
Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Tale of the Death Note

Hey guys!

So, now that I've stopped obsessing over college applications, youtube videos, and how attractive Patrick Swayze was in Dirty Dancing (v hotness below v), I'm ready to write a blog post!! (yayyyyyy)

But yes. Friends. Interestingly enough, I'm one of those people who talks to like EVERYONE. For real, if I was an animal, I'd be the social butterfly (btw, does anyone know why butterflies are supposed to be social? how did that saying come about anyway?) And really, I don't have any people I hate or anything like that - I mean, sure, there're a few that annoy me, but I just stay friendly and positive and don't hang around them so much

BUT! There is one friend whom I've known since I moved to mah current location, and her name's Alyssa. I remember in grade nine on my first day at my new school, I sat near her in the assembly. One girl I briefly met introduced us and we shook hands (like boring business people, I know..) Anyways, I saw her in one of my classes and around the school and she stuck out in my mind from the start for she was carrying....A DEATH NOTE!

Now, I was (and still am) quite into Japanese manga and anime, and Death Note is one of the best out there, so obviously my nerdy self spazzed like crazy on the inside, but as the new kid, it wasn't until the next class or so when I pumped up my confidence to say "hey, I noticed you have a Death Note" Since then, we've been best friends. She's hilarious, an amazing artist, super cool, random, but also serious. That's what I love most about her: we have the most random funny conversations and always have so much fun together, yet when one of us needs it, we can sit down and have a serious conversation. Oh, and we kinda act like philosophers sometimes - don't ask.

Although I have many close friends, Alyssa's the closest. My two other best friends, Kiray and Diane, live in my old town pretty far away. We share some great memories and I love 'em, but for this post, I'm just going to leave it at that.

So, I just want to wish you all a happy Christmas Eve Eve! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a merry Christmas and a happy New Year :D

Current Mood Song: Superman Socks (LOL Nice Peter and Kassam G.)
Currently Reading: Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
Currently Remembering: how competitive that game of Chinese Snap (or is it Chinese Slap?) was earlier today :P

- Sanja

P.S. Don`t worry, I have guy friends too. They`re just not the closest ones :P

P.P.S. I probably won`t be able to post next Thursday because I`m going to Cuba with my family and we`re not sure how much internet access there is at our hotel


That is all.

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