
Monday, December 27, 2010

Jess describes HER 2010

...Which was completely different than she had expected. Amazingly different. But in a good way.

Hello girls, it's Monday! This week's theme might take a while, but I do believe that none of us have school this week, so hopefully that means that you will have some free time to think. This week, just like nearly every other collab on the interwebs, we'll be talking all about 2010 and how it's ending and blah blah blah. But we'll be describing it through videos.

Basically, choose one video to describe each of these past 12 months. You can write a little description underneath it to explain why you chose it, but you don't have to. There are some limitations, however:

1. The video that you choose for each month must have been uploaded during that month in 2010. For example, you can't pick ALL CAPS' The NaNoWriMo Song video to describe November, because it was uploaded in November of 2009.
2. None of the videos that you choose can be your own. You can, however, be in them. It just can't have been uploaded onto your channel.
3. You can't pick a video that one of the other girls have already picked. This rule is only really here to make things interesting and challenging. But, um, I guess that means that I have it extremely easy and Bridget's post could get difficult. Oh well.

That's pretty much it. Okay. Onto my choices!


I chose this video for obvious reasons. The birth of Henry Green was a huge moment in Nerdfighter History, and also the first part of Nerdfighter History that I got to experience in real time.


Kaleb's song immediately reminds me of this past February. It's amazingly catchy, and I still remember all of the words, 10 months later.


I don't know why it was so hard for me to pick a video for March. I mean, this is my birth month. I don't know. Anyway, it was tough choosing between this video and the one for Don't Unplug Me, but I do remember being surprised at how much I loved this video.


Another hard month to choose! The Oceanic Six's reaction songs kept me sane during April, so I picked my absolute favorite one that they did. (Next is HEY! DON'T TALK ABOUT BACON!)


While looking for a video for this month, I really started wondering if May ever even happened. I don't remember any videos really striking me during this month, or anything happening at all. So, I picked this video, because I remember being really sad about Luke leaving Echo Base.


Sons of Admirals! I was SO excited for them when this video first came out. Just, love <333


I HAD to pick this video. My first wrock show, and my first time being in a 5AG video. Exciting.


This was the easiest one. Rebecca's song made me cry for hours. Thanks to this song, I nearly lost it in science class when we talked about supernovas. I just... Esther <3


Hey! I'm not sucking up; I didn't just pick this video to be nice or to make sure that one of the girls' videos were chosen. When I think of September, this video LEGITIMATELY comes to mind. Edit: This video WAS originally uploaded in September, but then Winona switched channels and stuff.


Yay another concert! Woot! I'm in this one too, and I love this performance so much.


This video is lovely and amazing and gahhh. With all of the stress of NaNo going on, this video was the first time I laughed that month.


Yes, this is the shortest and stupidest video on my list. Get over it. Project 4 Awesome made my month, and the kittens were such an amazing part of the livestream.

And, that's it! It's the last week of 2010! Let's make it special, everyone! Annica, I'll read you tomorrow.

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