
Saturday, October 30, 2010


Sorry I didn't post yesterday. And this is only a short post about that I can't really do anything right now.
My lovely, sneaky, terribly-mischievous beagle Roxy passed away yesterday morning. She was 10 and a half, and passed peacefully after having a few seizures. However, she wasn't in pain as we rushed her to emergency and she was on pain medication the whole time. She died happy.
So yeah, I'm going through a really hard time right now, as is my whole family.
No post for me this week. Sorry.

Jess, I'll read you on Monday though.
- Bridget.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Facebook. Cedric Diggory. Cover Up. 'nough said.

Hello everyone!!

Guess what? I'm not late! It's 11:13pm on this very looonnnggggg Thursday and I am so beyond exhaustion that I have reached the excited, revved up phase. It's kind of weird, but I'm not complaining :P

Anyways, I suppose I'll start off with the theme of the week which is book references IRL. The most recent thing that happened to me was actually a couple of days ago and although it wasn't completely random, it still amuses me:

So, I am a huge fan of those random quizzes like "What Pokemon are you?" and "What Disney Princess are you?" and of course "What Harry Potter Character are you?" And when I see a good sounding one, I just can't refuse! I will literally drop EVERYTHING I'm doing for that quiz because for some reason it will make all the difference if I know whether I'm most like Hermione, Ron, Harry, Snape, DRACO, or whoever - I just NEED to find out.

Yeah. So, I see on facebook that a couple of my friends have taken this quiz and fifteen minutes later: WABANG!! I am Cedric Diggory!

Anyways, next thing I know, my friend posts on my fb wall. This is our conversation:

Her (aka HP): LOLZ. just did the harry potter quiz and i got Harry Potter!!

Me (aka CD): LOL! Fun stuff!! Random fact: Harry is there when Cedric dies - does this mean you're just gonna stand around at my deathbed LE GASP

HP: OMGOMG! noooo ><. it means ima try to save you from evillll!! :D but it may fail.. :(

CD: WHAT?! Don't fail!! D:

HP: i won't... just the dark lord (who we do not speak his name) is too powerful :( but not to worrryy.. i'll just keep practicing my spells.

CD: pfshhh! Easy for you to be so chill - you can't even die properly :P

HP: okay but i have to deal with a scar on my head for the rest of my life and i can't use coverup :'( OHHHH and im ugly.. unlike british boy who dies! lol

CD: That's true. I do look pretty darn good ... and i get your crush ... Cedric just kind of pwns ... but you stay alive and you're LOADED! Like MONEY GALORE!! And you're major popular!

HP: OKAY FINE. maybe im super loaded and just overall AMAZING. I'll take the cred :)

Yeah...we have fun! I know it's not the most exciting nor the nerdiest occurrence but I have rather short memory and it was recent so there!

In other news, I loved all of your videos! And I think that we should all post pictures of us in our halloween costumes in our blog posts starting with Bridget tomorrow!! I personally have made a costume for Magenta, the maid, from Rocky Horror Picture show. It's really awesome and my amazing momma helped out :D

So, there's my question/request: Pictures of costumes!!!

*I warn you these comments are going to be short because it's nearing 11:40pm and I'd like to go to sleep sometime soon :P

Bridget: LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVED!! the Pokemon video! Sheer brilliance if you ask me! And I like the scenes in the convenience store - so funny!!

Jess: Great idea on the theme week! Obviously, I thoroughly approve even though I couldn't find a good one...But OMG I wish I lived wherever you are because then I could be like "I know Edward Cullen. I mean, he's just a super fast super sparkly vampire, but you know, no big!"

Annica: I definitely didn't mean my thing to be offensive so it's great that you knew what I meant and I realize that that sounded slightly confusing...on to cooler things!! I also wonder whether they can read my mind - I mean, what are orthodontists/dentists/etc. thinking while you're lying helplessly with the most ridiculous looking face a person could make...Seriously, how do they not laugh at the silly person with the gaping mouth?? :P

Winona: Has anyone ever told you how cool your life is? First Auschwitz and now London! AND THE CONCERT! You lucky lucky girl!! I hope you have loads of fun in your travels and good luck with NaNoWriMo! :)

Alright then, that's all from me - Bridget, can't wait to see your Halloween costume tomorrow >:D

Current Mood Song: Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Currently Reading: Brave New World (still, but w/'s actually a really really amazing novel!!)

- Sanja

EDIT: So somehow I messed up the font...but I'm too sleepy to fix it so be my guest if it bugs you; otherwise, let's just say it was a...a...halloween prank? Sure, let's go with that!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winona is NOT the cute one in this collaboration!

Hello ladies,
it's Wednesday, it's Winona-day, it's October, 27th.
It is 16:34pm and I am - as usual - very tired. I got back home from school at 5pm today, totally EXHAUSTED.
I would love to write a huge blogpost for you guys today, but I don't have much to say, to be honest. It's getting colder here in Berlin and I am freezing my ass off!!
The only interesting thing I might share would be that I'm probably in London at the end of the last week. On one hand - igjkhjkdsahgnjsOMGOMGOMGOMGTHISISFREAKINGAWESOME! On the other hand - Damn, I will not be able to do NaNoWriMo in that week. That kind of bothers me, that's why I will probably write it in German. I haven't really decided that yet, but yeah, I'm going to tell you as soon as I know it OR watch out for an update about that on my personal blog.

