
Monday, March 7, 2011

Jess has a few questions...

There's no real theme this week. I just have some questions to ask, and a day to tell you about.

So, my day. In my Civics class, we're learning about Civil Law. So we had to do this project about a lawsuit. And mine ended up being about Harry and the Potters, and the source that I used was Harry, a History by Melissa Anelli. SO, so cool. I feel like I'm cheating, but I'm not.

I already knew the information that I needed to know for the project, but I needed the book anyway to bring to class. For some reason, I didn't own Melissa's book. So I went with my mom to our local Barnes & Noble bookstore.

Before we left, though, I took the time to create six nerdfighter notes. When we got to the store, we went and got Melissa's book, and then I went to the Teen Fiction section. I put nerdfighter notes in all of the copies of John Green's books that they had (Two copies of Looking for Alaska, two copies of Paper Towns, and one copy of An Abundance of Katherines). I had one note left, so I randomly picked one of the copies of Maureen Johnson's 13 Little Blue Envelopes, otherwise known as the only MJ book I have read.

I knew that I needed to fix that, so I bought a copy of The Bermudez Triangle along with Harry, a History. While I was at the store, I filmed footage so that I could make a Thoughts from Places video, which should go up on my channel sometime soon. Which is weird, because I haven't uploaded a video on my own channel since December.

Speaking of videos, (oooohh! I actually managed to create a segway!) everyone by now knows about my other collab, FiveTeenVloggers. Well, our Tuesday, Jorgina, will be unable to make videos for a while, from anywhere to two weeks to two months. We're looking for fill-ins. We already have someone filling in for her tomorrow, but I've been told to ask people who might be interested. So, if any of you girls might want to make a video for the channel, just tell me in your post this week, or contact me whenever. Same goes for readers.

That was my first question: Would you like to be a fill-in on some Tuesday on FiveTeenVloggers?

My second question has to do with my Screnzy screenplay. Last April, I did Script Frenzy for the first time. And I really enjoyed the experience. Though I know that I'll never write scripts for fun, it is a nice challenge to do once a year. It also really helped me to develop my dialogue, because that's all you really have in a script. (Also, my spell check doesn't recognize the word "dialogue." Weird.)

I already know what I'm going to write about, but I need help with character names. As it turns out, all of you are going to be in it! But I'm changing everyone's name. So, if you could have any name, what would it be?

I do believe that this is the longest post in a long time. Well, Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

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