
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Annica has been hit with a brick.

November 12th, 2005 is where my internet history begins. I was in fourth grade at the time. Actually, it might have begun a bit before that, but I’m not going to count playing games on the Disney Channel and Cartoon Network websites or my short time with Neopets. They don’t really count with me. I barely remember those. But in November of 2005, my best friend Venessa (who is still my best friend today!) and I were hanging out in a field during recess. She told me of a website her cousin had gotten her to join called GaiaOnline and how she wanted me to join it, too. Her username was foxylove. Mine was annicamax (still using that one all the time -___-). It was on Gaia that I made my beginnings and from where my internet life branched out to where it is today.

I remember asking my dad to join Gaia soon after Venessa told me about it. I lied and said that I was thirteen years old, though I was only nine. At the beginning, the most that I did was spam the forums for gold, talk to my IRL friends that lived two blocks away, and role play. Recently, I went back to look at my old posts on the forums and my old role plays. They really are atrocious. I did type much better than most people on Facebook today, however.

Here are some of said posts:

Between then and 2009, I never really moved out further. Gaia was always home base for me. I did make a MySpace (which I used to stalk people I went to school with) and accounts on some other websites, but they were almost always forgotten for Gaia. I continued to pretty much do the same things on Gaia: talk to my friends and role play (I did get much better, but I was still a total nerd).

In 2009, I began frequenting the General Discussion forum on Gaia. It is totally the ‘high school’ of the forums, if you will. Everything was about who had the best pictures in their signature and who was the funniest and all of that. From there, I saw a link to someone’s ‘tumblr’. I clicked on it, but it was just someone’s blog. It took a while before I was finally interested and made an account of my own in November.

Now, time to rewind a little to the summer of 2009. I remember going into my older brother’s room (to bother him, probably) and seeing him look at a book called “Paper Towns” on the Amazon. He told me that a friend had suggested it to him, and he read to me what it was about. I was vaguely interested. When I went with my dad to a really big, really awesome book store called Powell’s about a week later, I was looking around and around for a book to buy. In the young adult section, I found the book my brother had been looking at on the computer. Not knowing what else to buy, I snatched it up.

I read Paper Towns, and it was amazing. It had been a long time since I had read a book that good. I related a lot to Margo Roth Speigelman. It was hilarious as well. To this day, Paper Towns is still my favourite John Green novel. Anyway, I think that it was through Paper Towns that I found the vlogbrothers. Either that, or my brother showed me. I subscribed around the video ‘This Isn’t Hogwarts! A Harry Potter Song’, but I thought that it was just a couple of weird nerds. I didn’t fully unsubscribe until the video ‘Vegetables That Look Like Penises’. It was difficult to listen to these two guys talk. They talked fast and I had no idea what they were saying. There were a lot of inside jokes as well. I felt left out. I subscribed again around September (after I had read Looking for Alaska, I believe) and stayed. Through the vlogbrothers, I found channels such as the fiveawesomegirls (;____;) and nerimon and charlieissocoollike and the such.

Around the same time that I read Paper Towns for the first time, I went to go see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with my family. Harry Potter never really interested me. I had read the first book before and watched the films, but I just thought of it as most people do today. After seeing the sixth movie, however, I was intrigued. I went home and read the books while I went on a trip to go visit my relatives on a road trip. It was then I fell in love. I think that my sudden love for Harry Potter was one of the things that made me stay with the vlogbrothers and that whole community.

That’s pretty much the extent of it. Now, of course, I have made a Facebook, a Twitter, a blog, and everything, but those aren’t really interesting. I actually don’t even remember when I made a Facebook or Twitter or blog. :/

In other news, NaNoWriMo ends today. I really don't like what I wrote. It's terrible. That's how everyone feels, however. I'm sure of it. I am extremely proud of the fact that I finished, however! Well, I'm sure I will be proud once I get out of this odd feeling like I've been hit with a brick in the back of my head (lolz maureen johnson). Right now, everything is just weird. I think I've forgotten how to use words. I keep making really obvious spelling/grammar mistakes.

In other news, my birthday is this Saturday! Yay! I'll be 15! o:
I would fill you in with other things that have been going on in my life, but nothing interesting is really happening. *shrug*

Oh, wait! I do remember something I was going to say. I think that some of our lovely followers should COMMENT (if they want to, course). Tell us about your internet history! Tell us what you think about whatever hubbub we talk about! It would make my day if you did. :3

Song of the Day: We are the Champions by Queen (lolololol)
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
(FINAL!) Word Count: 50,024.

Welp, I'm off!

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Jess's Internet History is Extensive

(Warning: Don’t start to read this until you have a lot of time to waste. Because, um, I ramble, and I also have a pretty long story to tell.)

