
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Annica held a baby alligator today.

Bonjour, ladies. It's the second Tuesday of NEA!

I'm so sorry that this is coming to you kind of late. I am on vacation in New Orleans, Lousiana right now. It's hot and humid and the food is all fried and so fatty, but I love it here. Actually, I kind of want to live here when I grow up. I'm starting to like the humidity, the food smells (and tastes) delicious, and the culture is so amazing and different, even if it is in the same country. Even when things aren't so nice or clean, I find them to be beautiful and interesting.

Today, we went to the swamp. It was super green and beautiful and brimming with life. During our ride, we saw over fifteen alligators. Our tour guide had a baby one on the boat and we all got to hold him. He was adorable. And tiny. And wiggly.

Afterward, we drove around and looked at some old plantations. There was this one plantation that had twenty-eight oak trees leading up to the house and it was absolutely beautiful. Normally, I prefer cute, small houses, but I definitely would not mind living there. There were gorgeous trees all over the grounds and the grass was so green and luscious. It was really pretty. :3

Next, we drove back to the city and went out to dinner. My brother kept complaining about America and how complicated the English language was. He doesn't like anything. Brothers are annoying.


I can't believe we have seven followers already. It may not seem like a lot, but I can't believe that we have that many already. Thanks everyone!

It's been great to read all of your posts so far, girls. I can't wait to get to know you more. I hope I haven't been too boring so far. D:

Now to address your posts!


I smiled to myself when I realized that Winona and Wednesday both start with the same letter. I think your name is really pretty (both of them).

It's awesome that you have a lake near your house that you can go to. I wish I had a place where I could go and relax alone near my house.

Here are the results to the quiz you took. It's pretty accurate, but not completely. Still interesting, though.

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Literature Nerd
Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works. It's okay. I understand.

Social Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Drama Nerd
Anime Nerd
Science/Math Nerd

(note: The first sentence does sound incorrect. Ugh!)

We were both reading George Orwell books last week. I have to read Animal Farm for school, though. It wasn't for fun. ):


I've never played any Pokemon games and I have yet to watch the anime as a whole, but I was wondering... Are you excited for Black and White? Also, I'm jealous of your polar bears. D:


I tried making myself as a Pokemon trainer, but it didn't work. I'm on a computer from the dinosaur age and it's doesn't belong to us, so I didn't want to do anything I shouldn't. I'll have one next week.

I'm starting school next Tuesday as well. It will be my first day of high school. I'll tell you guys about it. :3

It's great that you had such an awesome experience at Roflcoptour. I wish I could have gone!

Song of the Day: Electric Feel by MGMT
Element of the Day: Water
Currently Reading: Ruined by Paula Morris and Animal Farm by George Orwell

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.

Au revoir!

- Annica

Monday, August 30, 2010

Jess is hanging out with Eevee

Hey girls, it’s Monday!

Look at this epicness:
It's me! As a Pokemon trainer! Make your own here:

I think that's my challenge to all of you. Make yourself.

It took me a while to pick which Pokemon to put with me (I picked Eevee cuz I thought it was cute.) I never actually got into Pokemon, but it has become one of those things (like Doctor Who) that I probably would/would have liked, but just have yet to get into it.

Also, question: When are you starting/have you started school? I know that Winona has already, just because I read her blog religiously. But what about everyone else? I’m starting next Tuesday.

Can you believe we have six followers already? That’s amazing. I started blogging in April, and I only have six followers (not that I’m complaining; I love all of them). We’ve been doing this for a week.

I’ve discovered that I now sound decidedly less brilliant than I did in my last post. Because, well, it’s 9 AM and I want to put this up soon. I worked for days on that one. I typically sound really choppy (as I do now) when I write personal things. Not deeply personal things. Just things that are about me. Prepare to expect things that sound more like this, especially once I start school.


From Thursday until Saturday, I was in New York City. (New Jersey, actually) Whenever I go places, I seldom take pictures of things that normal people would. Like, if I went to Paris, I most likely would not take a picture of the Eiffel Tower, instead taking a picture of a door to some house generally near there. Maybe some stairs. I don’t know. So when I came back from the Museum of Natural History, I didn’t have much to really show besides random doors and stairs. I do have one picture of myself, and that can be found in my BEDA post today:
Now, to address your posts from last week.

Tuesday/Annica: Yeah, that’s me in Lauren’s video! That was the Roflcoptour show in Old Bridge, NJ on July 22. I actually hugged Lauren twice that day; the first time when I gave her and Matt presents, and then the group hug. It was awesome. More about my experience can be found here:

And, as for your challenge…

Someone ate some food. It was good. So good, in fact, that they had to blog about it. The end.

