Thursday, September 30, 2010
Hmmm. What now?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It's Wednesday, but I'm not Winona
So, obviously, I'm Jess, not Winona. But Winona has been in Poland since Monday, and therefore cannot blog.
As I have already posted this week, I'm not going to ramble on anymore. This video should fulfill your daily quota of Nerdfighter-y random that you have come to expect from Nerdily Ever After:
Sanja, I'll read you tomorrow! (Wow, that sounded weird coming from me. *shudders*)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Annica apologizes.
I'm sorry. I realize that I'm not the most interesting person in the first place, but this week, my post will be more boring that usual. I'm not really in the mood to write a blog today. My mind has just been filled with negativity and sadness all day long. Plus, I have a lot of homework to do tonight. I don't know what I expected when registering for two math classes.
Right now, I just want to run away like Margo did, far, far away from this town. Or, as pathetic as it sounds, I just want the Doctor to come whisk me away in his TARDIS. It's one of those days where I just want to get away from it all. From everything.
Instead, I'm just going to have to settle with watching reruns of Doctor Who, listening to music really loud, eating junk food, procrastinating on my homework, watching Glee, taking much too long of a shower, and staying up way later than I should.
Here is my question for all of you (girls and followers) today: What do you do when you aren't in a good mood?
I'm sorry that you didn't have a good week/day last week. I can empathize with you right now. I hope it's going better this week, though.
It sounds like you were super busy! Hopefully is isn't too stressful. That just made me stressed by reading it. What's this about making plans with a guy? *winkwink*
There are quite a few things we have in common. Though, I suppose that all five of us have many things in common with each other. How did you like Will Grayson, Will Grayson? I admit that it's not my favorite, but it was all right.
I did hear about Darren Criss being on Glee. I'm super excited! I hope they don't take away from his real voice, though. As for your question, my least favorite day of the week is usually Sunday or Tuesday (which is ironic, because I am Tuesday xD).
Song of the Day: Toxic by Britney Spears (tonight's episode of Glee is Britney Spears themed... don't judge me! xD)
Currently Reading: Animal Farm (again) by George Orwell and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (novel) by Nagaru Tanigawa
Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Hey girls, it's Monday.
So. This post is up really late. It's already past 10 pm here. I wish that I had a real reason for this, but I don't. I actually had off of school today, and had a very small amount of homework to do for tomorrow.
But I just wasn't very productive today.
My question for all of you: What is your least favorite day of the week? (I will only be slightly offended if you say Monday.)
Mine is Tuesday (sorry Annica!).
To address the posts!
My favorite shows are very similar to your's, actually! Avatar, Glee, and LOST. Also, I just started watching The Event (I actually just finished watching the new episode!) and I can't exactly name it as one of my favorite shows, but it certainly has potential. ALSO: Did you hear about Darren Criss being on Glee?! OMGOMGOMGOMG. Now, to your second question: My planning for my NaNo novel is hard to explain. This story has been in my head since I was 9, so I guess I do have a lot of it planned out. But none of it has been formally written down, which is what I'll be doing all next month. And I would love your help with NaNoNerdfighters! I'll contact you with more info soon.
I am also lacking in creativity. Yeah.
Wow exhaustion! Glad that everything is going well, though! And yay Glee! AND OMG DARREN CRISS ON GLEE. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. /fangirling
I would totally reveal some of my soul, but I'm too tired for no apparent reason.
There's this thing at the bottom of my post. It says 'Post a Comment.' So, y'know... YOU SHOULD COMMENT LYK NAO PL0X. *cough*
Sorry for the lacking-in-awesome post today, but last week's was really long and stuff, so... Yeah. Annica, I'll read you tomorrow.
Friday, September 24, 2010
ANYWAYS, I suppose I should tell you all about my week. Unfortunately, there is not much to tell! I went to school, studied, failed at playing football (a sport I never learnt) in Phys. Ed., Skyped with my boyfriend (who if you didn't know lives back in Europe), wrote a lot, prepared for NaNoWriMo, and slept.
I've been very tired lately. I suppose it's just my system getting back into the schooling kick, but it's strange.
Since Annica shared some more personal facts about herself, I suppose I will do the same.
(in no particular order) - TEN THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BRIDGET:
10. Moving around so much has made me kind of... sensitive about goodbyes.
9. Number 10 leads to number 9, the reason why I spent so much time on the internet. The internet is kind of my home because I don't have to worry about leaving people on there. No matter where I am, or where others are, the internet connects us.
8. I can't have people touching the insides of my wrists. Not only does it freak me out, but I literally will pull some ninja-self defense moves if you try. If you hold me for long enough, I'll start to cry. It's strange, I know, but probably no weirder than that woman on Maury who was PETRIFIED of mustard.
7. I, too, often want to make up lies about myself or my life. Probably just because, honestly, I could get away with it. I'm enough of a creative to make cool, in-depth fibs seem real. I don't though however, and try to be honest as possible. (Lying makes me feel bad later)
6. I'm one of those people who always has to be doing something. Like, I can't just sit. I have to be doing something with my hands.
5. Again, number 6 leads to number 5, I always need to be doing something with my life. I'm kind of crazy when it comes to wanting to accomplish things.
