
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello, girls! It's Tuesday!

So, we're talking about goals. I don't have very ambitious ones, but whatever.

Short-term goal: Do well on final exams!~ I should actually be studying right now... D:

Long-term goal: Read 52 books!

Short-term goal: Edit NaNoWriMo '10.

Long-term goal: STOP BEING SO NEGATIVE. Whenever it's Tuesday, you are all probably thinking something like, "Oh gosh. This girl again. She needs to go be emo on her own blog. Ugh." Yeah, that needs to stop.

Long-term goal: Learn to sew.

Long-term goal: Practice instrument (piano or guitar...).

I'm not the best at goals. I find that after I make actual goals, I tend not to follow them. It's not whenever I tell anyone, but when I tell myself. That's another goal of mine, though. To stop being lazy and actual work toward my goals, I mean.

Jess, I feel your pain with the whole religious thing. Well, kind of... You see, I'm Mormon (lolwut), and I'm like the freak Mormon. I'm a Democrat and don't exactly believe in everything they do. At school, they all stare at me and this one boy is always telling me to go to the scripture class that is at six in the morning. And when they talk about things I don't agree with (i.e. anti-gay rights, tattoos, etc.), I just sit there uncomfortably because my opinions are completely different. Ugh. I'm rambling. On a different note, 5TV is really interesting and I'm enjoying watching it.

Winona, I'm more of a real book person. It's just something totally different to hold the book and be able to flip through the pages and, if it's from a library, be able to smell the old book smell. I'm sure that in the future, I'll get a e-book, though. I don't know. My dad has one, though.

Sanja, haha, thank you! My friend is obsessed with Death Note. Last summer, she made me watch the movies with her. I swear, all she does is watch anime. All she does. She wants to marry Lelouche Lamperouge from Code Geass.

Bridget, I'm taking exams right now, too. UGH SO MUCH STUDYING OMG.

Books Read: 3/52
Recent Song: Who Knows, Who Cares by Local Natives
Today is awesome, because: I got an A on my first final!

Welp, that was a short post, but I have to go study geometry and Romeo and Juliet, so...

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!

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