Wednesday/Winona: I can’t do the nerdfighter gang sign either. Sad.

Thursday/Sanja: Your 20 word story was epic. And I also did the quiz! But, Blogger keeps messing things up whenever I try to post the HTML of it, so I'll just describe the breakdown.

Your Result: Literature Nerd

Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works. It's okay. I understand.
Social Nerd
Drama Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Anime Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Edit: I just re-read the first sentence of the description of Literature Nerd, and it is really bothering me. It's missing a verb or something. RAWR. The "does" in the beginning of the sentence means nothing. If they put "sound perfect" or something of that nature after "appearance," then the sentence would be complete. But they did not, and it bothers me. /minirant

Friday/Bridget: I’m jealous about the polar bears. Lucky Canadians.

Annica, I’ll read you tomorrow!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rest in Awesome

Hey girls, it's Saturday.
We won't usually blog Saturday but I just feel like it right now.
As you all know Esther passed away two days ago.

In the name of all five of us:
Rest in Awesome, Esther Earl.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thank God it's Bridgetday! Er, Friday.

Did you know that I learnt my first swear word when I was four? It was while I was playing Super Mario 64 with my dad. He failed to jump a Goomba and died, in anger yelling out... the shizzle word. Thirty second later, I died too, and repeated what my father said.
My mother wasn't so happy.

Oh, uhm, hey there. What's up internet? I need to introduce myself? You should know me by now! Shame on you!
... Just kidding.
My name is Bridget. I'm 349 years young in elf years. In human years? Oh, I've lost count. I live in Canada, not too far from Sanja, in British Colombia. Weird, eh? Let's clear this up before we start: Yes we Canucks say eh, we don't live in igloos, but we do ride Polar Bears to school. Fo' Sho'.

Oh dear, I'm going off in one of my tangents again, aren't I? Silly me.
Anywhoozle, let's try again. I'm Bridget, a crazy teenager who lives in B.C, Canada. However, I've lived all over the world (Canada, The States, Poland, The Netherlands, and now Canada again). It's been tiring moving around and so I'm happy to be settled down now. My nickname has and forever will be Mouse. I have my own website called, and I'm really active on Youtube too.

If I had to classify my nerdiness (my nerd breed), I'd probably be a mutt. I'm a cross between an Writing/Artsy-Fartsy Nerd, a Drama Nerd, a Video Game Nerd, and a Computer/Internet nerd. Some of my favourite things are Luigi (not Mario psh), Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Pocky, Anime/Manga, writing novels, and THE INTERNET.

Now, for your daily dose of random:


*snicker snicker* If you don't get it, say it out loud. LOLOL POKEPUNS ARE FUNNY.

Hm, I suppose now I'm supposed to say that I'm really excited for this project and stuff, but it's hard for me to express HOW excited I am words. How do I explain how excited I am...
OH! Here you go:

I don't know how to explain it any better than that. 8D
It's time for the randoms:

Current Mood Song: A-Punk by Vampire Weekend
Currently Reading: Looking for Alaska by John Green (I JUST got it woo~)
Today's Fav Movie: Spirited Away

Oh and also very importantly - Currently Playing: Pokemon Pearl, New Super Mario Bros, Bioshock, Little Big Planet.

This was a great week you guys. Time for Mouse's breakfast. Jess, I'll read you on Monday. ((:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's finally Sanja's turn! :D

Before I start this introduction and whatnot, I'd first like to point out that it was SO hard waiting for my turn this week just 'cause I enjoyed reading your guys' blogs so much and I really wanted it to be my turn already!! But now it is! And I hope you find it at least vaguely interesting.

So, where should I begin? It seems that you girls had a few different ways of introducing yourselves, and you've had different perspectives on the whole business in general. I for one have absolutely no problem coming up with a random shpeel about myself. I guess it's mostly because I've changed schools so many times over the years (9 times to be exact) that introductions and making new friends have just become second nature. But before I get sidetracked and start talking about the Yukon or something random like that, I think I'll first tell you a bit about me.