Hey girls, it’s Monday! This week’s theme is to tell about our Internet History.

I know exactly when and where I started on the Internet. It was June 7, 2007 on Neopets. I used to love Neopets. Back in 2007, I still went to summer camp at my not-so-local YMCA. It was absolutely horrible. But one thing that made it alright was Neopets. Some fast food place (McDonalds? I don’t remember) gave away stuffed Neopets, and omg they were amazing. I still probably have some of them, actually. I’m sure if I actually had the energy to go look for one, I could find one.

Neopets couldn’t get me very far – it does have forums, but you can’t go on them until you are at least 13. This was before the time that I knew you could lie about when your birth year was. Sigh.

In September of 2007, I moved from my private Catholic school to public school. Everything changed – I actually had FRIENDS (!!!) – and I seemed to get on the Internet even more. In March of 2008, for my birthday, I got my laptop, which I unfortunately still have.

I found YouTube, originally just using it as everyone does (to watch stupid videos). I actually think I was a Fred fan for a while. *shudder* Meh, fifth grade was a strange year. However, after watching Camp Rock when it premiered, I found this video:

And Buck is pretty much my inspiration today. In 2008, he had an absolutely fabulous community on his BuckHollywood website. I discovered myself in the forums, making friends (none of which I still have, unfortunately) and enjoying really old music. GONNA FIND A RAAAAAIIIIINNNNBOW. FIND A RAAAAAIIIINNBOW. FIND A RAAAAAIIIINNNNBOW, IN THE SKYYYYYYYYY. Yeah.

As I started realizing YouTube’s potential, I became obsessed with the show Total Drama Island. Have any of you seen it? The original, not the seasons following it. I hate those (Total Drama Action and Total Drama World Tour, I believe) because they’ve made my favorite character (Gwen) really awful. I started watching the episodes when they premiered in America, but I was an impatient child. I went hunting for episodes online, and found that TDI was actually a Canadian show. Which meant that Canadians had already seen most of it, and had uploaded episodes onto YouTube. I devoured them, and soon found that TDI had a community of its own.

Now, confession: I was on YouTube when I was 11. I didn’t vlog or anything, but I had plenty of videos and a good number of subscribers, actually. But my content was absolutely atrocious. I became a fairly well known name in this really small community. This community took clips and/or pictures from Total Drama Island, and put them to music to create music videos. Yes, this music was highly copyrighted, as were the pictures and videos. I didn’t exactly know what copyright WAS then.

(Above is an example of pretty much what I did. Sigh.)

During this time, I also got onto Deviantart. I didn’t contribute any pictures or art, but I did find a bunch of really incredible artists which I sadly do not remember the names of. One thing that has stuck with me, though, was that everyone on there is REALLY NICE. Like, if someone thought that your drawing wasn’t that good, they wouldn’t say, “u suck,” they would say, “I like your use of color here! I think, to make it even better, you could…” That AMAZED ME.

By September of 2007, I was done doing my extremely copyrighted videos, but was still very much a part of the BuckHollywood community. Fast forward to the Summer of ’09.

K, so, ALL CAPS song aside, that summer was a pretty big deal to me. It was the first year ever that I didn’t have to go to camp – and I ended up being pretty bored as a result, but still. I got really into writing, and although I didn’t get much done, I discovered this competition that happens every year in November called National Novel Writing Month. Yeah.

So I kept NaNoWriMo in mind.

I helped a lot during the Mr. YouTube contest that Buck had, and was a leading force in getting KoolJeffrey to be near the top of the list. Shane Dawson ended up winning. It’s weird, because I remember back when Shane wasn’t even close to being at the top of YouTube. Also, I still laugh about Buck saying one time that Shane had the potential to make it big. He did.

Something else that has nothing to do with the Internet but is important none the less: The summer of 2009 was when I read the Harry Potter series for the first time.

November 2009 rolled around, and I started NaNoWriMo. I thought that 50k words in a month was insane (it is) so I started on YWP (because I was only 12 and couldn’t join the regular site anyway) with only a 15k word goal. I finished on time, even though my plot was way too complicated and got really annoying.

On the front page of the NaNoWriMo website, they posted this really cool video from YouTube. It was this music video that some little band had made. It was called the NaNoWriMo Song, and it gave me inspiration to finish my novel:

And thus, I discovered ALL CAPS. I am so, so grateful for whoever posted that video on the front page of NaNoWriMo, because without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. One, I wouldn’t be writing this blog post right now instead of doing my math homework. I still don’t think that I would be doing my homework, but you never know.

