
Thursday, April 28, 2011

EGYPTIAN WAR...and a bunch of wishes

Before I begin, I should clarify that Egyptian War is a new card game I learned a couple weeks ago, not some sort of political statement or anything like that. It's just a very fun, loud, slap-tastic card game :)

Alright then. I'm writing this late at night, so let's get right to the chase. My wishes, as per the awesome Bridget theme, are:

Physical Self:
1. To always have clear skin
2. To always have smooth legs, arms, etc. so that I never have to wax or shave again!
3. To always be fit! I'd love a metabolism that would just take care of the food I put in there without any work myself (because I'm lazy - it's not my best trait)

Personal Life:
1. To be more active in my everyday life - just to get everything done as soon as possible, to go out more, to take more risks, etc. etc
2. To never have to worry about money stopping me from being happy
3. To find a soul mate (not necessarily right away, just by the time I'm 25 would be nice :P )

1. That my brother keeps excelling and reaches his goals in competitive swimming, technology, and all his passions
2. That my parents finally get that mining company they've been talking about so they can retire early and happy
3. For all my family over seas and here get a huge mansion equipped with everything we need to keep us happy together for the rest of our lives - maybe an island would do :P

The Globe:
1. For all the hate to stop. There's no reason for hate - really guys, why hate and battle and war?
2. For every curable disease to be cured everywhere around the world, and for every person to be properly nourished
3. For access to education for every person

Well, that's that. I hope you don't mind that parts of that were all too cheesy. I always have a problem with these types of things because on the one hand I want to come up with all the fun ridiculous things like "I wish for every person in the globe to get free apple accessories because everyone should look cool". But on the other hand, I can't help being the boring practical type who says "let's get real guys! If a genie came up to me, I gotta ask him for money because once he's gone, I'm gonna need to support myself!" So I hope that this was at least mildly interesting to read considering that I leaned more towards the serious side.

Anyways, great theme Miss Bridget, and I can't wait to hear your own thoughts about the matter!

Current Mood Song: Best Spot in the Lot (Nice Peter)
Currently Reading: The Book of Revenge: A Blues for Yugoslavia (by Dragan Todorovic)
Today is awesome because I almost beat my friend at a game of Egyptian War

- Sanja

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Annica is rather late on this post.

Hello, girls. It's Tuesday. Wait. Wednesday.

I hope that you don't mind (especially you, Winona) that I'm posting this a day late and on somebody else's day. Yesterday I came home from school and passed out and when I woke up at around nine in the evening, I had to do homework.

So, Bridget had a theme this week. It's about wishes!~ I always overthink questions like this so much, but I'll do my best. :3

Physical Self:
1. I wish to be stronger.
2. I wish to never have acne again.
3. I wish that my hair would always look nice.

Personal Life:
1. I wish that I won't procrastinate anymore.
2. I wish that I believed in myself more.
3. I wish that I could be artistic.

1. I wish that my family was emotionally sound.
2. I wish that I was closer with my brothers and sisters.
3. I wish that I could make friends easier.

The World:
1. I wish that people were literate.
2. I wish that people were more empathetic and less ignorant.
3. I wish that people thought more about the well being of others.

Welp, that's it. I have to go take another nap and do nothing today (I'm sick D:).

Winona, I will not read you tomorrow because tomorrow is Thursday and because you already posted.

~ Annica



Hey girls,

yes, long time no talk huh? I’m very very sorry I didn’t update in the past weeks. I had quite a huge down because of all my exams and school and private stuff, but it’s all better now and I’m going to post regularly again!

This week’s theme, which came from Bridget this time, involves wishes and I actually discussed wishes with a group of friends last week and we talked about what things we would wish for so I have collected some inspirations (:

physical self:

  1. I wanna get rid of my bad skin!!
  2. Blonde hair again!
  3. I don’t want to have to shave my legs everyday anymore! xD

personal life:

  1. I wanna live in a house, not a flat anymore!
  2. Do better in school!
  3. Stop doing things I shouldn’t do!


  1. I want my parents to stop fighting everyday
  2. Stop my best friend from doing things she shouldn’t do
  3. Get my family closer together again


  1. more tolerance, acceptance and less ignorance
  2. better politicians that actually stick to what they promise

And that would be my only wishes (:

Can’t wait to read yours tomorrow, Sanja!