I suppose I'll start by telling you some basics. My name's Sanja ("Sonya") and I'm a rising senior here in rainy but gorgeous British Columbia, Canada. I'm originally from Serbia, which is where I was born and where all of my extended family lives. I am absolutely obsessed with Doctor Who. I love reading manga. Obviously I also enjoy reading in general, but don't have as much time for it as I'd like. I absolutely adore Disney films. And well, I could go on forever, but seeing as, after reading through everybody else's posts, I love all the things that the rest of you love I suppose I can just say, "See own post for full details" :P

As for my actual nerdiness (nerdiness? nerdyness? nerdiness.), according to an online quiz I am classified as a "Social Nerd" which I think is quite accurate:

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Social Nerd

You're interested in things such as politics, psychology, child care, and peace. I wouldn't go so far as to call you a hippie, but some of you may be tree-huggers. You're the type of people who are interested in bettering the world. You're possible the least nerdy of them all; unless you participate in other activies that paled your nerdiness compared to your involvement in social activities. Whatever the case, we could still use more of you around. ^_^

Drama Nerd
Literature Nerd
Anime Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Artistic Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I mean, on the one hand I have many nerdy obsessions and I'm a total geek at school, but on the other hand, you probably couldn't tell any of this just by talking to me. I dunno, I guess I just think of myself as "not the typical nerd" but then again, how can you define such a thing? Just go onto Nerdfighters and you'll see all types of people with all sorts of different interests who all have one major characteristic in common: they're friendly!

One last thing before I go on a completely random tangent, if there is one thing you should all know about me, it's this: I am a very positive, happy and energetic person who has a tendency to talk/type too much. And I'm weird. But normal. But WEIRD. However, we all seem to be quite quirky and happy people so thankfully this means we already have lots of compatibility! Aww, now doesn't that sound cute~

Right, anyways, I'm really excited for NEA! At first, I was actually a little bit nervous about all this, and if I would have the time to do it every week and blah blah blah...But all of that completely vanished as soon as I read Jess's first post, and with each day, I just find myself waiting in front of the computer in eager anticipation of the next girl's blog, and it's just so EXCITING! I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you lovely ladies, and it's a pleasure to be blogging with you :)

Now for some randoms before I go off:

20 Word Story: There was a boy and girl. Soon as they met, their minds were set! And they lived nerdily ever after!

Current Mood Song: Weightless by All Time Low
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Today's Fav Movie: Grease

Oh, and if you're up for a little challenge, I think you should all try out the "What kind of Nerd are You?" quiz! You know I'm curious! ;D

Alright, so that's it for my first post! Can't wait to read Bridget's tomorrow! :)

Have a wonderful Thursday, ladies!

- Sanja

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hi, my name is Winona.

Wow, I can't believe NEA finally started. This little idea of a collab blog ran through my mind for months now and now it's finally, like, real. This is exciting stuff for me!
So, I don't really know how to introduce myself but a friend of mine blogged something about me a few days ago.

"You’re all eccentric, and independent, and kind, and sweet - you basically have all of Luna’s good-naturedness."
(Luna, actually, is Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, but I guess you knew that.)

So, the first thing I should tell you about is my name. Winona is not my real real name. It's my middle name but since a friend started calling me by my middle name some months ago, everyone in school does and I prefer this name to my first name so I'm cool with that. (Real name = Laura)
I'm from Germany and I speak English, French and German, duh. I'm a sophomore in high school as you Americans (not sure about Canadians) would say, which means I'm in year 10.

I love Doctor Who, Harry Potter, books, libararies, music and tea.
I think Michael Aranda is really cute.
My favourite YouTuber is/has always been LittleRadge aka Liam Dryden.
I'm not able to do the Nerdfighter gang sing. (I'd be a well bad Trekkie.)
I have read the first two books of the Twilight series and stopped reading the third book after reading through hundred pages because of boredom. I have closed the book and haven't opened it since. This was 12 months ago.

I spend most of my spare time reading, listening to music or sitting at the lake near my house. I sing most of the time. No matter where I am I sing and sometimes it's really annoying. I don't think I'm a good singer but if you love something and you're passionate about it you usually do not care what other people think about it.

I guess that's all. Well, those are actually the basics but I think you'll get to know me A LOT better during this year. Looking forward to it!

Sanja, read you tomorrow : >


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Annica introduces herself.

Hello ladies. It’s Tuesday number one!

I’ve been thinking on how to introduce myself for a while now (I even started a post last week, but it has since been deleted), and I have decided that I am not good at introductions. You know how during the first few days at school, the teachers make you tell everybody about yourself. I always dread that so much. I can never think of what to say. I always end up saying something along the lines of, “I like reading… I have a dog, and, um, uh… I have nine siblings.” It always makes me seem uninteresting and doesn’t give any of my classmates any idea of what I am like. I have a feeling that this is how I’m going to start out in Nerdily Ever After. However, I have decided that, unlike Jess, I am going to take the boring, unoriginal route in this blog post and just introduce myself in the typical way. I hope that this doesn’t make me seem boring, because I am not. At least I don’t think I am. I hope I’m not. Anyway, I apologize in advance for the long, boring post.

