
Friday, January 21, 2011

Come with me on an Adventure through Literature

Hey there everyone!

First off, I'd like to say kudos to Jess for the topic of the week. And also, I am super jealous that you got John's novella! You must tell us how it is once you finish!

Anyways, at first I wasn't sure what exactly to talk about. And as I was thinking about this, I looked over at my shelf and realized my perfect topic: favourite author. It's interesting 'cause I usually only read one or two books by the same author (except for series or trilogies or whatnot) and so I just have a bunch of randomness, but that's not true of Paulo Coelho's novels.

I don't know if you've ever heard of Paulo Coelho, but he's written: Veronika Decides to Die, 11 Minutes, Brida, The Pilgrimmage, The Alchemist, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, The Fifth Mountain, The Witch of Portobelo, and one or two others (the only ones I don't own and haven't read).

The interesting thing about his writing is that every novel is an exploration. In Veronika Decides to Die, the protagonist attempts suicide, is put into a mental hospital, and told she only has five days to live. However, throughout those five days, she undergoes a sort of transformation and finds the true joy in life. Under the title, Coelho writes "A Novel of Redemption" - and that's what it is. 11 Minutes, on the other hand, deals with the discovery of love. And the Pilgrimmage is about the discovery of oneself. And so on and so forth.

Furthermore, many of his novels have this magical element in them. You see, Coelho is actually Portuguese and I don't know the details, but he joined some kind of religion and took a pilgrimmage (thus, the story) and much of this religious study is to do with miracles that man can perform. A sort of magic in real life element. It's a very common feature in his books, which really intrigues me!

And of course, the style of writing really captures me from the get-go of every novel. I would DEFINITELY recommend checking his work out. I think my favourites are Veronika Decides to Die, The Alchemist, and By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, although I love 'em all :)

Wow. I'm sorry this is turning out to be a bit long...I'll just say two short things and then I promise I'll leave:
1. Annika, I read the Lovely Bones in grade 10 and it was NOT fun. Oh, and by the way, you're misspelled youtube thing is really cute - you're friend is just as awesome as you and OMG SHE HAS A DEATH NOTE POSTER AND KNOWS WHAT HETALIA IS (that's like 100 super points in my book)

2. And Winona, I'm kinda in the middle on the whole ebook vs. real book topic. On the one hand, nothing can beat that feeling of opening a book for the first time, and flipping the pages and all that, but on the other hand...making books uses a LOT of paper. Environmentally, it might be a good thing to move to the ebook and save forests...

Bridget, lookin' forward to your post!

Current Mood Song: This Too Shall Pass (OK GO) - omg, check out the music video! total epicness:
Currently Reading: Pre-20th century poetry
Today is awesome because: we got off school at 11:30am XD

- Sanja

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