Kristina and Luke FASCINATED me. They were totally comfortable being weird, which was really strange, but in a good way. This video of Luke’s introduced me to Ministry of Magic, and wizard rock:

Through Kristina, I found fiveawesomegirls, and loved all of them. First starting out with Kristina, then Lauren, then Hayley. And OH MY GOD FIVEAWESOMEGIRLS IS DONE. SAD. FACE. SADFACE. I legitimately cried. The video that made me cry:

*sniffles* *continues with story*

On Twitter, I had already followed John Green before. I remember his picture was the cover of Paper Towns. Anyway, I really didn’t know who he was, except that he was some author. He always tweeted about things that I didn’t understand, like I was missing out on all of these inside jokes. So I unfollowed him.

I witnessed the 2009 Project For Awesome from the outside. Everyone that I followed on Twitter seemed to know about it.

Right before Project for Awesome, I watched this video:

And thought it was absolutely brilliant. That song SO describes December of 2009 for me. I always think it’s weird when people ask why the song is named Winter’s Song instead of “Your Own Ending,” or something. I’m always confused – I mean, how does it not just SCREAM Winter’s Song to them? One thing that really amazed me was the username of the person who uploaded the song. Alan, on YouTube as fallofautumndistro, had a username that I recognized. It’s a pretty long name. I realized that he was a mod on the BuckHollywood forums, which I had all but forgotten.

I didn’t watch a vlogbrothers video until late December. I’m not sure which one it was, because unlike so many other important YouTube things, I didn’t think that the video would change my life completely. But it did.

I could go on, but this is already a really long post. All you need to know is that I got much more into wizard rock and Nerdfighteria, and eventually joined the ning. I saw the creation of many collabs. And then, one day, I saw a thread asking for members for a Nerdfighter blog collab. And… Well, you four know what happened next.

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why does Bridget enjoy posting her posts late at night?

I really hope this doesn't post on Saturday, because it's STILL FRIDAY HERE! I PWOMISE! (Something tells me it'll say it's Saturday though)

Anywhoozle, I've had a very interesting week. First of all, it's snowed a foot and a bit in the last few days basically so I epic ROFL'd when I saw Annica's "snow day" picture. (:

I feel a bit disappointed in myself this November, as I didn't get my writing done, but at the same time I understand. It was harder than I thought to bring back all the memories of my beloved dog. I'm still writing it and all but I've realized that this isn't a novel I want to just spit out. How are you girlies doing?

We had parent teacher student conferences yesterday. Awkward, as usual. Don't get me wrong, the teachers like me. I'm just not good at these things, I don't know what to say. *shrug*

Well, I'm uber tired and excited for NEXT WEEKS THEME YAYA? 8D

Current Mood Song: Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP - We No Speak Americano (It's funny, even though I'm an indie kid when it comes to music, I love me some techo/dubstep/house
Currently Reading: Secrets from the Vinyl Cafe by Stuart McLean

Thursday, November 25, 2010 I suffering from amnesia?? WOT?

Hey there!

So...I forgot it was Thursday...again...

Recently I've been major busy and last week I was staying up late studying and at some point I thought about NerdilyEverAfter and then proceeded to study some more. Next thing I know, it's Saturday and I didn't post anything!! GRAHHHH!!! It's quite sad, really.

Even worse is that I almost committed the same injustice to you ladies this week. I was literally just about to turn off my computer when I realized "WAIT A SECOND!! I'M FORGETTING SOMETHING!!".......then I remembered.....I'm like Neville, I need a remembrall dammit! And then I need a device that tells me what it is that I've actually forgotten...

d'awww! now wasn't he just adorable like the rest of 'em! Now you must forgive me!! ;P

Onto other randomness! Last weekend Harry Potter came out (DUH!) but the funny thing is that, while the whole world was watching HP, my family went out to see The Social Network. Although as a film itself, it wasn't particularly fascinating, the story was simply incredible! I learned so much about Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, Harvard, even Napster! It was kinda crazy...On the other hand, WHY COULDN'T WE HAVE JUST SEEN HARRY POTTER?!?! Of course, the reason lies in the fact that my father doesn't quite appreciate the fantasy genre and falls asleep whilst watching these movies. So we went with his pick since we wanted to be able to truly enjoy HP without a snoring man beside us :P Jk, he doesn't really snore....much...
But yeah, must see SOON!

I also really wanna see that new movie with Cher and Christina Aguilera (I think I misspelt that..) called Burlesque.

And of course I am now in the really super excited birthday mode since December 7th - aka the best day ever - is nearing!! I've decided that for the party, I'm going to clear out a bunch of the furniture in our basement, lay down some mattresses, and have a movie/music/dance/slumber party - EXCITEMENT!! there anything else I wanna say right now?....

