Let's just jump right in because this is going to be a hell of a long post.
I first got onto the internet with Neopets, which I still... play... maybe... sometimes... Don't mock me, okay? It's a fun game!
Anyways, from Neopets I went to other kind of kids game websites. I was never really into the social networking when I was reeeally young, because it didn't REALLY exist yet. However, when I moved from Texas my mom got me my first email address, polandgirl8 (because I was moving to Poland). I actually went and checked that a few days ago and I'm pretty sure that inbox is so full with spam that I'm personally slowing down Yahoo! servers.
Anyways, from there I didn't do much online other than look at funny pictures and play games. I first found Youtube through some sort of funny cat video but I didn't really start watching actual Youtubers until Shay Carl, and *shudder* Fred. I still adore Shay Carl, not so much Fred. I made a Piczo website (which were all the rage at my school) which inspired me to make my first actual website. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I started to get more and more interested in the internet and created a blog which was http://therandomnesschronicles.blogspot.com . I became obsessed with blogging, and finally moved over to wordpress and bought my first domain name: pockymouse.com
From there, I started myself on becoming a interneter. I created a facebook, and a youtube and a new email with the same name: pockymouse. I wanted to make a name for myself. Looking back at my old Youtube and such now, I'm embarrassed. The videos had bad editing, bad footage and were just... bad. I wanted a fresh start and a clean slate and that was basically given to me when I realized that if I were to make any money using the name "pockymouse", a lawsuit could be filed because of the trademarked term "pocky". So, I make a whole new name, mouseinsneakers and started anew. I think my new videos and blog posts and much better, personally. ;)
Honestly (let's be honest), I didn't find the VlogBrothers until recently. I mean, I've watched them but never faithfully. My inner nerd really unleashed itself last year (the vests, legwarmers, and huge glasses popped out like a tornado and it started the torrent of awesome) and so end of last year I found the VlogBrothers and been watching (and reading John's books) ever since. However, I'm kicking myself now because two or so years ago John came to my school (when I was living in The Netherlands) and I DIDN'T KNOW WHO HE WAS SO I DIDN'T GO SEE HIM hfdksfhdkjadf. GIANT SQUID OF ANGER. Urgh, some day. (: VidCon next year, eh eh?
Okay, I've literally had to shorten this to about half because let's face it, I don't want to make you all read an essay. So I'll leave it there for now. Have a great weekend you all, and Jess I'll read you on Monday!
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