4. Speaking of crazy, I'm crazy. Not only is there a cast of characters within my head that won't shut their traps, but I've got a Muse that likes to pop up at one in the morning to, oh by the way, tell me some important plot detail that I'm going to need to write down.
3. I'm constantly looking for people with whom I can have intellectual conversations. Not that I don't enjoy fun, random conversations (those are the best), but I often am starved of a real, deep, conversation.
2. I'm rather liberal. Never smoked weed, but I think it's fine. Everything in moderation, really. A few times I've questioned why I go to school and why I do this and that. I've always come to a conclusion in the end, but I also remind myself everyday to not let my life go onto autopilot - a daily routine where I don't even have to think about what I'm doing or where I'm going anymore.
1. Most people I talk to always want to leave to see the world and such. As Annica (and John Green) put it "get out of her paper town". But honestly, I'm so glad to be back in a Paper Town. I've seen so many places, and it was great. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. But it breaks my heart a little when I'm with my new group of friends and they're talking about the preschool they all went to. All of them. For me, a Paper Town is perfect.
*looks around awkwardly* Darn, I got too serious again, didn't I? SORRY. ERM....
Song of the Day: In One Ear - Cage the Elephant
Currently Reading: Will Grayson, Will Grayson (trying to get into this book!)
Currently Writing: bits and pieces of "It's a Jungle in There". (My current work in progress)
Currently Nomming: Pop Tarts. NOMNOMNOM.
Sorry guys, but I'm WAY too tired to try and post respond, so I'll do that next week. ((:
Oh yeah, and followers? Uhm you should like, comment. NAO.
Jess, I'll read you on Monday. 8D
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I'm sorry!
it's Wednesday and at the moment I'm brushing my lips with a toothbrush so they will be soft. Yes, I'm that kind of a girl.
To be honest, as I'm writing this I don't really feel like blogging. I haven't felt like blogging for several days now but I'll do it anyway just for girls (and our lovely readers as well) but excuse me if this is going to be a short entry. I'm not in the right mood to ramble about random stuff, ye know?
My day was great and not much is happening here at the moment, everything's fine and boring.
I'm lacking in creativity, girls, I'm sorry.
I'm going to bed now regarding the fact I have a huge headache.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Annica likes putting her name in titles.
I didn't have a particularly interesting day, today, so I've decided I'm going to talk about myself. Unfortuntely, you four (plus our eight followers) don't really know much about me. The way I present myself in the blog isn't exactly how I am with my friends or my family or by myself.
We're all stuck in our own heads, and nobody will ever really know what happens in your head. Nobody knows what anyone is thinking, or feeling, or going through exactly.
Nobody really knows me very well. At school, I'm most likely seen as a quiet, boring, goody two shoes. At church, I'm probably seen as the uncommited, lazy type. I don't know what I seem like to you guys, but it's probably not completely true.
So, I'm going to tell you guys some things you don't know about me. It's still not going to be quite enough for you to really know me, but I hope that it helps you know me better).
1. I want to leave my paper town (ironically, my town is known for making paper and my high school mascot is a Papermaker) and travel around the world.
2. I like to be alone, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one alive, and it gets quite depressing.
3. I like to make elaborate plans in my head. Dreams I have, goals I wish to accomplish, but when it comes to it, I'm always too unmotivated.
4. Contrary to my posts, I'm rather sarcastic and cold in real life. Not completely cruel or anything, but definitely meaner than on here.
5. I'm really sensitive. This makes me sound like a baby or a scaredy cat, but whenever I watch a sad movie or TV show, I always cry.
6. I'm a picky eater. I just can't bring myself to eat very many foods
7. At school, people aren't afraid to say things in front of me because I seem like the person that doesn't listen or tell others. I find out a lot of things this way. It's bad, true, but I can't help it.
8. Sometimes, I truly consider lying about myself to those who don't really know me. Nothing serious, of course. I don't, though, because I don't have the guts. One of those lies is, "I was named after Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars." Annica (an uh cuh) sounds quite a bit like Anakin (an uh kin), so it could make sense.
9. I'm really good at remembering names and birthdays and the like. I know the names of people at school I have never said a single word to. I sometimes get annoyed if I don't know a person's name.
Imagining each other complexly seems to be the main theme of Paper Towns (but that's not what I got from the book) and popular in Nerdfighteria, so I haven't thought about this in depth. Lol. Sorry if this is all old news for you.
1. What are your favorite television shows? Mine are Doctor Who, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Glee. I think I've mentioned this before, but I've just ordered the first season of Doctor Who on Netflix (the eleventh Doctor was my first Doctor), recently finished Avatar, and Glee starts up again tonight, so T.V. is on my mind. Lol.
2. For those of you who are doing NaNoWriMo, how far are you in planning your novel? I've just got one idea down, but it's quite detailed. For those of you who are not doing NaNoWriMo (or if you are...), what are some things we don't know about you?
Your experience sounds quite weird. I'd definitely be freaked out. The only slightly freaky thing I can think of that happened recently was when someone called for me and told me that I had been reccommended by someone I know to go to jail for a day or two for charity. It was probably a normal thing, but the caller didn't explain it well, so I freaked out. It's cool that you are talking to a Nerdfighter that lives near you. I'm kind of hoping something like that will happen to me.