So, this is really cute. Even though I don't know if that counts as a book reference but last year I went to a festival in my town with a good friend of mine. Well, we stood in the line, waiting to get in and then, after half an hour of waiting, we finally got to the entrance where a security guy stood to check our bags. His name was Peter Gale. HUNGER GAMES REFERENCE. I know that in the Hunger Games his name is written "Peeta", but I started laughing, like, real hard when I read his name on his jacket. I felt like a total dumbass afterwards because not even my friend knew what I was laughing about so, yeah, quite embarassing book reference xD

First of all: I loved ALL your videos. You guys are so adorable!

Sanja: We do have those clubs, but they're mostly crap because they only play stupid music and you can only find drunk fourteen-year-olds there, which is sad. So, I tend to avoid them :D

Bridget: You are one crazy kind of girl. I loved the Pokemon video BUT ... I am ... not... the cute one in this collab and my accent is WEIRD. IT IS WEIRD. IT'S STUPID. XD ... weird.

Jess: This is awesome XD I HATE Edward Cullen, really, but I would feel awkward happy if I met someone whose name was Edward Cullen! Thanks for coming up with the theme this week :)
Oh, an you're friends seem to be... ADORABLE!

1. Thank you, Shannon, but why?! :D
2. Hallo Jen! :D
3. Hey Monica! :D

Wow! Now I really want to get a response by Shannon, SRSLY! :')

Annica: lol, this story is kind of weird :P And - No, I'm not adorable! But thankies!

Attention: I'm not sure if I am going to blog for you next week, because when I'm coming home from school, I'll be going out, like, half an hour later since the My Chemical Romance concert is on that day. And if I find the time to blog, I will have to keep it short, sorry. Also, the week after that, I will probably be in London as written above, so I'm not quite sure if I can blog. SORRY!

I'll read you tomorrow, Sanja
Love, Winona!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Annica forgets that it is Tuesday.

Okay, so I'm not late or anything - but I figured that I better post this before I keep forgetting that it's Tuesday.

Hello, girls. Today is the tenth Tuesday of Nerdily Ever After.

Nope. Life is going on same as always. Nothing new or interesting is happening to me since last week. The Homecoming dance is this week for my school. I have a date that night. With my couch and my television. I'm also planning to meet up with my computer, if I get a chance to. Yep. That's the most interesting thing going on in MY life. Yay!

Anyway, I suppose it is time to get on with the theme! Book references in real life!

The first one that came to mind was during my Twilight phase. I was pretty much a Twihard. Not some of my greatest months. I think I only liked it for six months, anyway. Well, I remember going to the orthodontist to get my braces on, and I was lying there the whole time thinking of Edward and ~*~ TRU LUV 4EVA ~*~ and wondering if the orthodontist could read my mind.

I'm not sure why that story sticks out to me. It's been almost three years and I still remember it.

And of course, there are the many references that my friends and I make to Harry Potter. There are too many to remember. I think that I can reference anything to Harry Potter if I'm in the mood. I'm not joking. Just give me a word and I can connect to Harry Potter. *is a nerd*

There are many many more, but I simply can't think of them all. I'm being distracted by every little thing right now. I've been talking to myself in the webcam thinger for about thirty minutes now and I am just, just... MEH!

I wish I had a funny or interesting to tell for this week's theme, but this is going to have to suffice. SO DEAL WITH IT. *mean face*

You're so adorable! I just want to pick you up and squeeze you. o___o *creeps*

While any sane person would have been insulted when you said that you realized from my video that I was just a normal Nerdfighter, I was laughing like crazy. I'm glad that you know that I'm normal now. xD

I saw your Pokemon battle video. It was cute. :3

Edward Cullen? Really. That's interesting. xD

I liked all of your videos last week. It was nice to see all of your BEAUTIFUL faces. *lurks*

EDIT ----
Next time you read from me, it will be November 2nd. So, I hope that all of you have a WONDROUS Halloween and a great first day of NaNoWriMo! I know that I still need to plan for that...

Song of the Day: Lupin's Tale by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling *is slow*

Well, I'm being way too distracted today. So, AU REVOIR! Winona, I shall read you tomorrow.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jess decides what the theme this week will be

So, I've been spending a good amount of time trying to come up with a theme for this week. (By a good amount of time, I mean the past ten minutes. I'm busy.) And I still have no idea. So I'm going to write this post as usual, and hopefully by the end, there will be a theme.

I just got back from my Confirmation prep thing, and I found out the funniest thing.

My teacher (hate her) handed out this paper that told us when we were going to be confirmed (February 24) and then the name of the bishop who is confirming us. His name?

Edward Cullen.

XDDDDDD. I kid you not, that is his name. This was a perfect experiment actually. You could tell who actually read the paper like we were supposed to and who didn't, simply by seeing who had to hold back their laughter.

