, I'm going to kill someone. During lunch at school, I was invited to this exclusive party thing, which will be fun. We're getting food and stuff. It's because I got an A on this Grammar Exam, which everyone did really, really bad on. (I have another party on my birthday during lunch, because I wrote a fantastic essay, which everyone else did really bad on as well.) Then, after school, I'm taking this giant National French Exam. It's an optional thing, and really difficult. Those of us in my class that got chosen are under a lot of pressure, because 9 of the top 10 students in the country last year were in our French teacher's class. I'm really nervous, but also excited.

    I just want to thank Annica for being today's fill in on FiveTeenVloggers. She did an awesome job, and all five of us are eternally grateful! So, um, yeah. Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

    PS: I'm currently uploading a Thoughts From Places video on my personal channel. It's pretty awesome, or at least I think it is. I'll link it here sometime soon.

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    HEY! I'm driving here!

    Hey there everyone,

    I know that 2 of you live in the USA, but for us Canadians, eh, it's a bit of an adventure when we brave the journey south. That being said, today my mother and I took a road trip from Vancouver to Seattle, Washington (well, not really Seattle...a bit outside of it where the outlet mall is >:D )
    So, since I need some driving practice, I drove half the way there and half the way back and I noticed a few quite annoying practices certain drivers have.

    For instance, the speed limit will be 90 km/h so I drive around 95 (give or take) in order to be neither too much below nor too much above the limit. And that's how much one should be driving. BUT! BUT! Some people don't think that's rock and roll enough for 'em so one after the other they'll pass right by me and zoom off. And I wanna stay with traffic flow but I also wanna stay legal here! But it annoys me so much that they're all probably annoyed at how "slow" I'm going when they're the ones not driving safe D:<

    Then, there are the "I'm-gonna-change-lanes-oops-but-not-really" ones. I'm talking about the cars who put on their turning signals, drift halfway into my lane in front of me, but then decide they don't wanna and go right back to the other lane. It's like YO! I'M DRIVING HERE!
    Even worse are the cars who DON'T have their signals on and then they start coming into my lane - whether they stay there or not, it annoys me because, well, you're blinkers are there for a reason! What if I didn't realize you were changing lanes and therefore didn't slow down and therefore BOOMCOLLISION! REALLY!

    And then there are just a few small things like when a car drifts way too far to one side of the lane or wobbles from side to side (honestly, that just scares me because I start to think someone's driving drunk or something because seriously, why would you wobble from far left in your lane to far right?) or when someone does put on their blinkers but only while they're turning/lanechanging which doesn't give me any warning and defeats the purpose of the blinkers or when someone drives too close behind me and makes me feel like I'm not going fast enough but if I drive faster they go faster and keep tailgating me...

    Anyways, those are a few little driving things I get annoyed by - although really, my annoyance simply comes from fear. Whenever someone does some aforementioned annoyance, I get slightly frightened about what could/could have happened and then I get annoyed that they made me afraid...It's a strange cycle

    Luckily though, I do stay calm at the wheel and don't turn into one of those crazy emotional drivers :D

    Well, that's all I've got for now. I'm on a two week Spring Break right now, so tomorrow will be a ski day up at Whistler which means that I should really get some sleep. Bridget, I'll read ya tomorrow :)

    Current Mood Song: The Cell Block Tango from Chicago! The Musical (because we were listening to it in the car)
    Currently Watching: RED (that movie with Bruce Willis...I didn't get to finish it on the plane back from Toronto so now it's time to see how it ends)
    Today is awesome because: Seattle Outlets!! DUH!

    - Sanja

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

    Hello, girls! It's Tuesday!~

    This will be a short post tonight. I has homeworks.

    Things that Annoy Annica:
    1. Being a girl. D:<
    2. People who don't respond when you say thank you
    3. Homework
    4. Hypocrites
    5. Decepticons
    6. Impatience
    7. The fact that I am lazy
    8. That Klaine does not get enough screen time
    9. People with ego problems
    10. Writer's Block

    Last Song Played: Dust Bowl Dance by Mumford and Sons
    Books Read: 8/52
    Today is Awesome, Because: of beautiful thunderstorms!~

    Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Jess talks annoyances!