Oh, this week, I went on two different field trips for my law class - one to the provincial courts and one to a human rights conference thing. They were both pretty interesting but at the same time really scary!! I mean, at the provincial courts, the teacher told us that we could go into different courtrooms on different floors and all of us go "OMG! Let's go watch an assault trial! Let's watch a gang trial! I wonder if there's any rape trials!" We all thought it would be like the movies. And it is. We sat in different courtrooms, watching a witness speak of his experience at the defendant's brothel, and it feels like we're watching a TV show. And that's really really scary! This is REAL LIFE! These people that we're watching actually committed a serious crime and the decisions the judges make will actually change someone's life!! I dunno, I might've been the only one who felt this way, but really...freaky stuff...

Okay, well, I think that's enough of me for now. I don't wanna blurb on for too long so I better stop now that I'm already borderline boredom.

Bridget, can't wait to read ya tomorrow!

Current Mood Song: Forget (/F***) You by Cee lo
Currently Reading: Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

- Sanja

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's already Wednesday again?

I didn't know it was Wednesday again until I saw Annica posting yesterday. That is weird, really weird.
How are you girls? I hope you're all fine and happy and stuff (:
I went to see HP7 on Monday and I was amazed by the film. It felt awkward without Hogwarts and without Dumbledore *sniff* but I was amazed by the acting of the characters and the film itself. For me, it was the best HP movie of all that have already been released. Awesome.
I'm really tired as I am typing this, but I want to write this blog entry and another one for my personal blog as well and I hope I don't fall asleep.
I actually don't have a lot to say because there's not much happening except that I'm going to school tomorrow for two pointless lessons. My third lesson won't take place so yay but I wish that my first lesson wouldn't take place so I could sleep longer. I'm suffering from insomnia since last week, it's so crazy, I can't sleep anymore so I usually stay up at night and draw or read comics because I'm such a nerd.

Goodnight, lovelies.
Sanja, I'll read you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Annica shows you a few pictures.

Hello girls, it's Tuesday!

I'm on a Thanksgiving holiday right now. Six day break! There was supposed to be school today, but it was canceled because there was a bit of snow during the night.

Yep. That's all the snow that we have and school is closed. Pathetic, isn't it?

Did all of you see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part one)? It was amazing. It didn't feel like the rest of the Harry Potter films, without Hogwarts and everything, but I loved it. I went to go see it at midnight, and then with my friend again the next day.

I dressed up as Nymphadora Tonks when I saw it at midnight. Not many people dressed up, really. Most people just wore house scarves.

I dressed up in Harry Potter clothes all week before Thursday. It was fun. Well, until the end of the movie. I was depressed the entire next day because of what happened. Very nerdy and pathetic of me, but I cried a lot. Yay!

NaNoWriMo isn't going so well. I'm about 12 or 13 thousand words behind. Lucky I have this six-day break, right? I will finish it. I will, I will, I will. I don't care that I really hate this novel, I will finish it!

I'm not sure what else to say. Well, I hope you all have a great week! Jess, I hope you have a good Thanksgiving.

Now, it's time to get started on my novel. D;

Song of the Day: Mollywobbles by Roonil Wazlib (I've had it stuck in my head for such a long time!)
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
Word Count: 24763 *to be edited*

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Jess can actually write a full post this week

Hey girls, it's Monday!

I'm writing this in free period at school. I have to do a presentation in a few hours, and my group has no idea what we're going to say. I'm pretty good at public speaking, though, so I think it'll go fine.

This week, we were going to have a theme, but I decided that we shouldn't because this week could be potentially stressful, because of Thanksgiving (for the Americans, that is) and NaNoWriMo winding down (for those of us doing NaNo). So, next week's theme is to talk about your Internet history. What year (and age) did you really start going online? What caused you to start? What websites did you start with? How did you find the vlogbrothers and Nerdfighteria? Etc.

I have Granger Danger stuck in my head. It's a mix of this video:

and this one:

I watched so many Starkid videos this weekend, so that's probably why. I watched all of AVPM, and then I watched all of Me and My Dick. MAMD is AMAZING. If you haven't seen it, you need to. (Y'know, it might actually be my favorite musical ever)


I wrote the upper section this morning, but this part is being written late at night.

The presentation went okay. I thought I sounded really nervous as I was talking, but everyone that I asked said that I didn't. And they weren't just being nice, because they criticized other parts of the presentation. Hmm. I'm so glad that this whole balloon thing is over... though, now that I've said that, they may actually make us do more. Sigh.

We have half days tomorrow and Wednesday, which is exciting. I have a lot of work to get done before December, and this will be a perfect time to get stuff done. Obviously, one of those things that I need to finish before December is my novel, which, surprisingly, is going swimmingly. I'm currently at 38,534 words, meaning that I'm ahead. If I keep at the rate that I'm on, according to NaNo, I'll be finished on November 29. Which is perfectly fine with me!