Friday, April 22, 2011


I procrastinated writing this post!
Welcome to ProcrastinationVille, the land where nothing gets done. Queen? Bridget. She procrastinates so bad that this post is likely to take her about twenty times as long as it's supposed to.

Okay, first of all websites that I procrastinate on:
1) Facebook/Twitter/Youtube - DERP.
2) Neopets - Don't judge me, I still play.
3) Digg - I will go on here and read random articles.
4) Robot Unicorn Attack - YES.

Honestly, if I think of something random I'm curious about, I'll look it up and that'll lead to something else which will lead to another thing and next time I look up four hours will have gone by. ;(

Jess - 13000 seconds on NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN. Do the math: 3.61111111 hours of NYAN. I think I hold the current championship trophy, who dares defeat me?

And yes, I just procrastinated on writing this post by making that trophy. Epic win? I believe so.
Okay, now here is the topic for next week, if I may pick it (I figure Jess needs a break from doing so, however amazing her topics are each week): You find a genie and it will grant you 12 wishes, however there is a catch:
3 of them have to be something to do with your physical self.
3 of them have to be something to do with your personal life.
3 of them have to be something to do with people you know (family/friends).
3 of them have to be something to do with the world around you.

Hope that makes sense. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. Jess, I'll read you on Monday! (:

Current Mood Song: Stray Cats - Stray Cat Strut
Currently Reading: Nothing at the moment... Any suggestions?
Today is awesome because: It's a LONG WEEKEND YAYA.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Annica is procrastinating as she writes this.

Oh hai. It's Tuesday.

I'm just sitting here watching Raising Hope and not doing my English homework because I hate the book we had to read.

Oh, what a coincidence!~ This week's theme is PROCRASTINATION. If you didn't know, I happen to be a PRO at procrastination. Seriously. See, it's nine-thirty and I have about an hour of homework still to do (ha! homework. as if). You would think that I would have bad grades going on like this, but I have straight A's!

I tried nyan cat today. I only got to around 2000 seconds or something. It's easily ignorable, actually. I didn't pay attention to it. Is that cheating? Not paying attention.

Unfortunately, I do not have any entertaining websites or other forms of procrastination to share with you. My usual forms of procrastination include various websites and watching TV. I especially am enjoying Twitter right now.

Yeah, okay. I really need to go do my homework now. And take get ready for bed. Lololol. Procrastination.

Before I scuttle off, I would like to have a moment of remembrance for Elisabeth Sladen, who passed away today. For those of you who don't know, she played Sarah Jane Smith on Doctor Who and Sarah Jane Adventures. She will be sorely missed, but she will be remembered as the lovely woman that she was.

“The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it’s a world, or a relationship… Everything has its time. And everything ends.” -- Sarah Jane Smith

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Jess is insane and would very much like to distract you

This week's theme is procrastination! Warning: If you have any sort of assignment or something to do, do not keep reading this post. You will be distracted forever. Seriously.

(I love how I'm warning you, as if you'll actually listen.)

Nearly everyone procrastinates, and I guarantee you that the five of us do. (Particularly Annica and I. *cough*)

What's really interesting to me is how people procrastinate. Lately for me, it's been watching Hank Plays Portal videos...

Also, this amazing thing called NON-STOP NYAN CAT!

It's just... Gah.

A few new internet friends and I are participating in this "sport" to see who will last the longest. We've all become insane after doing this for 30+ minutes. Now everyone's just tweeting at certain points, like whenever they reach a milestone number. (1111.1 was a big one, and now 2011.0... I can't wait until we get to 4242 xD)

DEER GOD. Now Adam (one of the aforementioned new internet friends) just remembered that he doesn't have school tomorrow and therefore can just leave the page running all day tomorrow. I CAN NEVER LIVE UP TO THIS.