I'm so bragging to my friends that I'm getting confirmed by a sparkly vampire.

I've been talking to my mom about the Yule Ball, and it seems like she's cool with it. It's very likely that I am going. I am super excited, because Yule Balls are a big deal, and there will be tons of wrock bands there (by tons, I mean six, but still).

AH! Just thought of the theme. Book references in real life. BAM.

So, obviously, my most recent book references in real life have been Harry Potter and Twilight related.

Actually, just thought of another. I just found out that my school library has Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse (the first book in the Bran Hambric series by Kaleb Nation). So I went and asked the librarian if she knew that the sequel came out recently; she didn't. SO, short story long, my school is going to have Bran Hambric: The Specter Key soon, all thanks to me.

Now, to break away from the theme a little: I am getting sick and tired of balloons. The entire eighth grade is doing this huge hot air balloon project. In science, we built hot air balloons (about 8 feet in circumference) out of tissue paper, and next Monday, we are being graded on how well they float in the air. I think that my group did pretty well, and I like the way that the balloon looks (it is dark blue, light blue, black, and lime green). In English, we have to write an essay on the history of balloons or something, and unfortunately, this assignment will carry over into November, when I need to write more important things. Lastly, in Math, on the day that the balloons are going to be launched, we have to calculate how high they go up or something. All I know is that it is Trigonometry level stuff, and although we are advanced for our age, we aren't THAT advanced.

Woah big paragraph.

I don't have time to address all of your videos individually, but I must say, I loved all of them.

Also, Winona, my irl friends for some reason wanted to say things to you, so...

1. Shannon says you're the love of her life.
2. Jen says, "Guten Tag!" (She's taking German right now as her language, and I swear that's the only thing she's learned in the past seven or so weeks of school)
3. Monica says hi.

Um. Ignore them. They're strange. Actually, no. Don't ignore them. They want some sort of response from you. Why you over the other girls, I'm not sure. But yeah.

Erm. The theme is book references in real life. Preferably something that has happened recently, but it can be a story from however long ago you want. Hopefully this theme is satisfactory :)

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bridget did this Friday and shtuff, but just forgot to post it!

I actually did this and uploaded it and stuff on Friday, but then being the tired dingleberry I am, I forgot to post it here. (FAIL) Anyways, here it is. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, October 21, 2010



So, my Thursday was so eventful, it's not even funny, allow me to explain:

WARNING: I don't know why but the sound and video is out of sync...i tried redoing it without the mic, but it was still out of sync so I just posted the original - SORRY! :(

Sorry for uploading so late but...yeah....busyyyy

Can't wait to see your vid tomorrow, Bridget!!

- Sanja

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

... This is just weird. I mean, seriously.

It's not the best quality but enjoy it anyway (:

See you tomorrow,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Annica makes an awesome video...

...considering the fact that she did no editing at all.

So...this week's post is definitely more interesting than usual. It's not going to be the best video of the week, I can assure you, but I'd say that it's pretty good for being my first video and being shot in one take. However, I'm not sure, because as I said in my video, I did not watch this over. O:

And, surprisingly, it was just as long as Jess's video. I can't believe I talked for ten minutes! o:

Though this wasn't the greatest experience in the art of vlogging, I definitely would not be opposed to making more videos. :3

I hope you liked my voice (lol Jess)! :D Though, according to my friends, it is more high pitched and "fake" than usual. O:

Winona, I'll see you Tomorrow.



Monday, October 18, 2010

Jess starts this week with a LONG VIDEO.

So... erm... Even though that was 10 minutes of footage, I somehow failed to mention the most important part. Today marks the beginning of themes here on Nerdily Ever After! This week's theme is make a vlog instead of a blog. We are not all required to make our videos the maximum length that YouTube allows you to upload. No, that's just me.


I could address your posts, but meh. I don't feel like it.

...Just kidding.


NaNoNerdfighters has officially begun! I started a thread about it on the Nerdfighter forum, and someone has already joined. So yay! Check out what I've done with it:

Also, I am very much looking forward to those long complain-y posts. November shall be fun and stressful.


Lovely idea about the theme. I can't wait to see your video on Wednesday!


Hmmm... Punishments are not necessary... Yet. Remember that secret project that I mentioned a while ago? My first clue about it is that punishments pay a role in it.


I said this in the video, but I really really liked your new video! Also, I is EXTREMELY excited about NaNoWriMo. Also stressed. Extremely stressed. But I guess that's how November will be for the rest of my life, because I don't plan on stopping doing NaNo.

And... I could ask a question now, but no. I'm kind of tired. SO yeah.

Annica... I'll read AND see you tomorrow! :))))

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bridget records a HORROR SHORT?

I saw that Sanja posted yesterday, so I decided to wait and post today. ((: Everyone winsss!

Yes that's write. (PUN) I had to put out a video today and I'm currently working on five, with none of them done. SO, instead of doing something NOT funny on the ball. I decided to do some purposely not funny, and instead more scary and on the ball. I think it turned on pretty good, even though I don't usually do scarier stuff.

