
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Annica has friends?

Today's post is probably going to be long.

Yay! Back to rambling!

So, I'm not going to bother you all by telling you what is going on in my life. I'm just on Winter Break. That's all.

Now, on to the theme!

Much like Jess, I have very few close friends. I get along with most people, however. Even the decepticons. I mean, I don't have any enemies. That's probably because I'm really quiet too.

My best friend is Venessa.

When we first met, I thought she was the coolest person ever. Little nine year old Annica admired her loads. I think I've told you this before... Maybe not. Anyway, I don't admire her so much anymore. She's awesome and I love her, of course, but I don't worship her or anything.

Venessa was the one who got me addicted to the internet. She likes anime, video games, dancing, being adorable and having every freaking boy like her, and bears. She moved to the other side of the country (Minnesota) this summer. ):

Natassja is best friend number two.

During our first year of friendship, I hated her. All she had to do was open her mouth and I'd want to smack her. She didn't realise how much she annoyed me, however. She thought that Venessa and I were totally awesome. She tended to copy the things that we did.

I don't hate her anymore, fortunately. Sometimes, she's still super annoying and I want to smack her, but what friends don't have those moments. Natassja is probably the most loyal friend that I have. Even when I am a total buttface to her, she still sticks around. I'm really grateful for that. Because I can really be a jerk.

Natassja really likes Japan (she used to live there), everything relating to Japan, stupid television shows (like Ugly Betty...ugh!), reading, and being friends with freaking everybody.

Hyrum plays the role of totally platonic boy best friend.

Like Jess and Kate, Hyrum and I totally don't agree politically. He is a total Republican who doesn't like gays or abortion or Obama and I'm a total Democrat who is pro-gay, pro-choice, and an Obama supporter. There are many other things we disagree on, too. MANY THINGS. Last year, I remember him saying something terrible about gays and me not talking to him for about a week. He still tried to talk to me because we sat next to each other in math and at lunch. Bless his heart.

He is probably one of the most funny and most clever people I know, however. So that makes up for our politically disagreements. He is one of the people who can make laugh no matter the mood I'm in.

He's the one I met up with at the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows midnight premiere. He thinks that he knows more about Harry Potter than me. Psh. As if. Unfortunately, Hyrum lives a few towns over and I don't get to see him much.

Song of the Day: Hermione's Song (You and Me) by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls

Currently Reading: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Why Today is Awesome: Skype. :3

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!

~ Annica

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