I don't know what else to say. Hmmm. Well, Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

Edit: I just remembered what I wanted to say! I've had hiccups all day, and THEY AREN'T GOING AWAY. Most people hate hiccups, but I kind of like them. /weird

Alright. I'm going to bed.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bridget takes a Vow of Silence... but can't get enough video games

Sorry this post is late again you guys (I'm not making this a habit, promise haha). It's just because yesterday I took a 24 hour vow of silence with a couple other friends to raise money for "Free the Children". Therefore, I wasn't allowed to type either. *shrug* I raised 120 bucks though!

ANYWAYS, let me get back to the theme that I chose: video games. Let me do my top ten first of all:

10. Animal Crossing
9. Legend of Zelda - Majora Mask
8. Fable
7. Pokemon Crystal
6. Final Fantasy XII
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
4. Super Smash Brothers
3. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Kingdom Hearts
1. Super Mario 3 or Pokemon Fire Red

Is it sad that I actually debated with myself for five minutes about this list? (Hint: the answer is yes).

I play a lot of video games, and I think that's because they're not only creative fun but challenging (well, some of them) and they're a great way to get away from it all. ((:

Reads of this wonderful blog, do you like video games? If so, what do you play? Also my gamertag, just in case: mouse-in-sneaker

As Jess hasn't mentioned a theme yet, I'm guessing we're having a break week from themes and just blogging. Fine with me if so. (:

Alrighty, well have a good rest of the weekend and Jess - I'll read you on Monday!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday doesn't rhyme with anything?!

Hey ladies,
it's Wednesday and I have just realized that there is no word that rhymes with Wednesday. If you find one let me know!

So.. hey, it's been quite a while since the last time I've posted and I could have actually wrote a blog post last week but I came home at 10pm and I was really tired, went shopping the whole day. Sorry!
How are you guys? I hope you're all fine.
My last week was amazing, London is beautiful. Don't know if one of you has already been there once, if not, you have to. It's wonderful!
This week's theme is games, okay, I see.
My favourite video games include:
1. The Valkyria Chronicles
2. Fallout 3
3. Gran Turismo
4. Guitar Hero
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
6. Pokemon
7. Super Mario Bros.

They're my favourite top 7 games. I'm not playing video games often though.
You guys are all doing NaNoWriMo and I can't. It's shit. But yeah. Next year... wow :(((

Wow, my life is being pretty good these days. Everything's fine, school's cool and my friends are awesome. We are planning for a party next month, it's going to be fantastic. I'm still single but I really don't mind. It will change some day (:

Currently listening to: Professor Green - Just Be Good To Me (Feat. Lily Allen)
Current Mood: Fantastic!

Read you tomorrow, Sanja


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Annica sucks at video games.

Hello girls. Today is the THIRTEENTH Tuesday of NEA.

I do not know what is wrong with me this week, but I do not want to do anything at all (especially NaNoWriMo), so, alas, I am writing this from school. I should be doing a project on F. Scott Fitzgerald right now, but I don’t really feel like it. Ugh. I’m going to have to do hours with of homework on Sunday.

This week is the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part one)! I cannot wait. Every day this week, I’ve been wearing some of my many Harry Potter clothes. It’s a bit of overkill, yes, but I don’t care because HARRY POTTER IS COMING OUT THIS WEEK! I’m seeing it at midnight with my family. My best friend (who moved away) is coming with his family, too. I’m dressing up as Tonks, my dad is probably wearing Gryffindor robes, and my friend is dressing as Neville. I’ll post pictures next week. Needless to say, I’m super excited.

So, this week’s theme is games. Seeing as it would be rather boring for me to talk about how my family plays card games and dominoes every once in a while, I’ll talk about video games. I rather like video games (even though I’m horrendous at them), but I don’t play them as often as I would like.

When I was younger, I mostly played video games alongside my brothers, or I watched them play. They liked to play the typical games that are associated with boys, mostly. Halo, Call of Duty, Silent Hill. Pretty much games where you could smash heads in and shoot stuff. I didn’t like those games as much. Never did. Halo is all right, but I don’t like the other ones. In fact, I once remember having a nightmare about Silent Hill. I had a nightmare about BioShock, too. *isababy*

The games I liked most were usually the happier ones, like most Nintendo games. I did play Cruisin’ USA quite a bit, though. I also accompanied my brother on Halo as well. For most of my life, I think, the videos games I would play would be with my step-brother, Lukas. He still plays video games all of the time. Some days, I swear that he doesn’t leave one room.

Welp, I don’t have any funny anecdotes or anything interesting to say, so I suppose that I will compile a list of my top ten favourite video games (in no order).

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. The Sims
3. Dance Dance Revolution
4. Rock Band
5. Mabinogi
6. Super Mario Galaxy
7. Animal Crossing
8. Super Smash Brothers
9. Wii Fit
10. Grand Theft Auto

On a side note, F. Scott Fitzgerald (the author who I am supposed to be doing a project on) had a wife called Zelda. Oh ho ho.