In other news: Is anyone else excited for NaNo?
In other news: I'm exhausted. Sorry about the short post.
In other news: I think the theme week is a good idea! Any preferences on what our first theme week should be?

Jess: So jealous of all these cons and such you're going to! I watched the videos and yeah, I could clearly see you. AWESOME POSSUM! My favourite band right now would have to be... Passion Pit. 8D
Annica: You ARE the Harry Potter master! 8D Wow, make sure to take a picture of your costume, I most definitely want to see that!
Winona: Haha, yeah a teenage life isn't always super exciting. BUT there are some good times. <3
Sanja: Don't worry about it! ((:

By the way, I'm going as Mighty Mouse for Halloween. ((: Just, y'know, FYI.

Jess, I'll read you on Monday.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Hey Guys,

I'm so so SO sorry I missed yesterday's blog post!! I've been so busy with applications, homework, tests, and last night there was this info sesh that I had to go to so I literally didn't even come home 'till really late so again, I am EXTREMELY sorry for not fulfilling my duties.

I would post today, but that would not be fair to Bridget so instead I'm just stating that if you deem that I must be punished, I will comply. And really quickly, I do agree with the theme week idea.

See you next week on thursday,

- Sanja

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In which Winona tries to stay awake.

Hello girls, it's Wednesday and it's 12am in the morning and I am extremely tired.
I got up at 9am today because I wanted to catch my father before he went out. It's his birthday today and I didn't want to congratulate him at ... I don't know 11pm haha.
I have holidays for two weeks now and I guess I am going to spend them at home doing nothing because I'm such a boring person. No, not really but I didn't plan anything for those two weeks.
My last week has been alright, actually. You know, as a fifteen-year-old your life isn't that exciting unless your name is Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber. So I've been reflecting the impressions and thoughts I collected while staying in Poland two weeks ago and now I'm sitting at home, watching tv and eating chocolate cake. DELICIOUS. SO MEGA DELICIOUS.

I'm really tired so before I possibly fall asleep I'm going to adress your posts.

Sanja - I find me talking to myself SO often. Usually in school when walking from one class to my next. I usually ask myself if I did my homework, if I have my book with me or I sing a song to calm down because school life is stressing. I think it's funny when people think you're talking to them and answer questions you ask yourself. That happens to me quiet alot to be honest haha.

Bridget - GET WELL SOON BRIDGET! I hope you already feel better. <3
I get angry when people use "gay" or "retarted" as an insult and if I hear someone using those "insults" I tell them to not do that again. I think using those words as an insult is unnecessary but some people just don't get it AND IT MAKES ME SO MAD.

Jess - YOU MAKE ME SO SO SO SO SO JEALOUS. Ahhhhh, you've seen them again. Next time you see themlive give them my kind regards! But it's awesome you had a great time at that concert and alot of fun. Personally, I also think it's stupid to dislike a band just because they become more popular and gain more fans. I will always support my favourite bands no matter how famous they become/are. To answer your question, I LOVE many bands but my favourite will always be The Beatles. <3 But I love so many various bands. :)

Annica - Ah, I'm not the only one rereading the Potter series to be prepared for the next film. I'm now in the middle of book two and I'm genuine that I'm going to be able to read all the books in time. I'm not decorating for Halloween but we're going to eat pumpkin-, broom- and bat-shaped noodles on the 31st I have found in a drugstore last week. They look cute so I hope to remember to take a photo of them to show you all.

So, my question for this week is:
How about a theme week for next week?
I'd suggest something like a rolemodel week, where everyone is writing about their rolemodel or a poem week, where we're all writing a poem or a youtube week where we are going to make a video instead of writing a blog post. I don't know, if you have any suggestions let me know.
It would be great if you could comment on this blog post girls, to let me know if you'd be interested.

Taking a nap now or something. Over and out.


Currently watching: "Single Father" with David Tennant. He's so freakin' handsome.
Current mood:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Annica is the Harry Potter MASTER.

Hello girls! Today is the eighth Tuesday of Nerdily Ever After!

I had an idea of what I wanted to write about today, but in the usual fashion, my brain decided to just get rid of that idea.

So, while I think of what to write, I shall tell you more about Halloween. I've finally decided who I'm going to dress up as. Nymphadora Tonks! I have nearly everything for this costume already at home, so I thought it would be easy and fun. Plus, I decided that I can use the costume again for the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'm quite excited!

Right now, I'm rereading the entire Harry Potter series in preparation for the movie. There are six weeks left, and I've already nearly finished the first book, so I am almost positive that I can do it. Rereading the books is like hanging out with an old friend. It's so comfortable and easy. It just makes me feel at home.