I wish I had more time for reading. But lately, I've just been trying to get used to high school. The book I am currently reading is Wide Awake by David Levithan. I'm bad at explaining books, but it's pretty much about a rightfully winning Presidential-nominee who some are trying to take the election away from. I quite like it. It makes me want to do more for my community and/or things I believe in.
I don't really know what else to say other than I'm glad you had fun. xD Out of context, being surrounded by a girl in a giant grape costume, with a elephant mask and a mexican sombrero, as well as a girl with a clown wig, a masquerade mask, a toga and a beard sounds quite freaky... Lolz. I finally understood the Pokemon picture you posted last week. Giggling ensued. Is your week going well? IT BETTER BE GOING WELL.
I love, love, love your idea for NaNoNerdfighters. I'm one who wants to win and be the best. I don't seem competitive if you see me and the way I act, but trust me, in my mind, I want to CRUSH EVERYONE TO SMITHEREENS because I. AM. THE. BEST. Okay. Not really. But when I'm ranked or compared to others, I'm usually thinking, "No way no how am I going to end up in fifth place. I MUST BE FIRST." Unless it has to do with running or exercise. In that case, I know that there isn't any way that I'm going to get first *is an athlete*. Anyway, I think it would be a good way to motivate myself and others to do better and actually win NaNoWriMo. Also, I think that it would be cool to have a place for us to talk about our novels and ask for advice and motivation that is more select than the main NaNo website. Who better to seek advice from than other Nerdfighters, right? (okay, I know there are many other great people to seek advice from out in this world, so that's not entirely true) I would love to help, if you need it.
Hello. Sanja reminded me in her post that the followers need some love, too. I just want to let you know that I have noticed all of you. All eight of you. I have looked at your blogs, if you have them, and I have been equally excited for each one of you to join us. Now, I'd just like to take this moment and say thank you and to invite you to comment our posts and to talk to us. SO COMMENT, DAMMIT. COMMMMENT. Just kidding. You don't have to (yes, you do).
Song of the Day: This Shore by Tom Milsom
Element of the Day: Water
Currently Reading: Wide Awake by David Levithan
Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.
Adjö´ så lä´nge!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Prepare yo' selves for the LONGEST POST EVER.
This week’s post will be much more cheerful than last week’s. Last week was quite stressful, but your posts (and the fact that FiveAwesomeGirls is back) made everything almost okay.
I feel like I need to talk about my secret project a bit more. First of all, it’s not as exciting as you are imagining it is. Like, take your expectations and cut them in half. That’s how exciting it really is. I plan on getting your input sometime in October. But I’ll keep it a secret from our followers until it actually starts. Creates more suspense that way.
I have another semi-secret project that I want everyone’s opinion on. (That includes you, followers! Please respond in comments!)
I have created this blog called NaNoNerdfighters! I’m planning on this whole elaborate thing that is still forming in my mind, but I shall explain it. Basically, I get a bunch of Nerdfighters as my writing buddies on the NaNo website. Then, each Monday in November, I update the blog saying how far each writer has gotten. Each writer is then given a level (Red, Green, or Yellow). Writers on the Red level are behind schedule. Writers on the Green level are ahead of schedule. And writers on the Yellow level are just about on schedule. All of the writers are then ranked in order of most words to least. In addition to my posts on Mondays, writers can update the blog whenever they want to. Writers could ask for advice, or talk about their feelings on their novel, but each post has to be related to NaNoWriMo. Also, I think it would be cool to get Nerdfighter authors (published or unpublished; known or unknown) to write little pep talks (similar to the pep talks that NaNoWriMo sends out) which could be posted whenever.
Thoughts? I kind of rambled, but hopefully you got the general idea. The only admins that I would have are me and maybe any of you, if you were up to it. I’m open to suggestions on the whole thing. And if I had other admins besides myself, we could possibly post an update every day instead of just on Mondays. Once I get everything sorted out, I’ll go to the Nerdfighter forum and ask people if they want to become a writer or maybe write an author pep talk.
So yeah, my question for this week is just for your input on my idea.
Erm… I promised you girls a post explaining school, right? Yeah. Didn’t happen. I suppose I’ll do that now.
I was strangely worried about school this year, which was weird, considering I’m in eighth grade and therefore the oldest in the school. I don’t know. I’m strange. When I got to school, I somehow got lost finding my homeroom (It’s on the other end of the universe, so that might explain why) but that’s actually really funny considering I gave tours of the school a few weeks ago. My science/homeroom teacher is really nice, and I know almost everyone in my science class, which is awesome. Also, hilarious story: I’m in an advanced science class, so almost all of us are these massive dorks, except for these two decepticons/popular girls. They were talking about some sort of relationship drama thing the other day, so a few of the guys in my class started saying, “OMG NO WAYYYYY. I mean, like, I can’t, like, believe he would say that! OH MYYYY GOD. Your life is, like, sooooo difficult and I can’t believe that he, like, cheated on you. It’s not like we’re in eighth grade and cheating has no meaning or anything; this is some SERIOUS stuff, guys.” Imagine dorky nerdfighter-ish guys saying that with really high-pitched voices. LOL.
Second period, I have a special, which right now is Technology Education. There are three portions to this class, and I fail at two of them (Woodshop and Engineering) but am epic at the Computer Design part of it. I can’t wait until I’m done with this class. Mainly because I’m bad at it, but also because it is extremely far away from everywhere else.
