
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Decisions Decisions Decisions!

Jess, I can honestly say I know exactly what it feels like to have to deal with life-changing decisions - I'm going through a few myself right now. Obviously, I can't give specific advice to your situation, but I'll try to help out with my personal approach.

So, as I'm trying to decide between different choices, I first take note of my gut feeling. Without really thinking about any consequences, I try to see what my emotions are telling me - where would I be happy? What would I be happy doing?

Then, I create a list of pros for each separate choice. With these lists, I like to try to categorise different aspects of the decision so that I can compare the choices. So, for instance, in this whole uni thing, I have various categories like: Academics, Community/City, Friends, Financials, Internship Opportunities, etc. etc. By writing the merits of each potential decision, you can compare and see which one's better in what ways.

Of course, after a pro's list come the cons. And again, compare.

After doing whatever necessary research and compiling the objective comparison notes, I can see what decision may make more sense on paper. What might be more logical. But then, I think about it from a more subjective view. Depending on the decision, you may have to ask yourself, how is this going to affect those around me? My family? My friends?

And ultimately, you have to weigh everything. Some aspects of the decision will be more important than others and weighing them is probably the hardest part, but once you've done that there's just one last step.

Go back to your gut. Now that you've thought about the consequences of the decision - good and bad - you should understand your own situation a bit better which means you can make an informed decision. Go with what you feel would be best for you. In the end, no matter what it may do to others or how risky a situation it may be, if it's what's best for you, then you've gotta take up the opportunity. 'Follow your heart" is a cliche for a reason: because it's true.

I know this is all very roundabout and you don't have to take my advice at all, but it's the best way that I know how to go about these things.

So, I wish you luck with your decision-making and I'm sure if you listen to your true emotions, you'll make the right choice.

Bridget, can't wait to hear from you tomorrow :)

Current Mood Song: Listen to Your Heart (DHT)
Currently Reading: Hamlet by Shakespeare
Today is awesome because: another uni acceptance, two new bags, and David Tennant version of Hamlet (here is a link to a playlist of the whole thing, watch it, seriously. It is such an amazing play. And David Tennant is the most awesome person ever:

- Sanja

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