    Hey girls, it's Monday! This week's theme is annoyances, mainly because I am kinda annoyed.

    My current annoyance, which really isn't that much of a big deal but it currently feels like it is, is that I really REALLY want to download Panic! at the Disco's new album, but IT IS NOT YET AVAILABLE LEGALLY. GAHHHHH.

    It's supposed to be released on March 22, which is almost a week from today. I've been waiting for this album since 2008, so yeah, I would've been fine with waiting another week. BUT THEY FREAKING PUT THE ALBUM ON THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE. So I can listen to it, but I can't DOWNLOAD IT. gahhhhhhhhhh.

    I'm not sure whether or not I want to listen to it, because if I do, one of the songs will get stuck in my head, and I don't want that. I'm trying to be a good person and support the artists that I like, BUT I CAN'T DO THAT IF THEY KEEP BEING SO INFURIATING.

    This is why I prefer independent artists. Mike Lombardo uploads a song on YouTube, and within an hour it's available on Bandcamp. Eddplant uploads a music video, but not until the song is available on iTunes. They know what they're doing. Mainstream artists DO NOT.

    So, yeah, hopefully your annoyances aren't too annoying.

    In exciting news, I'm going to be seeing the Mike Lombardo Trio and Driftless Pony Club in Philadelphia on Thursday! It's going to be at the same venue that I went to in October, and I'm super excited!

    In school, we're also in the middle of standardized testing. Which, because I'm in 8th grade, is going to be three weeks long instead of the usual 3 days. rehraehodenguiugediufresnudf

    But whatever. At least it's keeping me distracted from the excitement that shall ensue on Saint Patrick's Day :)

    Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    Bridget is sorry she's late!

    Sorry about the late post. I've been busy. So, REALLY short post today -

    Jess's questions:
    1) Yes, I would LOVE to fill in on your vlog channel!
    2) My favourite girl names are Shay, Leaghan, Erin, Sam, and my favourite boy names are Aaron, Cole, Garrett, Cooper, and Roman.

    Also, I'm exhausted. Vacation, here I come.
    I'll read you on Monday Jess! (:

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    today is awesome

    Hey there everyone; today's post is special for a few reasons! First, as I am typing this, my family and I are driving on the highway in Quebec.

    You: But Sanja, why are you in Quebec?
    You: But whyyy???
    Me: Well, my famjam decided to fly over to Toronto since my dad had a conference there, and so now we're driving around, checking out universities I might attend next year and random fun sights as well :)

    So far, we've seen Queen's U which just happened to be situated across from Princess Street. It looked great except for the fact that it's been raining all day
    And yeah, now we're in Montreal trying to find our hotel :P

    The other reason why this post is cool is that I am writing it on my mom's soon-to-be-mine blackberry :D
    I've had the same voring phone for like five years, so just the thought of a smart phone is super exciting!

    Anyways, I have to go really soon so I'll just answer Jess's questions and be gone:
    1. If you need someone, I'd be glad to make a vid for you guys. Of course, I wouldn't exactly know what to say but I would find something :P
    2. I like the idea of being named something like Krristina because then I could be called kris, kristi, kristina or kristina - there're just so many awesome options!

    Alright, well I'm off! Can't wait to read ya tomorrow Bridget :)

    Current Mood Song: Camilo by Saod the Whale
    Currently Reading: the Shipping News
    Today is awesome because:montreal and megamind movie XD


    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Winona has to move!