Third period I have Algebra II. I still have no idea who else is in that class, because the teacher is so strict that everyone is to afraid to say anything that doesn’t have to do with math. Sigh.
Then lunch. Then fourth period, which is English. My teacher kind of looks like Dolores Umbridge, but yeah. As it turns out, she is a huge Harry Potter fan. We had to write this big essay thing in an hour the other day, and I mainly blabbed on about the Harry Potter Alliance, Wizard Rock, and DFTBA Records. She told me she was FASCINATED. And I got an A on it, so yay!
Fifth period is my absolute favorite class, French. I love my teacher, Madame Hess. I love everyone in the class. I love the location of the classroom. I love the subject matter. I love everything about it, and it totally makes my day. My sort-of-friend from sixth grade, Jake, is in that class, and I find it funny that in sixth grade, when everyone was talking about what language they were going to take in eighth, Jake said, “Well, I guess I’ll see you in French!” And he does. Everyday. It’s not like this is the only French class; it’s entirely possible that there are 13 other French classes, but we just happen to be in the same one.
Sixth period is another special, which right now alternates between Information Technology and Health. We’re learning about the fun body systems this year in Health. *sarcasm* Digestive, Endocrine, Reproductive. Oh joy. At least there are mostly girls in the class. But all of the boys that we DO have are very immature, so this year should be fun.
Seventh period is Civics. I really like this class. Everyone in the class is pretty fun, and although the subject itself is pretty hard, it’s really interesting.
So that’s everything. Long post is long. Let’s make it even longer by addressing your posts!
Projects that I plan to start working on soon are obviously the secret projects that I mentioned. Also, we have this giant History research project, which sounds pretty boring, but is actually pretty fun, and I’m looking forward to it. I’m a night person and a morning person. I love staying up really late, but I also love being up really early. I kind of wish we didn’t have to sleep at all, though I value every hour I get of sleep nowadays. I would so talk about more, but I’m already over 1000 words, so I better wrap this up.
Weirdest thing that every happened to me? Hmmm… I’ve been thinking about this all week, and I still don’t know. I’ll get back to you.
I just started reading a new book, actually. YouTube: An Insider’s Guide to Climbing the Charts by Alan Lastufka & Michael W. Dean. It’s a how-to book on YouTube, pretty much. But it’s really awesome, and I’m on page 37.
I watched America’s Got Talent almost every week AND I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. Fighting Gravity didn’t win just because they had one little mistake towards the end of their performance, but they were so totally awesome. I think they’ll get a show somewhere, because everything they did was just SO COOL.
And, I have over 1200 words in this post. Yeah. Gonna go now. Annica, I’ll read you tomorrow!
Edit: Actually, now that I look at it again, it isn't THAT long. Hmmm.
Friday, September 17, 2010
So yes, this is going to be a very short post. Uhmm... what can I give you to satisfy your need for random?
Well, lets just say that there is currently a girl in a giant grape costume, with a elephant mask and a mexican sombrero, as well as a girl with a clown wig, a masqurade mask, a toga and a beard sitting next to me. Neither of them are drunk. These are my friends. Why, I don't know. Probably because no one else is willing. ;)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Rediscovering the Joys of Literature!
weird day is weird
My day's been really strange. I took some pills for my sore throat today and I kinda think they made me a bit dizzy and made me see things that I think weren't real. There was this woman, she had grey hair and a blue coat. She actually looked very classy, was wearing red lipstick, her hair was in a nice bun and she wore high heels. I was on my usual way home but I have never seen her. So, that's not quite weird but here it comes. I was walking next to a small child as this woman suddenly stopped and went into one of the bushes. She was shouting, "hey, child." "child." "come here, child." and came out of the bushes again. Then she walked along the way as if nothing happened. Some minutes later I was crossing the huge meadow in the park that I live next to and I saw various children playing, heard them laughing. Suddenly there was no laughing anymore and the children disappeared. Maan, that was really weird. Nevermind.
My day's been awesome, had a great day at school even though I didn't really participate in any lesson but I survived anyway.
Couple of days ago I was contacted by a girl called Jenny on the Nerdfighter ning. She's a part of Germanerds. She doesn't live far away and we plan to have some kind of a nerdfighter meet-up. I'm excited!!!!
Sanja - HEY SENIOR! Of course I will keep you all updated about this guy when something important happens. It seems like you have an awesome schedule in school but 9 hours? Really? That long? Woah! Well, I am only able to choose two of my classes, I picked English and French because I seem to have a talent for learning languages.
Bridget - I'm soo glad your first day went well and you already made new friends. Religion is a huge topic lately, everyone I talk to gets me involved into a discussion about religion. I'm not religious myself, I'm an Atheist but I respect every religion (:
Jess - YOU ARE SUCH A TEASE! What's that secret thing all about, I really want to know now! One of my most awesome mates plays the ukulele quite well, give it a try, Jess (:
So, your questions:
1. I guess... the keyboard. Because I have one myself but can't play it haha.
2. Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, I guess. I'm a true nerd in school but I'm a really brave kid as well. I don't know. I'll let you guys decide haha.
Annica - I love the journal idea. It's so cute. I'm collecting quotes I love in a little notebook I take with me all of the time. I'm trying to fill the whole book by the end of next year, preferably earlier.