Over the summer, one of my best friends deciding to read the books after seeing how freakishly obsessed with them I was (he's the second one I've converted into Potterism *successful*). He's now just as obsessed as I am. However, he claims to know more and that I am a just a phony fan. He's constantly quizzing me on Facebook about random trivia. He claims that he knows more than me. And to that, I say:

Pfff. Like he's a better fan that I am.
Anywaaaaay, I don't really have anything else to talk about this week. School is providing me with a lot to do, but is otherwise rather uninteresting. The only interesting thing going on in my personal life is that we are remodeling our kitchen and that we decorated for Halloween. Next month, though, I'm sure that you'll be attacked with long posts about how miserable and busy and stressed I am with everything I have planned. So look forward to that. xD


I'm glad that you had fun on your trip. It sounds like you had a lovely time. :3 That picture you posted is super darling. Sometimes, owls are creepy, but definitely not in that picture. >w<>


I talk to myself, too. It's mostly when I'm at home, though. If I ever talk to myself in public, it's a whisper that only I can hear. But at home, it's like I'm my own best friend or something. I talk to myself a lot. xD

Also, Happy late Canadian Thanksgiving!


It bothers me to no end when people use the words 'retarded' and 'gay' in a discriminatory way. I find it unnecessary and rude. People just give the impression of being immature and ignorant when they use those words in the way that they use them. If a teacher was saying it, I wouldn't know what to do. I just know I'd be quite irritated at it. Anyway, I hope that you are feeling much better, and that you had a good Thanksgiving! :3


It sounds like you had a lot of fun! I watched the WoW Ruined My Life video and I could see you in the background. :3 My favourite band, as of right now, would have to be ALL CAPS as well. But it usually changes every month or so. I'm a wishy-washy person. xD
Oh! Do you need any help with NaNoNerdfighters? o:

Song of the Day: Trainers in Love by ALL CAPS
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Emotion of the Day:

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow!

- Annica

Monday, October 11, 2010

Jess knows a place, where the pixel count is higher...

Hey girls, it’s Monday!

I have much excitement to tell you all about.

First of all, on Friday, I was at the Triple Rainbow Awesome Tour show in Philadelphia, PA. (Well, Ardmore. But it’s really close to Philly) The crowd was just amazing. They (I assume ALL CAPS) are getting really popular, and I love that. I’m not one of those people that will stop liking them just because they have more fans. Anyway, Mike Lombardo announced the official number of people who were there. 70 people bought their tickets in advance. (My dad, stepmom, and I were three of them) And 74 more people paid at the door.

144 people in a really freaking small coffee shop.

I was trying to guess what order the bands would perform, and I was wrong. I thought it would go: Mike, Alex, Jason, ALL CAPS. It really was: Jason, Mike, Alex, ALL CAPS.
I unfortunately did not take any pictures with any of the bands, but I really only wanted to take a picture with Mike, and he comes down to Philly all the time, so I’ll get another chance to do that eventually. I did, however, get to talk to everyone a lot. I also got a ton of footage, some of which I included in a video:

Also, Luke put up a video on his channel of him and Kristina performing “World of Warcraft Ruined My Life,” and you can CLEARLY SEE ME. Well, not clearly. But you can so totally see me. Check it out. (Hint: I’m on the right, next to the orange light thing, behind-ish Kristina, wearing black.)

I don’t have much else to say about that concert. But I HAVE MORE TO SAY ABOUT ANOTHER.

I am quite possibly going to Short Notice Con on Saturday (aka Lauren/Whompy/JFF’s “This Star Won’t Go Out: A Tour for Esther” show in Mt. Laurel, NJ). My mom has yet to officially decide, but she is pretty cool about these things, and as long as we don’t have some sort of mandatory thing planned or a huge disaster hits us, I’m going. The fact that it is called Short Notice Con just makes it more exciting. It will most likely not be any more awesome than any of the other shows, but this one is at a HOTEL. YESSS. It’s like Infinitus, but not.

Not at all, really. Only three bands and much less people and no Harry Potter theme park. BUT STILL.

I’m extremely lucky to get to go to all of these fun things. I think it’s weird that my dad gets all grouchy about the concerts and stuff, because I’m always being told that I need to go out and do stuff instead of just sitting in my room all day. Like, hang out with friends, or something. But that’s exactly what these concerts are; hanging out with friends I’ve never met.

I’m listening to DFTBA radio hour (episode #59) and I really like it. I need to listen to more of these.

Now, to address your posts!


My favorite holiday is definitely Halloween. Apparently I’ve always loved Halloween, because my mom says that when I was little, I always demanded that she read the Halloween picture books to me as my bedtime story, even if it was May or something. My dad says it was the same at his house. My stepmom and I decorate for Halloween starting on September 1, but we kind of cheated this year and started on August 30 :P
This year for Halloween, I’m not exactly sure what we’re doing. My family usually has this party thing, but no one can come. So, I don’t know. I also am not sure what I’m going to be for Halloween, but I think I want it to be some sort of Harry Potter reference, because I have a wand from the Wizarding World that I’m just dying to use for something.


OMG OWL. Owls are adorable :) I have a stuffed one, his name is Nathan. I’m glad that your trip was awesome!


I sometimes talk to myself, but I actually have found that I do something weirder. This is a totally new development, because I never remember doing this before, but… Sometimes I make sound effects when I do things. *cringe* Like, if I throw something, I make a small sound effect. You can really only hear it if you are right next to me. But yeah.

I love when people talk to themselves and then complain when someone else talks to themselves. I mean, if one person is allowed to do it, then everyone should.