    Hey ladies,
    wonderful Wednesday today, isn't it?
    The sun is shining and I am the happiest person on earth :)

    First of all I want to answer Jess' questions. As I have already wrote on Jess' wall on Facebook (Oh, I'm so addicted. Not cool!) I'd love to be a fill-in on some day but as you know my camera quality sucks so I don't know if FiveTeenVloggers would be content about that.
    And if I could have a new name I'd choose Aimee, Hayley or Victoria. :)

    My days in the past weeks have all been the same. Working for my final exam presentation and meeting a couple of friends. So I don't really have a lot to talk about, as bad as I feel about that.
    Well, I wanted to mention that I changed the name of my blog/url. It's now Redhead Redemption. (Ten points if you get it ;))
    In May I have to move to my grandmother for a month because we won't have water due to reparations in the whole house. I don't want to live with my grandma, even though she's lovely. It's just... she doesn't like a lot about me so we'll fight most likely everday.

    So, that's all for now. Have a nice week, girls.

    Sanja, I'll read you tomorrow! x

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Annica talks about...stuff.

    Hello, ladies! It's Tuesdaaaaay.

    First, I'm going to answer Jess's questions. That seems a good way to start. As for filling in for FiveTeenVloggers, I'd be willing to do that for you. But only if you need me! I'm definitely not the most interesting person, so yeah. As for the second question, if I could have any name, it'd be either Marina, Laurel, Genevieve, or Astoria. That's a lot of choices. o:

    I'm participating in Lent this year. I'm not Catholic or Orthodox or even a very good Christian, but I figured that I didn't have to be to give up something for forty days. I'm giving up junk food/candy/soda. I don't know what I'll do without chocolate! But anyway, time to be healthy!~ Huzzah. :D

    I've also recently decided that I'm going to take up knitting! The first thing I'm knitting is a full-size Fourth Doctor's scarf. Sixteen feet by twelve inches... It' practice? Yeah.

    Recently Played: Kids (MGMT cover) by Maxence Cyrin
    Books Read: 6/52
    Today is Awesome, Because: I wore my new Dalek shirt!~

    Winona, I'll see you tomorrow. :3


    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Jess has a few questions...

    There's no real theme this week. I just have some questions to ask, and a day to tell you about.

    So, my day. In my Civics class, we're learning about Civil Law. So we had to do this project about a lawsuit. And mine ended up being about Harry and the Potters, and the source that I used was Harry, a History by Melissa Anelli. SO, so cool. I feel like I'm cheating, but I'm not.

    I already knew the information that I needed to know for the project, but I needed the book anyway to bring to class. For some reason, I didn't own Melissa's book. So I went with my mom to our local Barnes & Noble bookstore.

    Before we left, though, I took the time to create six nerdfighter notes. When we got to the store, we went and got Melissa's book, and then I went to the Teen Fiction section. I put nerdfighter notes in all of the copies of John Green's books that they had (Two copies of Looking for Alaska, two copies of Paper Towns, and one copy of An Abundance of Katherines). I had one note left, so I randomly picked one of the copies of Maureen Johnson's 13 Little Blue Envelopes, otherwise known as the only MJ book I have read.

    I knew that I needed to fix that, so I bought a copy of The Bermudez Triangle along with Harry, a History. While I was at the store, I filmed footage so that I could make a Thoughts from Places video, which should go up on my channel sometime soon. Which is weird, because I haven't uploaded a video on my own channel since December.

    Speaking of videos, (oooohh! I actually managed to create a segway!) everyone by now knows about my other collab, FiveTeenVloggers. Well, our Tuesday, Jorgina, will be unable to make videos for a while, from anywhere to two weeks to two months. We're looking for fill-ins. We already have someone filling in for her tomorrow, but I've been told to ask people who might be interested. So, if any of you girls might want to make a video for the channel, just tell me in your post this week, or contact me whenever. Same goes for readers.

    That was my first question: Would you like to be a fill-in on some Tuesday on FiveTeenVloggers?

    My second question has to do with my Screnzy screenplay. Last April, I did Script Frenzy for the first time. And I really enjoyed the experience. Though I know that I'll never write scripts for fun, it is a nice challenge to do once a year. It also really helped me to develop my dialogue, because that's all you really have in a script. (Also, my spell check doesn't recognize the word "dialogue." Weird.)