My Questions:
What's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you that you can remember?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Annica isn't good at coming up with titles.
This is the first time that I haven't had anything to write about during the project. So, I guess I'll just talk about my day.
Today's school day was just the same old, same old. I dragged from class to class and got an ungodly amount of homework. After school, however, I went with my friend to our school's book club. It was nice for once to have people burst out in excitement when Harry Potter or The Hunger Games were mentioned. It made me feel like I wasn't the only nerdy person at school.
One girl was really excited when I mentioned John Green. My friend did the Nerdfighter sign to her and asked if she knew what it was, but it turns out the girl is just a fan of John Green, not a Nerdfighter. This made me want to write Nerdfighter Notes. I think I'm going to write some today or tomorrow and stick them in whatever books seem Nerdfighter-ish to me.
On a slightly related note, I think I'm going to start making collections of my favorite quotes in a little journal. There are many good quotes that I like as I read, listen to music, or simply in my daily life. I find that quotes can tell you more about a person than the person can tell you about themselves.
On a completely unrelated note, Glee starts a week from today (in America, at least)! Do any of you watch that show? I'm usually not into shows like it, but I'm super excited for it to return.
1. What projects or hobbies do you hope to start working on soon?
2. Are you a morning person or a night person? (I'm a night person, personally)
You're not boring! I find you to be quite interesting. I feel like the boring one sometimes. My favorite ice cream would have to be some fruity kind of frozen yogurt. Pomegranate blueberry, probably. I checked out your friend's band. They're pretty good!
Those clubs sound interesting. I'm trying to get involved in as many things as I can handle. xD Being a senior must be pretty darn cool. It was nice being at the top of the school last year. It must be super nice to be at the top of everybody.
My school is really sports oriented as well. We're serious about it. I think that we're ranked third in the state right now. But, we still have a lot of clubs too. I have many mixed feelings on religion. Sometimes, I wonder how people are so sure that they are right. One thing I really like about (some, but not all) religions is that they encourage you to be a good person and all that jazz. If I could instill one trait in my children, it would be diligence. If I weren't a lazy bum, I could have been so much farther in my schooling and hobbies and other things. I don't want my future children to be unmotivated like me. I want them to want the best for themselves and for the world. I want them to go far in life.
I wish I had a free period at my school where I could spend my time writing a blog or doing homework. The school newspaper sounds cool! The school newspaper sounds fun to be on. I'm thinking of applying in my senior year. I totally agree that school newspapers are always full of mistakes and errors. It's quite annoying. If I could play any instrument, it'd probably be something like the harp or violin. But if I do decide to play an instrument, I'll probably choose piano, because I already know quite a bit. As for Hogwarts house, that's a bit of a toughie. I'd be one of those kids that the Sorting Hat would have quite the time sorting. Usually, I cheat and say Slytherclaw, but I guess that I'd have to say that I'm a Ravenclaw. Slytherin is a real, real close second, though.
Song of the Day: They Live in You from The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride
Element of the Day: Earth
Currently Reading: Wide Awake by David Levithan
Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Oh, hey!
I want a hobby. I realize that I do have a hobby - writing, blogging - but I feel like I need to do something else. I made a video a while back, saying that I was going to learn to play the guitar. I have changed my mind. Instead, I'm going to play the ukulele. I actually came to this decision a while ago. Thoughts?
Also, as for my question this week, I have two:
1. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
2. What Hogwarts house would you be in? (Stick to the classics; no Slytherclaw, or Gryffinpuff, or Awesome, or Strixenhooot.)
Five points to you if you got the Strixenhooot reference, because not many people do.
If you read my blog yesterday, you probably know that I am planning secret things. Don't worry, girls, I will explain it to you eventually. We have even discussed it already, even if you don't remember. But I'm just taking the intiative and planning it out.
I have so much more to talk about, but I need to go now. So, lemme respond to all of you:
Sorry that your first day of high school wasn't that great! Hopefully it gets better later on. I plan on being one of the editors for my school paper, which I'm really looking forward to. I always complain about previous editors, because it didn't seem like they did anything. Nothing in any of my articles was changed and there were so many spelling mistakes in other articles that you can tell no one even read through it.
My first day of school did go well, actually! I would totally write about it in this post, but I don't have time. So I'll probably just put up a post about it on my personal blog. Favorite kind of ice cream... Hmmmm. Er, I'm pretty boring and I'm just going to have to say vanilla.
Senior! Wow. I think it's so weird how different all of our lives are right now, even though we are only a few years apart. I mean, I'M the oldest in my school, too. Like I said above, post about my first day of school will be up in a few days and I'll link to it in next week's post.
I actually used to go to Catholic school, and I hated it. Not because it was Catholic, but because it was a really small school and everyone in my class was far behind me academically. As far as religion goes... I'm currently studying to become Catholic (which is why I really have to go, actually) but I'd much rather be Lutheran. I'm pretty tolerant of all religions, though. And, erm, uh...
I seriously have to go. Sorry for being so rushed, but yeah. Annica, I'll see you tomorrow!
Friday, September 10, 2010
SO, my first week of school. It was interesting and clumsy and confusing and fun. I took your nerdy advice and be'd myself whilst not being shy. And now I have a group of fun friends.