Oh my God, I so would’ve openly complained about that teacher using the word “retarded.” If someone uses the word gay or retarded, I will openly stare at them judgementally and demand that they take it back and I lecture them like crazy. I’ve gotten my two best friends to stop, and my other friends get annoyed when I do that, but they’re going to have to deal with it. (Also, sadface that you’re sick! Hopefully you feel better soon, if not already!)

To everyone: Happy National Coming Out Day / Canadian Thanksgiving / Columbus Day! Today is a pretty important day. Cool.

My question for all of you: Favorite/Favourite* band? (Mine would be ALL CAPS)

Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

*RAWR RAWR FOREIGN SPELLING. There you go, Bridget, with your strange extra “u” in words ;)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bridget is ill.

URGH. I've stayed home for the last few days from a stomach virus thing. Not too pleasant.

I'm really not feeling up to writing a huge post today (sorry girls, but the sickness has taken me over like A GIANT SQUID OF ANGER RAAHHAHsajlgaois). But I do have a question for you:
In today's culture (don't I sound professional) a lot of people use words like "gay" and "retarded". I, personally, don't like it. Alas, I can't really combat against all of these kids (my peers) saying it. However, there's something that bothers me. One of my TEACHERS uses the word "retarded" in class to describe things, the same derogatory way teenagers use it. (I.E "Oh that's so retarded!") (I'm using parentheses a lot). SO, my question is, would this bother you? I know it bothers me, but what can I do? I'm at a new school, and supposedly he's being doing this for years, so I don't think standing up to it is the best option.


Okay, I'll respond to posts next time. Have a good weekend (long, for some of us), and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Jess, I'll read you on Monday. ((:

{Edit: Why is it saying that I posted this on Saturday. WHHHHHHHHY~ *giant squid of anger*}

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Talking to yourself doesn't mean your crazy!.....right?

Hello everyone!

I can't believe it's already Thursday! I'm having one of those weird days though when I know it's Thursday but feel like it's Friday....I actually came on this site to read Bridget's blog before I realized I hadn't done mine yet :P

So, I do this thing a lot. And I'm sure most people have done it every once in a while. When you're by yourself at home, it's okay because you can keep your secret safe. But when others start hearing you at school, things become...awkward....I am of course talking to you about the "Talking-to-Yourself Phenomenon"

Most people experience this phenomenon only in their minds or sometimes when they're home alone. But not me! Oh no! I talk to myself so much and in very random ways too! Allow me to explain:

1. When I am doing homework, particularly math, I will walk myself through the work out loud. My excuse is that talking/hearing things helps me learn, but that's kind of hard to the person sitting beside you in the library.

2. I have debates with myself. Mostly in my mind. Not always. I have very many viewpoints that get voiced through these discussions, but they mostly just annoy me because when I realize how loud I'm getting and that I'm talking to myself, I feel like I've been wasting time.

3. The halls are the best place in my mind for self-whispers, songs, etc. The hallways in my school are super crowded and I don't always feel like the most social person in the world as I'm walking through the grade eights to get to my locker so I will often end up having discussions with myself or even more commonly I will start singing random songs to myself. The latest example was my walking down the halls, hearing someone burst out saying "you're such a freak" and so I start singing "Cause I'm a freeakk. I'm a weirdooo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.." <- And if you don't know that song then you should search up the lyrics on google or something.

Anyways, yeah. Do you guys talk to yourselves too? Tell me one thing that amuses you about you or others talking to themselves.

The one thing that doesn't really amuse so much as annoy me, is when I'm having an annoyed rant or anything like that and I say "you know what I mean?" It's like, OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN, I AM YOU!!!

Right, we'll stop the overflow of weird right there and get to the replies:

I love your homemade green screen - that is some skill right there! And I'm not sure yet if I'm doing supernote. If I do it, it'll just be the most embarrassing note ever due to my lack of lung capacity! But at the same time I really wanna join the Vlogbrothers team!

I definitely don't use "blah" for a good day like that, but that's okay - to each his own! And GAWD I love the AVPM/AVPS songs so much too! I kind of really want to get a group together to dress up in AVPS quidditch gear and sing the quidditch song - SOMEBODY'S GOING DOWN SOMEBODY'S GOING DOWWWNNNN! IT AIN'T GONNA BE US!

I am definitely also a huge fan of holiday season because it's got all the most amazing days stockpiled into 3ish months! I'm going to say that my favourite holiday MONTH is December because 1. MY BDAY!; 2. NO SCHOOL!; 3. CHRISTMAS!; and 4. NEW YEARS!!!
It`s a big party month I think :P
And I still don`t have a costume for halloween!! For the actual night of though, I`ll probably end up with some friends either watching scary movies or handing out candy to little kids or trick-or-treating ourselves (we`re not too old, right??)

I`m glad you had a good trip though! And I definitely sing everywhere I go too! You just can`t stop the melody once it enters your soul :P

Alrighty then, that`s all for now! I will write to you next Thursday and I can`t wait to read all of your posts until then :)

Current Mood Song: Bad by Michael Jackson
Currently Reading: Great Gatsby and Brave New World
Currently Excited for: Whiteout themed school dance in two weeks :D

Read ya tomorrow, Bridget!