Song of the Day: Do the Hippogriff by the Weird Sisters (HPGOF Soundtrack)
Word Count: 22089 (lol i haven't worked on nano this week)

Well, Winona, I will read you tomorrow.

Keep each other safe, keep faith, goodnight.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Jess can't seem to write this post...

...And that means that I probably won't be able to include the theme, but all of you should.

So I'm really far behind for NaNoWriMo right now; I'm currently at about 11k when I should be at 25k. This is a bad thing.

Also, words = not easy to form right now. Don't know why.

Fail Monday post. Can't make words. This does not compute. Please standby for my system reboot.

Intentional ALL CAPS references ftw?

K. Sorry for weirdness. Annica, I be reading you tomorrow, yes?

Lastly, me will post something sometime this week telling about next week's theme, because it may take some time to prepare for it. Kthnxbi.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bridget was stupid and forgot to hit the "publish post" button.

SO I thought this was published until I go check it out today and notice that - Low and behold! I forgot to click the Publish Post button. I'm such a dingleberry.

I'm drastically behind on NaNoWriMo so I'm pulling an all night tonight and all through tomorrow to catch up. Honestly, I'm finding it harder to write than I thought I would because every time I do, I feel immensely sad and miss my dog. However, I have to push through it: for Roxy.

In other news, I finally did it: I went a got some t-shirts made! Picture here:
They cost me a pretty penny but I really love 'em. Obviously I'm not selling any (who would buy them hahaha) but I do think they'll be great publicity. ((:

In other news, I'm ending this blog post quickly because I NEED TO GO AND WRITE.
Do you guys mind if I pick the theme for next week? If you don't see this, it doesn't matter, just thought I would give Jess a break, haha.

The THEME IS: Games. Video games, board games, recess games, online games, whatever type of games you want. GAMES GAMES GAMES hfaskfdfadg.

ALRIGHT - Have a great rest of the weekend, and Jess - I'll read you on Monday.
(P.S SORRY AGAIN about the rushed post)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lest we forget...the awesome times of last night!!

[Insert Greeting here]

I wasn't sure if Winona was going to post so I waited for nighttime just in case...but I guess she's just having too much fun :)

So today is a very bitter-sweet day for me because on the one hand, it's remembrance day. Today we are all supposed to wear poppies to remember and honor those who fought in the Great War so that we can live with all our freedoms today. Really, it's a very sad occasion because we are remembering everyone who lost his life to war and that's a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE! Maybe one day, we'll decide that war is unnecessary and simply stop with the hatred but for now, we must go on paying tribute not only to those of the past but also the soldiers of the present.

ON THE OTHER HAND! Last night was my semi-formal which is kind of like a cross between homecoming and prom...i don't even know how to describe it, but it was a dinner/dance at the Pan Pacific hotel with a view of the ocean, really super yummy food, and an awesome dj! It was one of the most fun nights of my life! Seriously, first there was the dressing up, the makeup, the hair, the nails, the shoes, and thus so much PAMPERING!! Plus all of my friends from school whom I love! Plus (again) the amazing dance music!! And OMG EVERYONE WAS SO GOODLOOKING! Seriously! I couldn't believe how gorgeous we all looked! Not to brag or anything, but Grad 2011 cleans up GOOOOOOODDD!! XD

So yeah, I got home pretty late last night and pretty much just wasted today - well, not wasted really, i slept, did hw, watched the Big Bang Theory, and ate wasn't exactly productive :P
I've also been fb stalking everyone I know to see all of the pictures from last night! 'Cause, I mean, after a moment's gone, pictures are all that's left! They help with the memories and can make any moment last forever <3 (Now doesn't that sound like a Kodak ad :P )

But anyways, that's it for me for now because I am still super duper exhausted and my eyes keep drooping. I'm sad that Winona missed this week, but I still enjoyed all your posts. And I'm SO GLAD it's Bridgetday tomorrow! I really need the weekend! :P

Oh, and btw. I practically hyperventilated when Darren Criss sang Teenage Dream on Glee...just saying, it was the most fangirl moment in the history of fangirlism!

Bye for now!!

Current Mood Song: The Night Before (The Beatles)
Currently Reading: Brave New World (It's a novel study okay, I know it's takin' forever!)

- Sanja

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Annica thinks that Glee is going to be TOTALLY AWESOME!

Hello girls, it's the twelfth Tuesday of NEA.

Are you ready for the my-life-sucks-it's-november-wah-i'm-tired posts to begin?

Currently, I am procrastinating on my novel and my reading (no homework today! hallelujah!). I'm a lazy cow, and I don't want to do anything. I'm starting to get a feel for what the rest of this month is going to be like.