I don't know if I mentioned this, but I'm going to a Catholic school. Now, religion, for me, has never been a big thing. I'm not Catholic, nor Christian, nor any "God" believing religion. If I were to pick a religion that fits my system of beliefs, it would be Taoism. That's what I tell everyone I am.
The reason I bring this up, is because today we had our first Mass. Now, I've never been to a Catholic school before, and I didn't know what to expect. There was a lot of standing up and sitting down and praying and saying things and making hand motions. It was all kind of a blur to me, with one of my friends sitting next to me whispering what I had to do next. But honestly, I was a little intrigued. I've learned about all different types of religions before, but I'd never really experienced it like this. Most of the students in the audience looked kind of bored. I'm figuring that they are Catholic because their parents are Catholic. But there were a few, my whispering friend included, who were really... into it! I was amazed! I mean, I suppose that I shouldn't be, but I was. It's really got me thinking about religion. This whole thing and the whole Qur'an burning predicament (which I think is crazy and very disrespectful, personally) has got me really thinking about religion? Any thoughts? I don't mind if you don't want to share, I understand this is a personal issue. Just thought I'd throw my opinions out there.
Wow, Bridget just got deep. :o Better fix that. Uhmmm...
Currently Reading: Will Grayson, Will Grayson & Naruto (Manga FTW?)
Currently Playing: Brawl and Wii Tennis
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Dudes, I'm a SENIOR!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
O hai. This is Wednesday, September 8th.
So, today I'm posting a bit later than I do usually but I went out with a friend today. We went to Dussmann, which is a really famous mall for CD's, DVD's, books and stuff. Afterwards we went to McDonalds and my beloved lake I told you about in my first post. We had a lot of fun, oh yeah!
School was ok. We were rehearsing for a sketch we're doing in English classes, read different books in German and ethics classes and our history teacher let us go earlier.
I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow because in my "first lesson" I'll have to go to the job coach. I'm not very fond to go there because when I inscribed to go there I didn't know that I could stay in the school I am now for three more years. Now that I know that I don't really need to go there but they called some days ago and I didn't go there yesterday and they called again today and I guess they won't stop calling me if I'll never go there.
"Can call when you want but there's no one home and you're not gonna reach my telephone."
I - once again - realized I'm quite the boring person in this blog collab, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
Sanja - Mhhh... What is eating up my time would be the certain male interest. Well, and school. Both is quite nerve-wracking. I'm really glad I got to know him but he's not an easy person... he is lovely, though. And school is a huge topic as well, of course. But there're only two more weeks to go, then I'm off on a school trip to Krakow and Auschwitz. I don't know if I'll be in the mood to blog when I'm there because... well I think you can guess. Visiting Auschwitz isn't something you do for fun, I think I'll be really moody while I'm there so I already apologize if I can't make it (:
Bridget - I LOVE YOUR WALLS. Watched the video where you showed them. I love them, so awesome! I'll participate in NaNoWriMo and it will be the first time. I'm so excited! OH MY GOD, and keep on making videos, I enjoy them so much (:
Jess - Did your first day of school go well? I hope so. My favourite colour is not really a colour. White. It's a shade of some colour but it's not a colour. It's confusing. Do you consider white as a colour? xD
Annica - We don't really have school clubs here. But there is choir I've joined last year. It's not clear if we'll do one this year again but I really hope so. I enjoyed it so much!
Your schedule sounds... fun? Haha, but I'm really glad your first day went well (:
Wow, I was just told that my friends have a new gig planned next weekend. I'm really looking forward to it, I'll be there of course. Check them out, they are really awesome and very very talented. The Shelves. The song is called "Not That Pretty", self-written, self-composed and I love it. (Actually, I love it so much that you can hear me in the background singing somtimes) Tell me if you like it, I'll tell them (:
I'm off now to watch Torchwood. They're showing season three again.
Sanja, I'll read you tomorrow!
Question: What's your favourite sort of ice-cream?
Song of the day: Pete Doherty - Palace Of Bone
(I have a crush on Pete, don't judge me. He's hfdhifukrglds kind of lovely.)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Annica doesn't like high school.
Today was my very first day as a high schooler. It lived up to all my expectations. Mind you, my expectations weren't that good.
Because my parents are divorced, I ride two buses. One to my mom's house. One to my dad's house. They fortunately live really close to each other. The bus from my mom's house is pretty good, actually. One of my good friends rides that bus. We got in a little "fight" recently, but we were talking this morning. The bus to my dad's house is lonely. My best friend just moved, and her sister, cousin, and other best friend ride the same bus. It just reminded me that she's so far away.
My first class of the day is Geometry. There are only about five or six ninth graders in the class. It's mostly full of tenth graders, and there are even a few eleventh graders. I know most of the other ninth graders in there, so at least I have some one to talk to sometimes. The teacher seems nice, but it's easy to stop listening to him. I spaced off a few times when he was talking.
My second period class is Advanced English. Today we had to turn in our summer project on the book Animal Farm and take a vocabulary test. I don't think I did very well because I didn't study. But the teacher seems really cool. He pays attention to everyone/talks to everyone.
