
Monday, December 20, 2010

Jess is SO HAPPY that it's almost time for winter break

...Siriusly. If you saw my math grades right now, you would probably ask, "Is that out of 50?" And I would say, "No. No it is not. I realize that a 48 out of 50 would make more sense for someone like me, but no. It is in fact out of 100. Sigh."


This past weekend was this whole frenzy of try to get organized, and I'm kind of still doing that. I need the break desperately.

This week's theme is kind of lame, but also kind of nice. This week, talk about your friends! IRL friends, not online friends. (I assume we all have at least one friend in real life.)

I'm the kind of person that has very few close friends, but is pretty much cool with everyone. There are some people that irk me to no end, but that is a very small number of people. Only two people that I can think of right away, actually.

Recently, I've really liked talking to my friend Kuppy (Her name is Kate. Kuppy is this inside joke-y thing from when we were, like, ten. Maybe eleven.) because we have completely different views on everything. Especially politics and religion. An actual conversation that happened at lunch today:

J: "Kuppy! Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed!"
K: "Ughhhh, I know!"
J: "Wait, why is that a bad thing?"
K: "It's an awful thing! Our brave soldiers shouldn't have to worry about someone flirting with them in the middle of a battle!"
J: "Kup, what about the women in the military?"
K: "That too! Why do they allow women in the military?! It's just WRONG!"
J: "Why?"
K: "Because, it is."
J: "Do you even hear yourself?"

Haha, I love her. Butnoseriously, we disagree on everything. Apparently, I'm slowly convincing her that gay people aren't EVIL AND OUT TO MOLEST THE ENTIRE PLANET, so that's positive. I love arguing with her about stuff, especially because I am normally right. (The only thing we can't seem to settle on is abortion. She's too held in her religious views for me to sway her at all.)

I've had two best friends for a while now, Shannon and Geneva. They're strange and nothing like me at all actually. That might be why I like them. I seek diversity IRL.



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