    I already know what I'm going to write about, but I need help with character names. As it turns out, all of you are going to be in it! But I'm changing everyone's name. So, if you could have any name, what would it be?

    I do believe that this is the longest post in a long time. Well, Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Bridget won a Pokemon tournament

    So today's blog topic (thanks again Jess for constantly coming up with these) is random facts that people wouldn't know about me. So, here they are - the top ten facts that you probably maybe didn't know!

    10. I've been moving since I was four. I've lived in Canada, The United States, Poland, The Netherlands, and now I'm back in a different part of Canada.

    9. I have a thing about people touching my wrists. It just... freaks me out okay?

    8. I make random noises is class, just to freak people out.

    7. 1 sp34k flu3n7 l337 5p34k. 54d 1 k |\| 0\/\/. (that took my 6 seconds to type)

    6.  I occasionally DJ.

    5. However, I only listen to indie music.

    4. March 8th will be my one year anniversary with my boyfriend.

    3. I once won a giant Pokemon card battle. Which I hosted.

    2. I am an avid D&D player. I dabble in V&V but it's not the same.

    1. Sometimes, I wish I had glasses. So I sometimes wear fake ones. When I'm home alone.

    And there you go! Hope you enjoyed.
    Jess, I'll read you on Monday. (:

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    And she comes in with the blog 3 minutes before midnight..

    Hey there cool people

    Tonight's post is gonna be short and sweet because I really need to get to sleep considering that I'm gonna be chairing a model UN conference all weekend and need to be well rested :)

    I thought this theme would be really tough, but now that I'm actually thinking about it, I can find a few random facts - here goes:

    1. This. When I think about it, I didn't really advertise this blog too much which means that most of my friends actually don't know it exists...which is weird when I think about it...
    2. Most people assume because I get good grades that I am always working always studying while I can actually be one of the laziest people sometimes.
    3. Kind of a continuation of the previous one, many people assume that I'm too goody two shoes to ever be able to swear or party or...other stuff...
    4. One random fact about me that not many know just cause it doesn't come up often: the month and day of my birthday is the same as the date the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour and my brother's birthday is the anniversary of the day the Titanic sunk
    5. Another random one: I studied Latin for 2 years

    And that's all I've got for right now....At the moment, I'm really upset that i can't find the new episode of skins (UK) online yet but maybe it's a good thing so that i actually sleep like I should.

    Anyways, have a good weekend everyone and I'll talk to you next thursday!

    Current Mood Song: Goodnight Moon by Said the Whale
    Currently Watching: How I Met Your Mother over and over and over and over
    Today is Awesome Because: it's almost CAHSMUN time! :D

    Can't wait to read ya tomorrow, Bridget!

    - Sanja

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Winona surprises people with stupid facts!

    Hey girls,
    hope you all had a great week so far. Well, I did. I haven't had much school due to ill teachers and I'm quite happy about that (even though that sound soooo wrong after reading it again. Get well soon, ill teachers!)

    Last weekend was amazing! I went to see one of my favourite bands live for the first time and it was great. I had so much fun and I met my good friend Lotti again. It was a really nice night and I didn't really care that I was nearly dead from moshing a whole night!

    I like this week's theme quite a lot because there are many things about me that surprise most people I tell about those things. First thing is that I love metal/screamo/punk-music. I think that if you'd see me walking down the street you wouldn't think that I'm into this kind of music. So everytime I tell my friends about a new band I listen to and I tell them that it's a metal-core band, they're like "Whu? I didn't think you listen to that kind of music!". Pretty funny sometimes :)
    What also surprises a lot of people is that I am fully German! Because of my full name most people think I am from Poland or Russia or some country like that and they NEVER believe me when I tell them that I'm German!
    A lot of people also think that I'm Christian and when I tell them that I actually do no believe in a God they can't believe that. I used to visit a religion class in school just for the sake of it and I think most people really thought I'm a Christian!
    Well those are just some things that came to my mind quickly. I actually have to go now because I'm really busy learning for my exams!