My third period class is Algebra. I sit next to one of my friends. He's quite annoying, but I'm glad I sit by someone I know. The teacher is okay. The class seems like we're going to do a lot of work in this class. We need an entire 1 1/2 inch binder and a notebook and a textbook.
My fourth period class is probably my least favorite. It's science. Not only do I not really like science, but the teacher is new to the school and disorganized. And to be honest, he seems kind of strange. I don't mean to sound rude, he's just kind of odd.
Lunch was a big reminder on the fact that I am lonely. My best friend just moved 1800 miles away, my other best friend moved a few towns away, and my third best friend and I share no classes or anything. I sat with some acquaintances of mine that went to my middle school. There were a lot of them at the table, and it made me feel out of place because there were actually even more people that wanted to sit there. One of them said that she was sorry that my best friend moved, and that made me even more sad. Afterward, I tried to go get a locker but the line was too long.
My fifth period class (Ancient World History) was the most interesting. I've heard many people describe the teacher as "creepy". I would say he is creepy, though I can see where people get that description. I don't know how to describe him. He's definitely different. He talked and talked and a lot of it didn't really relate to normal first day of school things, but it all seemed to make sense in the end.
My sixth period class is a class to help ninth graders get organized and prepared. To me, it seems like it's a speech class. We have to do a few projects and present them for practice. It's all right, I guess. I don't really like public speaking, though.
So, all in all, my first day of school was just okay. *shrug* I'm not very social or anything.
I hope the rest of you had a better time at school today (especially if today was your first day, too)!
I have a question for you guys. What clubs/activities/sports do you plan on participating in this year at school? So far, I'm planning on joining Key Club, the Youth Advisory Council at my public library (I'm actually going there tonight), and the Book Club.
I sat here thinking for a while about any events I might be going to. I couldn't think of any. The Harry Potter Exhibition (which was previously in Chicago, Boston, and Toronto) is coming to Seattle, Washington in October. That's about three hours from my town, so I might go to that.
My life is uninteresting. ):
People always mispronounce my name, too. It's surprises me when people get it correct right away. xD
What is eating up my time right now is homework, school, computer and procrastinating, and, soon, clubs. I plan on starting to write, read, exercise, and sew more, though.
Also, kudos to you for hiking that mountain that many times. That would be difficult for me! *is lazy* That's awesome!
I'm planning on doing NaNoWriMo this year for the first time. I'm kind of nervous, but more excited than anything. I think my dad is going to try, too.
The new Pokemon aren't really the greatest. The only newer one I like is teddiursa.
I went to go make a Pokemon trainer, only to realize that I forgot a Pokemon. Silly me.
My favorite Pokemon is Ivysaur, but they didn't have him, so I used Bulbasaur instead. O:
My favorite color happens to be green.
Also, your house sounded busy. I'm sorry. Good to spend time with family, though. :3
Song of the Day: Get Back to Hogwarts by A Very Potter Musical
Element of the Day: Water
Currently Reading: Ruined by Paula Morris
Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!
- Annica
lol long post sorry
Monday, September 6, 2010
RAWRRRRR. Just remembered that I forgot to get black nail polish from my stepmom. GRRR. Maybe I can convince my mom to bring me to Target to get it Monday or something. It is crucial to my back to school outfit.
My dog just sounded like he was going to puke. My grandmother asked about it. She’s watching me as I type this. She just asked me to explain what I was writing, and I said she wouldn’t get it. Which was true. My mom barely understands blogging; Gram barely understands computers at all.
I really haven’t eaten today. Coffee.
Oh, look. My mom just put out chips. Nom nom nom.
Gram just asked if the dog would run away if we left him alone outside. Both my mom and I responded, “Probably.”
My mom just put out cheese puffs for me. YESSSSS. Gram just asked if I liked cheese puffs. I shrugged.
Oops. Just started eating; forgot that it is difficult to chew. Got my braces tightened on Thursday.
Someone’s at the door!
Oh, it’s my cousin Krista and her husband Tom, and their kids. I’m not sure if I’m going to show them the blog. Certainly not their kids; I plan on leaving them alone. Little kids seem to like me a lot, but I don’t particularly like little kids.
I don’t particularly like talking to anyone in my family, really. Only adults, sometimes. I’m not very social.
Blah. I’ll probably have to stop blogging soon.
Oh God. The kids are fighting. They’ve been here for two minutes.
The older one is now sitting next to me. I’m not sure if he’s reading this as I write this.
The younger one is acting like a dog. Funny story: Both my dog’s name and his name are Jack. It gets very confusing when someone is yelling at one of them.
Ha. Neither of the kids want to go outside. I agree, little ones.
Ah. I suppose that I’ll have to be social.
Hi. That was my inner monologue from yesterday. As you can see, my thoughts sometimes sound like my writing, but not always.
I’m really anxious today. School tomorrow. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
I don’t know why I feel nervous. I mean, I’m not going to any new school or anything, and my grade is the oldest in the school. Everything should be fine.
But I am not fine.
My question for all of you is a strange one this week: Favorite color?
To the posts!
Annica/Tuesday: BABY ALLIGATOR! That sounds awesome. Also, I can’t wait to see you as a Pokemon trainer! AND Can’t wait to hear about your first day of school. (Good luck with high school!)