- Sanja

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You're a ... no, no swearing today.


Hello girls,

it's Winona, it's me, it's Ms Wednesday.

I'm finally back and I'm in the mood to write a long blog post for you guys tonight.
I think that before I start rambling about pointless things I'm gonna show you the CUTEST. THING. EVER.

Look at this:

I want to have an owl. I'd name it Sean.

Ok, so last week I went to Poland to visit the concentration camps in Auschwitz and Birkenau. It was really impressive and I still can't find the right words to describe this experience.
Besides this negative aspect of the trip it was awesome. We had so much fun and Cracow is a nice town. And everything's cheap over there, it's mad. We watched Polish tv and they also have those soap operas every country seems to have but theirs are really boring. I didn't understood a word but the acting was terrible and the girls wore too much make-up. And the guys looked like Justin Bieber. Which is not good. No.
Anyways, on Sunday I've been to a very very very very good concert. August Burns Red, Of Mice & Men and Blessthefall. Post-Hardcore bands. LOVELOVELOVE.
It was great and I got to hold hands with Beau Bokan for about 10 seconds!
Annica asked what we are doing for Halloween so... I am dressing up as Alicia Simmons. But my hair colour won't match. (OH I DIDN'T TELL YOU YET, HAVE I? I'm dyeing my hair bright red again on Monday. AHH. ) Well yeah, I'm dressing up as her and I'm gonna have a fun time with my family because me an my mum usually sit home together, dress up and watch Halloween movies. It's lovely, believe me!

Adressing the posts:

Sanja - My favourite song from a musical would be "Rent" from "Rent". It brings me into a good mood every time I hear it. I can't even explain why, I just enjoy it very much!

Bridget - I liked the idea of the ten facts v much, so much that I'm gonna do my own in a minute :) I also love your green screen thingy, looking forward for a lot of awkward videos! :D

Jess - "Blah" days are the best, seriously. The best days are the days you can't really describe! :)
I wish I could read The Specter Key but I can't buy things on the internet. Now go and yell at my mum and not at me! :(

Annica - I adressed your post above, don't think I have to repeat it, do I? :D

As I mentioned above I liked Bridgets ten facts thing. So I'm gonna steal idea and do my own.

10 facts about me:

10. I'm dyeing my hair quite alot, the colours that suit me best are brown and red.
9. I don't like make-up but I'm using it anyway.
8. I have been mentioned in a rap song. (It's a German one, so I can't show you :()
7. I have a girl crush on Hayley Williams, Alicia Simmons and Gielle Carlile.
6. Turns out my ex-boyfriend is now gay. (That had nothing to do with me he promised. XD)
5. I love hardcore and metal music. Those, and alternative rock, are my favourite styles of music.
4. My favourite body part is my eyebrows. (Don't ask. They're just... pretty awesome.)
3. I sing everywhere. No matter where I am. Except in the shower because my parents could hear me.
2. I have danced to N*Sync in school... and I messed up.
1. My best friend is the best friend of all best friends in the best friends world.

So, that's it.


I'll read you tomorrow, Sanja!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Annica talks holidays.

Hello, ladies. It's the seventh Tuesday of Nerdily Ever After.

I keep forgetting that I have to write a blog today. All day I've had that feeling that I'm forgetting something important. Then I remember that it is Tuesday. Ha.

I honestly don't have anything to say today. There isn't something significant happening in my life right now, good or bad. Well, my dad did surprise me with an iPod yesterday (he is awesome :3)>

So, I guess I'll talk about HALLOWEEN. It's getting to that time of year when you pull out the decorations and aren't rid of them until January. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. BAM BAM BAM. (Is my family the only who decorates for Thanksgiving? Are we just weird or something?) It's the holiday season, finally.

I really love the months of October - December. Not just for the holidays (and my birthday), but because they seem to be the most interesting to me. Plus, I just love wearing hats and scarves.

Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to be for Halloween yet. I have played with the ideas of being a Firebender, a ninja, Amy Pond, a Ravenclaw, Tonks, a Greek Goddess, and a murderous. Those are a lot of ideas, I know. I'll figure it out, eventually. I am planning on going to the Wizard Rock Halloween Party in Portland that Lauren Fairweather is going to be at, though. Should be fun.

Question: What is your favorite holiday? What are you doing for Halloween?

I hope that you had a wondrous trip and that you're doing well!

I'm sorry! I'll be happy now! *smiles* See?! HAPPY. :D
My favourite songs from a musical are Toxic (from Glee), Not Alone (AVPM), Defying Gravity (Wicked), and pretty much every Disney song. There are more, I'm sure. Just can't think of them right now.

I am NOT participating in Supernote. I practiced, and only made it up to about thirteen seconds every time. *fails*
I used to something similar to the RAGHDGIJfnosadfn Technique (TM) when I was younger. I would take a walk, pull leaves off of trees, and rip them up into little pieces while thinking about the person/thing that was making me upset. Quite effective, I must say.