    Have a great week, ladies!

    I'll read you tomorrow, Sanja.

    Oh, today's awesome because we got cake in our last lesson!

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Annica wants to wish Ronald Weasley a happy 31st birthday!~

    Hooray for fictional birthdays!~

    Hello, girls. It's Tuesday!

    Today was a snow day. We actually had about three or four inches this time. It was nice to sleep in. And not have any homework.

    So, surprising things about us. How about a list? This seems like a good occasion for a list.

    1. I am half-Mexican. Yes, I realise that I'm pale. That does not mean that I am lying.
    2. I am super lazy. But I still get straight A's. Yay!~
    3. I'm Mormon. A Democrat-Mormon. Yeah...
    4. I can be mean. And sarcastic. Very sarcastic.
    5. I enjoy eavesdropping. People think that because I'm quiet, that I don't listen. Oh, how wrong they are. I know a lot of gossip. >;)

    That's all that I can think of right now. They aren't all that surprising, but still.

    Recently Played: Werewolf by Coco Rosie
    Books Read: 6/52
    Today is Awesome, Because: we had no school!~

    Winona, I'll read you tomorrow. :3


    Monday, February 28, 2011

    Jess is surprising... occasionally

    I chose this week's theme literally 15 seconds ago. Basically, explain some things about you that would surprise other people. Maybe just random people on the street. Or maybe people that actually (think they) know you well.

    For me, right now, it's certain songs that I like. Most of my friends, and just people that I go to school with, know that I'm into these obscure, nerdy bands. ALL CAPS, Chameleon Circuit, etc. You know. But surprisingly, even to me, I kind of really like two pretty mainstream songs.

    Blow by Ke$ha, and Touchin On My by 3oh!3.

    I'm not quite sure what has gotten into me. It doesn't make any sense. That isn't my kind of music at all.

    And because I just want to add another part to my post, I'm way more perverted than most people assume. Yeah.

    Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Bridget is doing a quick morning post

    Hey girlies! It's 7:37 AM and I'm doing a very quick post because I'm leaving half way through the school day to head across the province. Why you may ask? Because and few others and I are going to a conference on the conservation of water. Cool, eh?

    Anyways, I have been following the news closely too and I am constantly thinking about the poor people trapped in these countries. I wish them the best and will keep them in my thoughts/make sure others know about the situations and are educated on the problems.

    Song that represents how I feel right now: Older Brother - Pepper Rabbit & Liztomania - Phoenix

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Annica needs a Doctor.

    Hello, girls. It's Tuesday!

    I apologise for not posting last week. I don't know why I didn't. I can't remember. D:

    I just want to say that my thoughts and condolences go out to those in New Zealand, Australia, and Libya. I don't think that anybody that reads this is from any of those three places, but it doesn't matter. I sincerely hope that things start to become better where they are.

    Small rant: What has happened to the news? What has happened to journalism? I haven't heard anything about Libya or New Zealand on any major news network so far. Isn't it their job to report what is happening? Nobody is talking about Libya or New Zealand! Not at school, not on the television, not anywhere! Isn't that what is important right now?

    “We’re all human, aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.” -J.K. Rowling (through Kingsley Shacklebolt in Harry Potter)

    Well, that's enough ranting for now. On to the theme!

    The two songs that have been stuck in my head lately are I Need a Doctor by Dr. Dre & Eminem and The Doctor is Dying by Chameleon Circuit (lulz, both of them say Doctor). The latter of the two songs is understandable, but I don't know why Eminem is stuck in my head. I like him all right, but rap/hip-hop isn't usually what I listen to. It's been stuck in my head since the Grammys! D;

    Recently Played: My Heart - Paramore
    Books Read: 5/52
    Today is Awesome Because: I finished most of my homework at school. :D

    Well, that's all for now! Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.