Winona/Wednesday: Events that I plan to attend in the next two months? Hmm… Well, the Triple Rainbow Awesome Tour concert in Philadelphia on October 8, and the Fall Whompy/Myrtles/JFF Tour concert in NJ on October 15. Other than that, I don’t have much planned.
Sanja/Thursday: I love that John Green video. Willy makes it perfect. Also, most of my time has seriously been spent blogging lately. And trying to convince parents to bring me to above named concerts. Starting tomorrow, it will be school, as well.
Bridget/Friday: At my dad’s, we just got a ThinkGeek catalogue in the mail, actually. The Bag of Holding looks epic. I want to get Catnip Bubbles for my kitten, but my dad thinks that would be stupid. He doesn’t understand me at all. *Transition* I’m probably the worst person to go to for friend advice, by the way. But… Erm… Uh… Be yourself? I don’t know. *TRANSITION* Yes, I’ll be doing NaNoWriMo. Also, Script Frenzy, in April. I like doing writing projects.
Annica, I’ll read you tomorrow!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Bridget destorys the Long Weekend
Pretty awesome, yes? I got them from ThinkGeek (they also carry New Super Mario Bros stickers, Donkey Kong stickers, and Galactica stickers :)). Now I'm just waiting on my USB Owl, my Keyboard cleaning putty, and my Bag of Holding backpack.
I am really hoping that comes today, because I need that backpack for school, which starts on Tuesday.
Fun Fact from a D&D nerd: Did you know that in the game of Dungeons and Dragons, the Bag of Holding is an actual item? Yes, the Bag of Holding can basically holding anything and it will never get full. Another fun fact: If you have two Bags of Holding, and you put them inside each other, it will create a rift in the space time continuum and destroy the universe. This is how I ended the game last year.
ANYWHOOZLE, school is coming up on it's way and I am... sort of excited? If you didn't know, I JUST moved here and therefore know nobody. At my other schools, we had this student relocation program thing where we got to meet somebody before hand and they introduced us to other people. Yeah, not so much of that here. So I'm a little nervous about meeting people. Any tips anyone?
In other news, my father is coming today. He is back where I used to live for another month to finish up his job, but he's visiting today. And then, in a few more weeks, he'll be back for good. :')) I miss him, so that's awesome and exciting.
Jess: When you posted that Pokemon Character, I was stunned, because I literally did this, like, five days prior to you posting it! 8D Here I am, in full Pokemon glory.
Another fun fact (I'm full of these today!): Whenever I play Pokemon and it's possible, I ALWAYS pick Charmander. His name is AWAYS Dawn, and I never evolve him. So basically, at the end, I have a level 100 baby lizard. CHYEAH. They never see it coming.
Annica: Ooooh alligator holding! That sounds awesome. Yeah I would probably be very courageous for about a minute, and then freak and drop it. So yes, MAJOR kudos to you, haha. And yes, I'm excited for Black and White, although the new Pokemon may leave something to be desired. -__-
Winona: The Berlin Music Week sounds fun! I don't plan on attending any events other than school for the next while, unfortunately. Yeah, moving around is nice to other places, but not so fun when you have to actually leave friends and such.
Sanja: I too am a literature nerd, although, I'm very close to Artsy Nerd. Hoorah! Oh and EPIC ROFL at the picture. Hoorah Pokepuns!
And since you all seem to love how we ride Polar Bears so much (chyeah) I will show you mine, a picture of me riding him.
Currently Reading: Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I'm Sanja. I climb mountains >:D
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Winona just ate a lot.
Yes, I just ate a hell of a lot. Now I'm feeling bad.
I just came home from school and I'm really exhausted even though I didn't really do anything today.
There'll be the Berlin Music Week from September 6th - September 12th and - oohyaah - I'm SO going to attend some events and it's really exciting. From the 1st - 3rd October (I'm probably going on the 1st, because on the 2nd I need to rest for the 3rd because I'm going to a concert then.) there'll be the YOU. That's an exhibition for teenagers and it should be pretty cool even though I don't really like the music acts but there's always the option to ignore them, huh?
Are there any events you plan to attend in the next two months?
I tried to open the site, but it won't let me. BUT I guess I'm a social nerd because - and I think that's what a social nerd is - people don't really see my nerdiness. It's not that obvious :)
I'm sooo jealous that you have lived all around the world. I've lived in Germany since I was born.
YAY for playing Pokémon. I need to start playing it again!!
Awww, you made me smile by saying you'd read my blog religiously. That's so nice :)
Oh, look at that, girls!!
I look awesome as a Pokémon-Trainer! :)
(My haircolour isn't exactly like this. They had no orange/auburn/brown-ish colour so I chose that one.)
Thank you, I like my name as well, but nobody seems to be able to pronounce it correctly.
Well, except me and my mum. I don't even think my dad knows how it's pronounced xD
I hope I don't bore you too much with my blog entries.
I'm weird. I'm not funny and I'm especially NOT funny when I try to be.
But I guess the better we'll get to know each other the better you'll understand my sense of humour.
My best friend just told me that she still has a video of me singing Justin Bieber's "Baby" at my friend's birthday. It's pretty embarassing BUT funny and as soon as I'll get it I'll show you the epicness of Winona + Justin Bieber + Ludacris + Baby!
Current mood: exhausted
Current song: Ellie Goulding - The Writer
I'll read you tomorrow, Sanja (: