
Monday, February 14, 2011

Jess steals this week's theme

...From FiveTeenVloggers. Yeah. But anyway, it's a good idea.

This week's theme is Valentine's Day! I'm essentially just describing my day today, but all of you should just tell the rest of us how your Valentine's Day went!

Every year my school does this thing where they sell lollipops as a charity fundraiser. You can get two for a dollar. And then you can send it to someone with a message or something. It's always really stupid, because the popular people get sent, like, 30 of them, and no one really has the balls to send one to someone they like, so for most people, you only get them from your friends.

Except me.

Not because I don't have any friends. Or ones that would actually send me any. But I kind of reject the whole idea of this. SO I force my friends to not send me any.

This year's charity makes me really sad. This one family in our school district has had a son that has had cancer for a long time. He was really, really nice and only one year older than me. His younger sister is in my French class.

...But he died this weekend.

Everyone's just devastated. It's bringing me back to August 25 and the days following it, and that was just not a happy time. I'm really proud that our school actually managed to raise over $2000 for their family just through these sales.

Because of scheduling issues, they didn't give out the lollipops today, but I think they'll be given out on Wednesday. If you want to hear about how that goes and whether I got any despite my protests, check out my 5TV video later this week.

I could go on more, but I really don't care to and I'm tired. I seriously almost forgot to post this, too. I started writing it, then almost fell asleep without finishing/publishing it. Gahhh. I'm so out of it.

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

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