"Blah" is a good way to describe things. It's not necessarily bad, like you said, just "blah". I get what you're saying. :3

Song of the Day: Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by Jo Rowling (reread for the movie!)
Excited for: Halloween and updating my new iPod.

Winona, I'll read you tomorrow.

- Annica

Monday, October 4, 2010

Jess is just kind of blah. (But in a good way!)

Now, normally when someone says that their day has been "blah," it is a bad thing. But I am quite ABNORMAL, so I am not going against that. My day can only be accurately described as "blah," but it was, in fact, quite a good day.

My dad and stepmom recently decided that I can go to the Triple Rainbow Awesome Tour stop in Ardmore, PA. And I am so excited you don't even know. I've met Kristina and Luke before, but it will be my first time seeing Alex, Mike, and Jason. My dad is not extremely happy about the concert. I think he is expecting it to be the worst thing in the world. Hopefully his expectations aren't met, because I will definitely want to go to more Nerdfighter-y concerts.

In the mail today, I got the book that I have been waiting a long time for, Bran Hambric: The Specter Key by Kaleb Nation. If you haven't heard of him, Kaleb is a YouTuber, Blogger, and Author. He is one of my favorite authors. Anyway, I haven't even started the book yet, because I don't want to read it too fast. But I should probably get started, because I have a book project due on the 15th that I plan to do on it.

The only bad part of this day was going to my Catholic religious class thing. My teacher is really mean and grumpy and old, and I hate her with a burning passion. Tonight, we learned about the differences between the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity and the rest of Christianity. One of the highlights of my night was when she was totally wrong on one point. I didn't bring it up, but just the satisfaction of knowing she was completely wrong was enough. She said that Catholics are the only Christians that have communion every Sunday. Which is a bunch of crap. My dad and stepmom are Lutheran, and I go to their church a lot, and they have communion every Sunday too. So my teacher was wrong. And it made me happy because I hate her.

I'm about to watch The Event with my mom now, so let me address your posts:


When I'm in a bad mood, I rewatch some of my favorite YouTube videos, especially fiveawesomegirls videos. They make me happy.


Can't wait to hear about your trip!


Favorite song from a musical? Hmmmm... Do YouTube musicals count? If so, then every single song from AVPM. Yes.


*is also possibly doing Supernote*


Annica, I'll read you tomorrow!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bridget bought a screen that is green!

So I had today off from eschoola, and I decided that I WAS GOING TO SET UP A GREEN SCREEN GAWSH DARNIT! Basically, I went to FabricLand and bought me a twenty two dollar, two meter long piece of green fabric, which I tacked onto the wall (I'll take it down after I finish the video I'm shooting). It's sized nicely, but unfortunately I'm using iMovie 09', so it works but it doesn't work PERFECTLY. There are these little fuzzies around me and the corners of the video and sometimes on me which is bothersome. I did some research and have read that Final Cut Pro is the BESTEST program to use. However, that is very expensive, so I might have to make due with iMovie for now and ask Santie Claws for Final Cut Pro for Christmas.

MOVING ON: Speaking of Youtube, who is participating in the Supernote Contest? (Link: *raises hand* I for sure am. Being the Youtube fan-girl I am, I had a really tough time when it came to who's team I was going to be on. I mean, Shane Dawson? Shay Carl? LiveLavaLive? MeekaKitty? THE VLOG BROTHERS? However, I made my decision. You must understand, I am an active and dedicated member of Nerdfighteria. However, my alliance goes to Shay Carl. Shay Carl is my inspiration, and one of the first Youtubers that really got me interested in the whole shebang. So, I'm sorry Nerdfighteria. Please forgive me.


Jess - I understand the unproductive-ness feeling. I get like that too. Hope you enjoy your rest!

Annica - When I'm not in a good mood, I'll generally lie down and listen to music, meditate, write, or if I'm really angry/upset, I use what I like to call the RAGHDGIJfnosadfn Technique (TM). Here's how you do it:
1. Find pen.
2. Find scrap paper.
3. Scribble violently on paper.
4. Tear paper up into pieces.
5. Throw paper away.
And THAT my friends was the RAGHDGIJfnosadfn Technique (TM). I hope you get out of your funk! ((: *throws cookies at you with a smile*

Jess - Thanks for posting! Winona, I hope you're having an excellent time in Poland!

Sanja - I thought Glee was great, except for the fact that the plot didn't go anywhere, and it really was pretty lazy writing. They weren't very creative when it comes to why they were singing, but the singing was great. Especially Toxic, although crazy Fro' boy really freaked me out. Somebody is repressed. My favourite song from a musical has got to be... "For Some Doll" from "Guy's and Doll's" ( I preformed in this musical and I just loved it so much. Plus I think it's such a sweet song. ((:

Current Mood Song: Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom (look it up on Youtube)
Currently Reading: Will Grayson, Will Grayson (STILL trying to get into this book), & Animal Farm.
Currently Excited for: Skyping with my boyfriend (who lives back in Europe, if I didn't mention that beforehand) in... half an hour. :*

Followers? Do us a big favor and COMMENT PLZ. ((: Thank you!

Jess, I'll read you on Monday. Have an AWESOME weekend everyone!