
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dudes, I'm a SENIOR!!

Hello lovely ladies! It's another wonderful Thursday a.k.a. Sanja-gets-to-blurb-to-you-for-a-whole-blog-post-day!

So, yesterday was my first official day of classes where I get up at the ungodly hour of 6:45 am only to spend the next 9 hours seated in transit and in classes. Needless to say, it was a very awkward feeling after a summer of randomness. Since I had met up with my friends the day before, we didn't have all the spastic "how was your summer?" conversations leaving us with just dreadful sleepiness and a strange feeling of superiority.

For the first time in my life, there has been no one to look up to. Since kindergarten and even preschool, we're always looking up at the "big kids" and there's always someone above. Except this year, my friends and I are those "big kids" stuck at the top of the high school food chain! I can't quite describe the feeling except that it was very strange and somehow I felt great excitement and great sadness and nostalgia all at the same time. But mostly excitement.

Since I'm a smart cookie and I managed to kick off all those pesky mandatory classes early on, this year I really get to experience all the subjects that I love! In our school, we have Day 1's and Day 2's both consisting of four blocks.

My Day 1 consists of AP English Language and Composition, a Spare Block, Accounting 12, and AP Calculus AB while Day 2 consists of AP English Literature and Composition, History 12, Law 12, and AP Chemistry.

I think that the subjects we choose to study even in high school say a lot about our characters, the kinds of things we enjoy as individuals, and our priorities in life. For example, you can probably tell I really love humanities/social science based courses but I also value a strong science and math base. Take from that what you will, but those are the things that interest me! If you haven't said about your first day, tell me about your classes and first impressions!

Did you know that I want your room? Because those stickers are SO SUPER COOL!!! And I hope your school situation is going well. The key is just to be friendly and confident! I mean, other people are usually shy to approach you, so as a new kid, you should be confident and approach other people asking about random stuff and just saying "okay, cool, thanks! Yeah, I'm new here, so I'm still figuring stuff out! My name's [insert name here] by the way" which usually leads to random convo. Trust me, I've been through the whole new kid biz about 9 times in my life, so I know how it can feel. Good luck though!

I can never decide on a favourite colour. I want to say blue, but I also really love purple. But then I also really love green. Yeah....I wear too much blue though, so I guess I'll just go with that...I hope you had fun with your famjam! And I also hope school's going well!

I always do a bunch of clubs because I like to get involved, so this year I'm continuing with the ones I've been doing for a while, namely Cinderella Project, Model United Nations, and Night of Empathy (a.k.a. 30 Hour Famine). This year, I'll be one of the heads for all of these three so it'll keep me wonderfully busy doing the stuff I love! I hope you make new friends or get closer with some existing friends to lighten the load of your bestie's moving! It can be hard, but just keep your head up!

Yeah, those places wouldn't be the best mood-wise, but they are really great places to visit. I actually wish I could go over there and tour the towns, because really, it all seems like such a dream or story until you witness it for yourself and realize how much evil people can really be made of. But keep at the male interest part! And keep me posted on the progress ;)

By now you should all realize that I type very long posts, so if you're not one for that, I'm sorry, I'll try to cut down! That's one thing that AP Lang should help me with: writing concisely!

Anyways, I hope to hear about the rest of your first day experiences, and I can't wait 'till Bridgetday!

Current Mood Song: Into Yesterday by Sugar Ray
Currently Reading: [still need to go to library to pick something!]
Current Movie Mood: Beautiful Mind

- Sanja

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