Click this link IF YOU DARE.

This is all keeping me from working on my essay on Buckminster Fuller that's due Wednesday. If you're a fan of Driftless Pony Club, as I am, this is particularly awesome, as DPC wrote their most recent album entirely about this guy. So yeah.

Also, everyone is harassing Mike Lombardo on twitter. That's what he gets for asking us to guess his weight and class rank.

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Decisions Decisions Decisions!

Jess, I can honestly say I know exactly what it feels like to have to deal with life-changing decisions - I'm going through a few myself right now. Obviously, I can't give specific advice to your situation, but I'll try to help out with my personal approach.

So, as I'm trying to decide between different choices, I first take note of my gut feeling. Without really thinking about any consequences, I try to see what my emotions are telling me - where would I be happy? What would I be happy doing?

Then, I create a list of pros for each separate choice. With these lists, I like to try to categorise different aspects of the decision so that I can compare the choices. So, for instance, in this whole uni thing, I have various categories like: Academics, Community/City, Friends, Financials, Internship Opportunities, etc. etc. By writing the merits of each potential decision, you can compare and see which one's better in what ways.

Of course, after a pro's list come the cons. And again, compare.

After doing whatever necessary research and compiling the objective comparison notes, I can see what decision may make more sense on paper. What might be more logical. But then, I think about it from a more subjective view. Depending on the decision, you may have to ask yourself, how is this going to affect those around me? My family? My friends?

And ultimately, you have to weigh everything. Some aspects of the decision will be more important than others and weighing them is probably the hardest part, but once you've done that there's just one last step.

Go back to your gut. Now that you've thought about the consequences of the decision - good and bad - you should understand your own situation a bit better which means you can make an informed decision. Go with what you feel would be best for you. In the end, no matter what it may do to others or how risky a situation it may be, if it's what's best for you, then you've gotta take up the opportunity. 'Follow your heart" is a cliche for a reason: because it's true.

I know this is all very roundabout and you don't have to take my advice at all, but it's the best way that I know how to go about these things.

So, I wish you luck with your decision-making and I'm sure if you listen to your true emotions, you'll make the right choice.

Bridget, can't wait to hear from you tomorrow :)

Current Mood Song: Listen to Your Heart (DHT)
Currently Reading: Hamlet by Shakespeare
Today is awesome because: another uni acceptance, two new bags, and David Tennant version of Hamlet (here is a link to a playlist of the whole thing, watch it, seriously. It is such an amazing play. And David Tennant is the most awesome person ever:

- Sanja

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Annica and decisions.

Hello!~ Today is Tuesday.

Jess, I don't ever think I've had to make a really life changing decision. You'd think that if I did, I'd remember it. Most everything in my life is decided by other people, my parents, teachers, etc. So, I don't know if I'll answer this probably.

I'm sure that when I am faced with a life changing decision, I will either act impulsively or over think every minute detail. That seems to be how I make decisions everyday. The way I would suggest others to handle it, however, would be much more mature. I think that the proper think to do is to spend some time thinking it over. Think about how your decision will affect you and the people around you. Which will be better overall? I'd suggest to think about the pros and the cons of both sides, and to really consider each position. There is a difference between over thinking and considering your options, so I wouldn't want everyone to spend every waking minute and think of every single possibility and hypothetical consequence of your decision.

I hope that everything is going well with you and that you will end up making the right choice. I'm sure that you will.

Currently Playing: The Scientist by Coldplay
Books Read: 15/52
Today was awesome because Doctor Who references on local book store posters and an upcoming baby nephew in September.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Life-Changing Decisions

I really wanted to write a good post this week, especially after I missed writing a post last week for the first time ever, but I... can't.

I'm kind of in the middle of making a life-changing decision right now. It's very stressful. I'm so, so nervous, and I can't even talk to anyone about it.

