
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rediscovering the Joys of Literature!

Hey Girlies!

So, it's another Thursday but for some reason, this week seems to have gone by REALLY slowly! I literally found myself reading your posts, answering each other's questions and thinking "wait a second...I haven't answered that yet....did I miss a day?" And then I realize I'm just being weird. It's okay.

The reason time seems to be going by so slowly for me I think is because of the number of things I've accomplished in just one week, mainly the number of books I've managed to sift through! Since last Friday, I've completed reading The Hunger Games (amazing), Siddhartha (amazing), and Catching Fire (slightly less amazing than the first but still awesome) and I'm almost finished reading Mockingjay too!

I guess this has come as a shock to me because no matter how much I LOVE to read, ever since grade 10, my work level has just sky-rocketed and I find that I haven't been through much literature in the past couple of years. This summer, that completely changed when I started reading Paulo Coelho books which shifted to Douglas Adams, Margaret Atwood, George Orwell, John Green, Herman Hesse, and now Suzanne Collins!

It's amazing how fulfilling reading really is! And I'm reading these books through a whole new lens now that I've started with AP English Lang. and Lit., giving the stories whole new dimensions! It's just AWESOME!!!!

Anyways, I'm hoping my work load stays like this all year so that I'll be able to continue reading more and more cool books and discover so much!! :D

So! As you can probably guess by now, my question to all of you is "what book are you currently reading and what do you think of it?"
As I said before, I'm almost through Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and I'm also just starting For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway.

On to the replies!

I'm glad your enjoying your new school so far! I saw that vid with your new friends, and it looks like the entire situation is under control (*insert intense voice here*). For the whole religion thing, I'm personally Serbian Orthodox which is the same as just plain Orthodox except...Serbian. I'm not one of those people who is completely surrounded by their religion and who have a really deep faith, but I do respect God and follow the traditions of Serbian Orthodox. So...yeah. That pretty much answers that.

...yeah. I've wanted to learn to play the guitar since like grade 4 and so I made a deal with my parents that if I went up to level 5 in piano, I could start learning another instrument but then by the time I got to level 5, I was in grade 9 and I ended up quitting piano lessons because they were too much of a time commitment and therefore giving up my instrumental dreams....And I'm lazy...As for houses, I honestly cannot tell if I'd be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. I'd want to say Ravenclaw because of grades and smarts and all, but I do have Gryffindor qualities as well and am surprisingly similar to Hermione according to my friends...Je ne sais pas!

1. EEK! Love Glee!! Total Awesomeness!!
2. I really like that journal idea. I've personally started a reading log in which I write down each book's name, author, # of pages, when I started, when I finish, and my own personal rating!
3. I am DEFINITELY a night person! I stay up so late sometimes and never really feel tire, whereas mornings can feel like total chaos in my brain! Although, if I get enough sleep I tend to do okay in the morning.
4. It is nice being at the top. I could go around the halls saying "Move mortals! I am superior!" But that probably wouldn't end well...

That little weird story was actually really creepy! It sent shivers down my spine reading about the children's sudden stopping of laughter! Brrrr.
I can't really think of the weirdest thing that's happened to me....ummmm....I really have no idea! I don't think i have the same perception of strangeness as other people, 'cause I'll often hear people say "Wow! That was so weird!" and I'm like "Not really...." Maybe I'll get back to you on that next week after I think about it more! Oh, but I totally just realized today that I didn't actually answer your question last week about ice cream! My go-to flavour when I'm not feeling particularly adventurous is Mint Chocolate Chip! Somehow, I just love the mix of mint and chocolate yummmm!

BTW! I just realized that although we have 8 followers, we have no contact with them! So this last part is directed to you!
If you've actually read this far in, then chances are you actually read this blog but if you want to get involved in our discussions, there's a comment section just waiting to be used! I mean, although the purpose of this is to get to know the other girls, I'd still be interested in hearing your opinions on random things too! I dunno, think about it...

Alright, well, that's all for me and another of my long posts! Have a great week, and Bridget, I'll read you tomorrow!

Current Mood Song: Chain by BACK-ON
Currently Reading: Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins) and For Whom the Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway)
Last thing I baked: Rhubarb Pie! Yeaya! >:D

- Sanja

EDIT: I just realized it says Wednesday on the date up top, but I posted this on Thursday morning...weird...

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