Hey girls, it’s Monday!
This week’s post will be much more cheerful than last week’s. Last week was quite stressful, but your posts (and the fact that FiveAwesomeGirls is back) made everything almost okay.
I feel like I need to talk about my secret project a bit more. First of all, it’s not as exciting as you are imagining it is. Like, take your expectations and cut them in half. That’s how exciting it really is. I plan on getting your input sometime in October. But I’ll keep it a secret from our followers until it actually starts. Creates more suspense that way.
I have another semi-secret project that I want everyone’s opinion on. (That includes you, followers! Please respond in comments!)
I have created this blog called NaNoNerdfighters! I’m planning on this whole elaborate thing that is still forming in my mind, but I shall explain it. Basically, I get a bunch of Nerdfighters as my writing buddies on the NaNo website. Then, each Monday in November, I update the blog saying how far each writer has gotten. Each writer is then given a level (Red, Green, or Yellow). Writers on the Red level are behind schedule. Writers on the Green level are ahead of schedule. And writers on the Yellow level are just about on schedule. All of the writers are then ranked in order of most words to least. In addition to my posts on Mondays, writers can update the blog whenever they want to. Writers could ask for advice, or talk about their feelings on their novel, but each post has to be related to NaNoWriMo. Also, I think it would be cool to get Nerdfighter authors (published or unpublished; known or unknown) to write little pep talks (similar to the pep talks that NaNoWriMo sends out) which could be posted whenever.
Thoughts? I kind of rambled, but hopefully you got the general idea. The only admins that I would have are me and maybe any of you, if you were up to it. I’m open to suggestions on the whole thing. And if I had other admins besides myself, we could possibly post an update every day instead of just on Mondays. Once I get everything sorted out, I’ll go to the Nerdfighter forum and ask people if they want to become a writer or maybe write an author pep talk.
So yeah, my question for this week is just for your input on my idea.
Erm… I promised you girls a post explaining school, right? Yeah. Didn’t happen. I suppose I’ll do that now.
I was strangely worried about school this year, which was weird, considering I’m in eighth grade and therefore the oldest in the school. I don’t know. I’m strange. When I got to school, I somehow got lost finding my homeroom (It’s on the other end of the universe, so that might explain why) but that’s actually really funny considering I gave tours of the school a few weeks ago. My science/homeroom teacher is really nice, and I know almost everyone in my science class, which is awesome. Also, hilarious story: I’m in an advanced science class, so almost all of us are these massive dorks, except for these two decepticons/popular girls. They were talking about some sort of relationship drama thing the other day, so a few of the guys in my class started saying, “OMG NO WAYYYYY. I mean, like, I can’t, like, believe he would say that! OH MYYYY GOD. Your life is, like, sooooo difficult and I can’t believe that he, like, cheated on you. It’s not like we’re in eighth grade and cheating has no meaning or anything; this is some SERIOUS stuff, guys.” Imagine dorky nerdfighter-ish guys saying that with really high-pitched voices. LOL.
Second period, I have a special, which right now is Technology Education. There are three portions to this class, and I fail at two of them (Woodshop and Engineering) but am epic at the Computer Design part of it. I can’t wait until I’m done with this class. Mainly because I’m bad at it, but also because it is extremely far away from everywhere else.
Third period I have Algebra II. I still have no idea who else is in that class, because the teacher is so strict that everyone is to afraid to say anything that doesn’t have to do with math. Sigh.
Then lunch. Then fourth period, which is English. My teacher kind of looks like Dolores Umbridge, but yeah. As it turns out, she is a huge Harry Potter fan. We had to write this big essay thing in an hour the other day, and I mainly blabbed on about the Harry Potter Alliance, Wizard Rock, and DFTBA Records. She told me she was FASCINATED. And I got an A on it, so yay!
Fifth period is my absolute favorite class, French. I love my teacher, Madame Hess. I love everyone in the class. I love the location of the classroom. I love the subject matter. I love everything about it, and it totally makes my day. My sort-of-friend from sixth grade, Jake, is in that class, and I find it funny that in sixth grade, when everyone was talking about what language they were going to take in eighth, Jake said, “Well, I guess I’ll see you in French!” And he does. Everyday. It’s not like this is the only French class; it’s entirely possible that there are 13 other French classes, but we just happen to be in the same one.
Sixth period is another special, which right now alternates between Information Technology and Health. We’re learning about the fun body systems this year in Health. *sarcasm* Digestive, Endocrine, Reproductive. Oh joy. At least there are mostly girls in the class. But all of the boys that we DO have are very immature, so this year should be fun.
Seventh period is Civics. I really like this class. Everyone in the class is pretty fun, and although the subject itself is pretty hard, it’s really interesting.
So that’s everything. Long post is long. Let’s make it even longer by addressing your posts!
Projects that I plan to start working on soon are obviously the secret projects that I mentioned. Also, we have this giant History research project, which sounds pretty boring, but is actually pretty fun, and I’m looking forward to it. I’m a night person and a morning person. I love staying up really late, but I also love being up really early. I kind of wish we didn’t have to sleep at all, though I value every hour I get of sleep nowadays. I would so talk about more, but I’m already over 1000 words, so I better wrap this up.
Weirdest thing that every happened to me? Hmmm… I’ve been thinking about this all week, and I still don’t know. I’ll get back to you.
I just started reading a new book, actually. YouTube: An Insider’s Guide to Climbing the Charts by Alan Lastufka & Michael W. Dean. It’s a how-to book on YouTube, pretty much. But it’s really awesome, and I’m on page 37.
I watched America’s Got Talent almost every week AND I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. Fighting Gravity didn’t win just because they had one little mistake towards the end of their performance, but they were so totally awesome. I think they’ll get a show somewhere, because everything they did was just SO COOL.
And, I have over 1200 words in this post. Yeah. Gonna go now. Annica, I’ll read you tomorrow!
Edit: Actually, now that I look at it again, it isn't THAT long. Hmmm.
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