So, hello. My name is Annica. It’s pronounced (ah nuh cuh). I am going to be a freshman in high school exactly two weeks from today. And if you were wondering, yes, I do actually have nine siblings. I have four step-siblings, three half-siblings, and full-on double siblings all the way (…that means two. I’m sorry I had to). You can expect many more unfunny, stupid references from me during this project. It’s just who I am. Anyway, if I were to describe myself in five words, I would say that I am sarcastic, pessimistic, shy, lazy, and a dreamer. I just asked one of my close friends to describe me in five words and she said that I am: funny, irritable, finds fun stuff to talk about, lazy, and smart. So, I’m not sure, you can be the judge.

Well, I think I’ll get on with the nerdy things now. My two biggest obsessions as of today are Harry Potter and Avatar: The Last Airbender. I would give you long reasons as to why I like these things, but I will save that for another time. But, I will tell you that I am on the border between Slytherin and Ravenclaw and that my favorite characters are Fred and George, Luna, Neville, Hermione, Draco, and Lupin. As for Avatar, my favorite nation is the Fire Nation (though I despise their tyranny) and my favorite characters are the entire Gaang (especially Zuko), Appa, Iroh, Mai, Ursa, and Kyoshi.

Other things I enjoy include: Doctor Who, Disney movies, John Green, Nerdfighters, Pokémon, writing, reading, Nintendo 64, Zelda, Tumblr, blogging, anime, Hayao Miyazaki, baking, sewing, mythology, photography, Internet memes, nature, obscure music, and much more.

Jess, you were talking about how Hayley’s first vlog was just odd compared to the other girls. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to be the “weird one” of this blog (though you may disagree because I seem completely boring and normal *straight face*). Though, unlike Hayley, I don’t mean funny and random and strangely charming weird, I mean…weird weird. I’ll use a picture to illustrate my point.

I feel like I will be like the one on the left while the four of you are more like the one on the right. Yep.

edit: Jess, I do believe I saw you in one of Lauren Fairweather's tour videos. I also think that you got to be right next to Lauren in the group hug. Jealous.

Anywhooo, I’m super duper excited for this project. I think it will be a good experience and I’m looking forward to getting to know you four (and possibly our readers), making some great friendships, and seeing where this whole thing takes us. I think it will be great.

Now, as I will be your Tuesday for the next year or even longer, I feel that it is my duty to fill your lives with a little history on the day. Over to you, WheezyWaiter.

Thanks, Wheezy!

Okay, now I’m going to give all of you a challenge, if that’s all right. Your challenge is *drum roll* to write a story in less than twenty words. Good luck!

Winona, I’ll see you tomorrow!

Song of the Day: I'm Blue by Eiffel 65
Element of the Day: Fire
Currently Reading: Animal Farm by George Orwell

My post next week might be a little bit late seeing as I will be on vacation in New Orleans, but I will try my hardest to post before midnight.

Goodbye for now!

~ Annica

Lol. Long post is long.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jess starts us off

I have no idea how to start this. Oh, the pressure.


I had planned on introducing myself in this first post, but I’m pretty sure that I would mess it up. I’ve never been very good at introducing myself. I like to think of myself as a complex creature, but really, I have a hard time figuring out how much to tell about myself. Do you want to know basic stuff that no one cares very much about, like my favorite color or animal? Should I tell about my history online, or would that not be very much of an introduction? Instead, maybe I could tell deeply personal things about myself. But if I can’t even feel comfortable enough to tell IRL people that stuff, why would I put it online?

All of these thoughts have been plaguing me since the beginning of this project.

Already, NEA has changed my mindset. Although I haven’t been a member of the Nerdfighters Ning for a long time, I’ve seen the creation of many collaborations. I would think about joining one, envisioning thousands of people hanging on my every word. I never really bought the whole “We’re just doing this to become better friends” thing. I suspected that they all formed just to become the next fiveawesomegirls or vlogbrothers.

And then I joined this collab, and everything changed. I am legitimately excited to get to know the four of you. Many collabs say that they would keep doing what they’re doing, even if no one was watching or reading. I never bought that. But now I do. Even if we never get any followers on this blog (We already have a few, but whatever), I would still want us to continue. This really is about making friends, not becoming Internet famous.

I want to say that this is unique, but this may be what every other collab was feeling when they started, and I’ve just been let in on the secret. Do any of you feel the same way, or am I the strange one already?

If so, then this very much reminds me of Hayley’s first video on 5AG. Have any of you rewatched it recently? Because I have. If not, here it is:

Isn’t she so weird? If you watch any of the other first videos on that channel, everyone seems pretty normal. But then Hayley comes along, acting all strange and Hayley-like.

I’ve lost my point.

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to this year with the four of you. Let’s make it a good one.
