Wow that week went by fast.
Right then, hello! How are we today? I was thinking about what kind of stuff is going on in my life, and I realized that there's a whole lot! I mean, with grade 12 to be started in a week, college applications to be written, SAT2's to be studied for, and lots and lots of fun to be had, my schedule is pretty packed! But one thing that I have been doing for the past month is trying to get in shape!
Now, as a nerd, I am not at all the sporty type. I mean, I enjoy sports, but I'm just....not good...But there are other ways to get fit! Like so:
Warning Long Video Ahead!
Jeez that vid is long, but man does it make me wanna get up and exercise my nerdy little butt off!! ;P
But instead of this, I made a deal with my dad to climb a 2.9km high mountain (that's 1.8 miles for you Americans) about 20 times before school starts! Which I have been doing whilst raising money for the children's hospital here in BC (what, you need proof?? fine, here! And this is all amazing, but I'm starting to worry that I can't make the deadline! I have to climb this mountain 6 more times! I gotta get a move on!!
Anyways, since that's what's been on my mind and nomming away at my time, I thought I'd just share this desire to get fit which has turned into my panic about meeting a deadline...Yes I know my life is exciting.
So, girlies, what's eating up most of your time these days? Is it maybe a current obsession or a certain male interest or exercise or...I dunno, but I wanna find out! :)
Friday aka Bridget:
So you play Nintendo with your famjam? I think I want your parents :P And chyea, our polar bears kick major butt! Actually, I'm gonna need to take mine to the vet soon 'cause I'll be riding him to school every day as of next Tuesday (WHAT?! SCHOOL?! SENIOR YEAR?! WHAT?!)
By the way, I thought you'd enjoy this XD

Monday aka Jess:
Right...I'm not even gonna mention how much time I spent creating pokemon trainers. Let's just say, I've probably got enough to fill a pokemon card deck. No I'm kidding, but it was SO addicting to just keep making more!! And on that randomness, how is it possible that you have not seen the awesomeness of Pokemon or Doctor Who?? They are so awesome!!!
And to answer your question, I start school the same day as you. Luckily though, we seniors don't have to show up until like noon, and we get a BBQ (WOOP! WOOP!)

Side Note: Eevee was actually my favourite pokemon, because it offered so many possibilities! But the firey one is obviously my fav evolution XD
Tuesday aka Annica:
Yay for fun travels! I know what you mean about the diversity of America, it's just so cool :D Oh, and I know ALL about brothers. I figure, as long as mine doesn't stink too much, I can live with him. I'm just kidding, we actually get along much better than most siblings :)
But I would never hold an alligator. It bites. And I'm a wimp. So kudos to you!
Wednesday aka Winona:
That music week sounds like a lot of fun! I wish we had something like that here!...Actually, we probably do, but I just haven't heard of this action...But! If I'm not completely broke and have the money, I plan on watching Grease (the musical) with a couple of my friends because I absolutely LOVE that show, and they're performing near me in a month or so XD
Oh, and I am the absolute same in the funny department! Things just go way downhill when I try to be funny, but I still like to think that I can at least be entertaining sometimes :P
Hope you all have a fantabulous week full of awesome possumness
Bridget, I'll read you tomorrow :)
Current Mood Song: Monsters by Matchbook Romance
Currently Reading: 1984 (George Orwell) and now Paper Towns (John Green Books = WIN!)
- Sanja :)
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