
Friday, August 27, 2010

Thank God it's Bridgetday! Er, Friday.

Did you know that I learnt my first swear word when I was four? It was while I was playing Super Mario 64 with my dad. He failed to jump a Goomba and died, in anger yelling out... the shizzle word. Thirty second later, I died too, and repeated what my father said.
My mother wasn't so happy.

Oh, uhm, hey there. What's up internet? I need to introduce myself? You should know me by now! Shame on you!
... Just kidding.
My name is Bridget. I'm 349 years young in elf years. In human years? Oh, I've lost count. I live in Canada, not too far from Sanja, in British Colombia. Weird, eh? Let's clear this up before we start: Yes we Canucks say eh, we don't live in igloos, but we do ride Polar Bears to school. Fo' Sho'.

Oh dear, I'm going off in one of my tangents again, aren't I? Silly me.
Anywhoozle, let's try again. I'm Bridget, a crazy teenager who lives in B.C, Canada. However, I've lived all over the world (Canada, The States, Poland, The Netherlands, and now Canada again). It's been tiring moving around and so I'm happy to be settled down now. My nickname has and forever will be Mouse. I have my own website called, and I'm really active on Youtube too.

If I had to classify my nerdiness (my nerd breed), I'd probably be a mutt. I'm a cross between an Writing/Artsy-Fartsy Nerd, a Drama Nerd, a Video Game Nerd, and a Computer/Internet nerd. Some of my favourite things are Luigi (not Mario psh), Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Pocky, Anime/Manga, writing novels, and THE INTERNET.

Now, for your daily dose of random:


*snicker snicker* If you don't get it, say it out loud. LOLOL POKEPUNS ARE FUNNY.

Hm, I suppose now I'm supposed to say that I'm really excited for this project and stuff, but it's hard for me to express HOW excited I am words. How do I explain how excited I am...
OH! Here you go:

I don't know how to explain it any better than that. 8D
It's time for the randoms:

Current Mood Song: A-Punk by Vampire Weekend
Currently Reading: Looking for Alaska by John Green (I JUST got it woo~)
Today's Fav Movie: Spirited Away

Oh and also very importantly - Currently Playing: Pokemon Pearl, New Super Mario Bros, Bioshock, Little Big Planet.

This was a great week you guys. Time for Mouse's breakfast. Jess, I'll read you on Monday. ((:

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