
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Winona can't speak in front and is pretty embarassed about that!

Hey girls,
it's Wednesday and sooooo it's Winonaday!
Today and tomorrow I'm visiting classes to improve my presentation skills. Classes are from 9am - 1pm and I have to admit today's class was the most boring class I have ever visited in my life!
We have to read out poems, how does that help me in any way to get to a great presentation next month?
Well, at least I have my friends in this class so it won't become too boring.

So, coming to this week's theme:
I guess you can already figure out what I am going to tell you now by the title of this post. I just CAN'T speak in front of people. That's also why I'm visiting this presentation skills class.
I can prepare the greatest speech ever, then I'm all optimistic about it, get in front of the class, turn to the people and I begin to shake. I shake so much that I have to laugh at myself. Which is weird when you're to talk about war. So this is something that I absolutely cannot do! I also can't snap!

@ Jess: Ahhh, did you already get the new Panic! album? It's brilliant, isn't it? I'm seeing them live on May, 8th. :)

Sanja, I'll read you tomorrow :)

Today is awesome because I was able to sleep until 8 o'clock!

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