I haven't done any Algebra homework for a week. I hate to admit it, but I've been lying about it, too. The teacher doesn't check our work, so I've just been telling her that I did it all. I'm going to have a heck of a time doing all of these assignments before turning in my notebook. Quite frankly, I haven't been doing much homework at all. It is amazing how I am still doing well in all of my classes.

As for reading, I have about a week to finish two and a half Harry Potter books. That's going to be a blast as well. I have just recently finished the Hunger Games. It's really good. I can't wait until I can read Catching Fire. I've forgotten what it's like to read a really good book for the first time.

My novel is going all right, I suppose. Well, for being my first novel and for being written in one month, I guess it's going great. My main character isn't that great. I need to make my characters more lovable and things. My plot is going okay. For the past few days, I haven't gotten far in terms of plot development, but I know where it's going. I quite like NaNoWriMo, even if I am exhausted all of the time. My dad said it was from too much thinking (lolz).

In other news...

Welp, I'm going to go work on my novel now. I apologize for the negative (and short!) post. It's November. Next week will be better, probably. The week after that will probably be super happy (lol deathly hallows). o:

Song of the Day: Hermione's Song (You and Me) by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
Word Count: 13605

Winona, I might read you tomorrow if you aren't having too much fun in London. :3


Monday, November 8, 2010

Quel jour est-ce?

...Aujourd'hui, c'est lundi.


Anyways. Hey girls, it's Monday!

Today has been a surprisingly good day...

Even though I've had the worst headache all day, Balloon Fest part 1 was postponed AGAIN, and I eventually became so sick that I had to miss my religion class tonight.

But, those are some of the same reasons that today was so great. I got to yell at annoying people who talk too much to be quiet because I had a headache. Because we have even more of this gigantic, strange balloon project to do, I got to listen to my friend Chris complain as he was drawing a Where's Waldo balloon ("God, who drew the original design? He looks like a banana!" "Why do his hands look like claws?!" "He should have a monocle! It would suit him better!" xD). And I got to miss my religion class tonight.

My mom says that the reason I'm getting sick is because of NaNoWriMo stress. So she doesn't want me to work on my novel tonight. I'm not going to listen to her, because I can't just give up a perfectly good writing night. But I am going to write significantly less than I had originally planned to (3200 words, but now only 1667).

However, she also says that it might have been because of the Daylight Savings time change. Apparently I always get sick whenever the time changes. I don't ever remember this happening.

Oh, yeah. A theme. I should come up with one... Um... This week's theme is... Talk about whatever you want week! It's a theme for lazy collabs. Yes.

I probably wanted to say more than this, but I have about 15 minutes left to do homework and write my novel, so I gotta go.

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Okay, so ironically today's theme is Undiscovered YouTubers! You may be thinking: "Bridget, why is this ironic?" Well (insert name here), this is ironic because I just recently found this lovely lady:

Awesome singer right? UH, she goes to my school! I'm friends with her sister! I literally just stumbled across her on Youtube and was like: HOMG IT'S AMBER!
ALSO, this girl who is a Nerdfighter that I randomly met on Twitter. She's hilarious and we now are internet biffles. ((:

Oh, and I guess I'll mention myself. But I don't need to post a video. ((: You can find me here

SO YEAH. Enjoy! I really enjoy all of yooours~ However, I don't think I need to comment about all of your posts, other than I SUBSCRIBED TO THEM ALLLL~ <3

Have a great weekend and Jess, I'll read you tomorrow!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

All You Need Is Love!!

Hello everyone!!

So, before I show you my YouTube pick, I'd just like to point out how mind reader/future teller Jess is for just happening to choose a theme about which Charlie just made a video (coincidence? I don't know!)

But yeah...I chose Liam a.k.a Littleradge because he's adorable, funny, and actually has many of the same 'likes' as me. Of course, being the Doctor Who fans you all are, you might already know of Liam as one of the members of Chameleon Circuit - he sings back up for most of the stuff but Count the Shadows is completely him *LOVE*

Anyways, here's a video that he did not on his own channel, which can be found at, but on the vloglovers channel while he was in a long distance relationships (sounds kinda creepy when you tell people about the channel, but it's really cute with funny vids). And yeah. I just really love this song and Liam's singing and acting it out just makes me very happy, so enjoy! :)

Well that's that for now! Read you tomorrow Bridget, and I will see you all next Thursday :)

Current Mood Song: Can't by ALLCAPS
Current Exciting Fact: Semi-Formal is next Wednesday!!!! ZOMG!!! (it's like our homecoming for those of you living in the states :P )
Currently Reading: Still Brave New World...I just don't have much time okay?!?

- Sanja

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Annica spams you late at night.

Hello girls! Today is the eleventh Tuesday of NEA.

