
Friday, February 11, 2011

Bridget brings you an amusing pasta story

Because there is no theme this week, I've decided to tell you all a story. A story of microwaves and yelling and problems and pasta. Crappy but delicious boxed pasta.

So I need to explain the backstory before I tell you the ACTUAL story. I know, I know boring. But here's the short version: At my school, a lot of people use the microwave at the same time. Therefore, we set it to 99:99 every morning, so people can share it without having to keep changing the time and such - you just take your stuff out when it's done. I just moved here, but I was told that this is how it has always been.

 Okay, story time!

Alright so the other day I was late to lunch and therefore I was the last one using the microwave. My crappy but delicious boxed pasta was the only thing in there and the time was 13:49 minutes. The pasta has to be in there for about 3 and a half minutes, so as I waited I was talking to some friends. All of a sudden, SHOOOOSHO. (Erm, that was a really sharp whistle noise.) Yes, my principle whistles very loudly, shutting up the whole cafeteria. He then proceeds to yell "WHOSE FOOD IS THIS?"

Basically, even though they'd been doing for the last 5 years, he never noticed, and yelled me out for "leaving it in" for 13 minutes. I then proceeded to yell back. In front of the whoooole cafeteria.

No, I did not get in trouble. On the contrary, I (later, in the hallway) got applause.

Most Recent Song: The Creep - The Lonely Island
Game Played: Modern Warfare 2, and Wii Tennis (don't judge, it's family night~)
Today is Awesome Because: IT'S FRIIIIDAY!

Jess, I'll read you on Monday. Have an awesome weekend everyone! x

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