So, this week, a question for you:

Have you ever recognized when a decision was going to permanently change your life, and how did you handle it?

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Bridget's puppy is whining next to her right now.

Hello girls. This comes to you from the bed of Bridget, where she is lying at 10:41 pm writing this and trying to ignore her puppy in his crate who is trying to get her attention (as puppies do - whine whine whine).
So the lovely theme is "our week". Well, my week has pretty good, although too long. I was traveling all weekend (hence no post last week for me, sorry!) and got back Sunday. I was so sick feeling that I slept for 6 hours mid-day. And then back to school. School seemed to drag on and on!

The best thing about this week though was getting little Cooper Pooper (who does indeed have many bowel movements - hence the name). He's such a sweetheart and little ball of fluff who has grown so much in the past two weeks! Wow! Pictures and videos coming soon. (:

Well it's now 11:59 so I'm posting this NOW! Jess, I'll read you on Monday. Everybody, have an AWESOME weeked!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oh school, how strange thou art!

Hey there cool people :)

So, I'm a bit confused about the fact that it's almost the end of the week yet only one of us managed to post...awkward...

Anyways, this is a ramble post about anything that I feel like talking about because the theme of the week is so vague I can run with anything I like. So....let's talk graduation.

We all spend 13 years in these institutions called school and it all becomes routine. We know that there is an expiration date to our time at this place, yet it never seems to near. Well, today, I had a big smack in the face by my graduation paperwork and it's starting to actually dawn on me that the day is coming! I have only two more months of high school!

Until then, of course, I have the most stressful time of my life as AP exams are coming up in the first week of May, plus a Calculus final exam, plus three History projects due between now and June, plus scholarships to apply for, plus job hunting, and holy crap after that I'm done! I'M DONE! It's still difficult for me to picture myself wearing that graduation gown at commencement - the one I had to order the day before yesterday. Or attending the graduation banquet for which I now have to order tickets. Or moving across the country to study at the university whose offer I'm accepting in a few days.

It really makes me think about how weird time is. I mean, sometimes it goes by so fast and you can't believe when it's all over. Sometime, you can feel each tick of each second of each day. And even though that's what school has felt like for me - a long, endless process of tests and projects and friends and grades - I'm suddenly feeling like it all passed by really quickly. I'm stuck in this weird place where I both feel how long I've been in this stage of my life, but also how fast my generation has grown. A few weeks ago, I found out one of my friends got into a school in the UK for surgeons. This kid whom I've known for years is going to be cutting people up and saving lives in some 4 years!

Anyways, sorry for the poor attempt at expressing my feelings and the lame pseudo-deep stuff up there, but that's just what's been going on most recently in my life.

Look forward to reading you tomorrow, Bridget :)

Current Mood Song: A Day in the Life (the Beatles)
Currently Reading: ...I haven't decided yet...
Today was awesome because I didn't have to write my Law test :D

- Sanja

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Annica has written three blog posts today.

Oh hai. It's Tuesday.

I feel like I should come up with a theme seeing as I'm the first one to post this week. I mean, Jess does every week. So, um, this week will be "Talk About Your Week/Day/Life" week. Or something. That's totally a legitimate theme.

So, I am on Spring Break right now. It's nice, not going to school. But I also tend to waste my day quite a bit. So I'm going to actually do stuff tomorrow. Like, exercise, and not eat crappy, unhealthy food, and clean. I mean, the only thing I have done all spring break is hang out in the city with my grandma.

Wait, wait. I'm also doing BEDA. That is something. Technically, I've already failed. I didn't post anything yesterday, but I made up for it today by writing two blog posts. Three, including this one. If for some odd reason, you want to read my blog, it's right here.

That's about it. I don't have much else to say. Awesome blog post, right? Right.

Currently Playing: Dart for my Sweetheart by Archie Bronson Outfit
Books Read: 15/52
Today was awesome because of being able to relax and read some Maureen Johnson.

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.