I am currently in sixth period (Actually, it's past nightfall now). It feels like everyone is watching me type this up. But I just know that I’m being paranoid right now.

I’m supposed to be practicing a speech, but I really don’t feel like it. This month is going to be super busy and I know that I won’t have very much time to type up this post when I get home.

So, I suppose that I’ll give you a short update of what is going on in my life (yay!). Yesterday, I started my first NaNoWriMo novel. During all of October, I was planning what my novel was going to be about and everything. There were about five ideas swirling around in my mind. All of them seemed appealing, but I wasn’t quite sure about any of them. At this time yesterday, I finally decided what I was going to write about. I tried writing a bit during sixth period yesterday (I'm going to fail this speech...). It wasn’t that great, but I figured that it would do. As the final bell rang and I walked out the door, I thought of the perfect way to start my novel. I thought that I was the type of person who was better at planning ahead, but I guess I’m the type of person who do better just sitting down and writing. So, after finishing my homework and reading a bit, I started my novel. I didn’t quite execute the first chapter as I had planned (it sucked!), but it was a much better start than anything else I had. I was already exhausted by the time I went to bed. I have a feeling that this month is going to be rather difficult.

Wow. That wasn’t really short. NaNo is making me write more with everything else in my life! D:

Anyway, I’m still reading Harry Potter. I finally caught up a bit last week, but I’m still one book behind where I should me. My dad got the tickets to see the movie at midnight. I honestly cannot wait. I know that I’ve mentioned it quite a bit though, so I suppose that you know that already. I’ve also started reading the Hunger Games. It’s really good. I finished about a third of the first book in a day (which was a lot considering that I also reading half of a Harry Potter book that day). I haven’t read much since because I’ve been busy, but I really like it so far. So, onto the theme.

In other news, today is election day here in America. If I were able to vote, I'd most likely be voting all Democrat. I'm not sure which party is doing better. I'll have to check the damage tomorrow.

This week is Undiscovered Youtubers week! My favourite undiscovered YouTuber is Sam Hart (blinktwice4y). He mostly uploads music (both originals and covers). Here are five (!) of my favourite videos from him:

There are other Undiscovered Youtubers that I like a lot, but I'm going to spare you the spamming that I just did with the last one. O: Sorry.

Now, onto addressing your posts.

Winona. I hope that you have an awesome time at the MCR concert tomorrow. Sounds amazing! Also, I’m super jealous that you get to go to London. I hope that you have a good time, though.
Sonja. I don’t have a picture at hand of my Halloween costume. I dressed up like Hermione, though. I carried around a book everywhere I went. Maybe I’ll have a picture for you next week.
Bridget. Don’t apologize for not posting! I’m speaking for the other girls here, but I’d say that we completely understand. I was saddened to hear about Roxy. It sucks to lose someone you care about. It really does. When my dog was injured badly, I was distraught. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like when he passes away. My condolences are with you, love.
Jess. I'm actually subscribed to RoxinPunch. She's quite entertaining. I hope all is going well with air balloon work (even if it is really odd that you are learning so much about them)!

Song of the Day: The Instigators by The Weasel King
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Word Count: 3500 words (even!)

I hope that your novels are going well for those of you who are doing NaNoWriMo (one more set of parentheses just for kicks).

Winona, I probably won't read you tomorrow. Have fun, though!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Undiscovered YouTubers!

I have so much that I could possibly complain about, such as me not getting onto my school Newspaper even though eighth graders are guarranteed to get it, or me being very behind on my NaNo novel already... But no. I came up with a theme that made me relatively happy.

So, this week's theme is undiscovered YouTubers. I define "undiscovered" as having less than 50,000 subscribers. Originally, I was thinking 100,000, but then all of the fiveawesomegirls would be undiscovered, and that makes no sense. So, less than 50,000! For this theme's requirements, you really only have to list one undiscovered YouTuber that you like, but you can list as many as you want.

roxinpunch - 3,962 subscribers

Oh, Roxanne <3 She is amazing. I found her one day as I was looking at John and Hank's YouTube page. She is one of their "favorites" as listed in the box on their channel. Obviously, if John and/or Hank likes somebody, then I would like them. I wanted to choose just one video from her to spotlight, but I can't decide. So you get my two favorite:

ysisarahlds - 74 subscribers

If you have heard of Sarah before, I would be amazed. I have absolutely no idea how I found her, but I know exactly why I stayed. I love her voice. No, she's not a singer, she's a vlogger. I just love listening to her talk. Now, normally, when someone says this, the person they are referring to has some sort of foreign accent. But no. Sarah is American. Her voice is just really interesting. My favorite video by her:

And that is it, my friends! Post addressing shall not happen right now, as I really need to get on my NaNo novel.

But, Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!