
Monday, April 18, 2011

Jess is insane and would very much like to distract you

This week's theme is procrastination! Warning: If you have any sort of assignment or something to do, do not keep reading this post. You will be distracted forever. Seriously.

(I love how I'm warning you, as if you'll actually listen.)

Nearly everyone procrastinates, and I guarantee you that the five of us do. (Particularly Annica and I. *cough*)

What's really interesting to me is how people procrastinate. Lately for me, it's been watching Hank Plays Portal videos...

Also, this amazing thing called NON-STOP NYAN CAT!

It's just... Gah.

A few new internet friends and I are participating in this "sport" to see who will last the longest. We've all become insane after doing this for 30+ minutes. Now everyone's just tweeting at certain points, like whenever they reach a milestone number. (1111.1 was a big one, and now 2011.0... I can't wait until we get to 4242 xD)

DEER GOD. Now Adam (one of the aforementioned new internet friends) just remembered that he doesn't have school tomorrow and therefore can just leave the page running all day tomorrow. I CAN NEVER LIVE UP TO THIS.

Click this link IF YOU DARE.

This is all keeping me from working on my essay on Buckminster Fuller that's due Wednesday. If you're a fan of Driftless Pony Club, as I am, this is particularly awesome, as DPC wrote their most recent album entirely about this guy. So yeah.

Also, everyone is harassing Mike Lombardo on twitter. That's what he gets for asking us to guess his weight and class rank.

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

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